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Watts Franklin Crip GanG

CeFo you hit me up on AOL IM Chat, read the rulez First...

1.) iF u even start askin me that a/s/l shit, i Will FuCcin Give u a verbal beatinG! FaCe it, What the point oF askin? We ain't Gonna meet... ain't neva Gonna Ce eaCh otha or probaly even email or talC to eaCh otha aGain... i don't Want to knoW yo azz...

2.) iF u hit me up, and u knoW Who i Was, Cuase u Ceen dis paGe, and ask me What i Claim, even thouGh u Ceen dis paGe... i Will Give u an even biGGer verbal beatinG.

3.) don't even botha hittin me up iF u a bKusta, Cuase yo ass Will Ce Found out...

4.) iF u hit me up, don't post one Word at a mothaFuCcin time... it's FuCcin annoyin and i'll CloCc u quiCc!

That'z it Fo noW...

above piC, i put up Tookie Fo y'all. any true Crip knoW Who Tookie is...

The oFFiCial DanGerous ReCordz site is noW up. CliC link CeloW!!! Enter DanGerous ReCords

Enter ChroniC~LoC'z CribK

shotz 2 WFCG, GsW, AGC, AdCG, CCG, bCG, ETG, JOCG, ICC/ICN, all true Crips WorldWide.....

ThroW up dem C'z!

the messaGe bKoard is up... Cee linkz CeloW (Fo true Crips only... bustaz Will Ce terminated 1st time, iF you Come CaC, i Will ban yo pC Ip From ever postin aGain, and you'll never Ce able to post From Where you live... this is Fo true Crips only!) (you'll have to siGn up First, in order to post..)

shit'z that in the Workz: a neW G-bK... everyone in the old one is playin Wit my name and baby~loC'z name... so i took it doWn... i'm Gonna have to Celete it... When i Get the neW shit up, I'll tell the true Cripz Where it's at... The linC to it Will not Ce posted here at all... this is basiCally like an invitation only booK.... Y'all Can email me iF you Want to post in it, Cut you Gonna have prove you Crip CeFo i let you post in it... so don't even try iF u a bKusta or a niGGa or White bKoy that have no liFe and is just postin on here to Contain yoselF... iF We suspeCt KKK in ya or rival GanG in ya, u Won't Ce Given the linC oF Course... i Got striCt rulez and am tired oF dis shit Goin on in this damn Web... Cut i Got some true blue Cripz on here (there's feW, Cuase most ppz on here is str8 bKusta), i Got some trued up blued up soldierz that still Want to netWork on here and shit, and y'all FuC it up Fo us.... so i Got to do this in order to have this shit set str8... That's it and my last update Fo a While...

Here's the Guy Who'z Ceen playin Wit our namez and tell in me not to Celete his shit...

He posts as: O'Neil

His knoWn ip addys:


We'll post the trace results later or on the messaGe bKoard. I'm Celetin the old G-bK...

Cee y'all ppz that do that thinC us Cripz are stupid niGGaz huh... We ain't the dumb ones mothaFuCcaz, you are! We Gonna traCe yo ip and Whatever soldier We Got near ya, We Gone send em to yo ass! (I don't lie... We done this shit CeFo...)

Don't FuC Wit me!

diz paGe Was made 9/1/98

diz paGe Was last updated 12/09/03 @ 1:30p.m.

NizzeWz: None, just the text aCove...

iF you Got AOL IM, my handle is: ChroniC LoC

iF i don't talk to y'all (u knoW Who u is, my homies), Happy Cripmas!


WFCG mezzaGe bKoard!!!! (all neW!!)
siCcmade ReCordz
O.G Undertaker'z paGe
ClaCc Market ReCordz
Murder DoG 'zine
ThiCcer Than Water
barrio boyz (paGe still doWn)
searCh Crip, Find loot
shoot em' up reCordz
Loud ReCordz
