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     Hello people. As some of you may have realized, I'm going 'round trying to update this badboy, ten years after the fact (that is, ten years after I created the site). I don't know really know for sure the details surrounding Kurt Cobain's death, but apparently when I was in middle school, I believed he was murdered. And who the hell doesn't love a good conspiracy theory? I encourage the lot of you to e-mail me on anything you might know about said theory. Now that I am a junior in college, I am all about "facts" and "factoids", but, you know, that's just me. My goal is to re-write the following article to make it sound more professional and less like a 7th grade project report. But all in due time...HERE'S THE DAMNED ARTICLE, IN IT'S ORIGINAL STATE, AS WRITTEN, BY ME, 10 YEARS AGO, WHEN I WAS A WEE CHILD, only now I've corrected the spelling:
     Many of you know that Kurt Cobain shot himself in April of 1994. It was a sad day for Kurt Cobain and Nirvana fans everywhere. Even some people took it so hard that they copied Kurt and killed themselves. And even the fans that didn't do something so extreme grieved night and day for their lost hero. But what if it didn't have to be that way? What if all those copycat suicides were in vain? What if Kurt Cobain was murdered?
     Recently, there have been many questions, brought up by a number of people, surrounding the Kurt Cobain suicide. What questions you ask? Well, why weren't any fingerprints found on the gun Kurt Cobain used to shoot himself? I don't know about you guys, but I find a lot of things wrong with that picture. A dead guy can't actually get up and wipe his fingerprints off the gun he just used to kill himself. Also, Kurt handled the gun before the incident so one would think there would be some fingerprints on it. Well, there wasn't.
      Still think that one little question can't mean murder? Well, here's another one. Can dead men pull triggers? Think about it, Kurt was dead or paralized way before that trigger was pulled. How, you ask? One word. Heroin. Kurt had so much heroin in his blood when they found his body that even the most heroin addicted person would have died or, at the least, been paralyzed. Kurt Cobain was no exception. Someone had to have killed him, or at least, killed him again.
     Still not convinced? Well, what about El Duce? Who is he? Well, he claimed to have been offered $50,000 to kill Kurt Cobain. He even passed a lie detector test reguarding his claims. And who did he say offered him the money to kill off one of the best musicians the earth has ever known? Well, of course, the worst musician the world had it's misfortune of knowing. Yep, you guessed it. Courtney Love. Well wasn't she his wife? Sure, but that doesn't stop some women from killing their husbands. Later, El Duce was found dead. Was someone trying to get rid of the information he knew?
     What about motive? What motive did Courtney Love have? Well, money of course. Kurt was making a lot of money, more money than Courtney was making. And Kurt wasn't a sell-out. Therefore, he was getting offered money and wasn't taking it. That'd make Courtney mad. Hell, that'd make anyone of us mad. But mad enough to kill? I hope not.
     But they were married, wouldn't Courtney Love see all the money Kurt was making, anyways? No, because Kurt filed for a divorce. Kurt wanted a divorce. They had been having marital problems. Big marital problems. Problems that required the police to get involved. The Cobains had called the police a number of times months before Kurt died. When of those calls involved Kurt locked up in a room with a shot gun fearing Courtney would hurt him. Bottem line: Courtney was about to get a divorce from her rich husband. Isn't that motive?
     I'm not trying to say that Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain. I don't really know what happened. Maybe Kurt Cobain killed himself. Maybe someone else killed Kurt Cobain. I don't know. All I'm saying is that we really need to think about what happened. Labeling his death a suicide by the King County Police was a little premature. I think that they need to reopen the case and investigate a little this time. Still convinced it's an open and shut case of suicide? Go look at this site. It's a Tom Grant site and provides a lot of information. Think truth never comes out of The Web? Well, I highly recommend the movie "Kurt & Courtney." Avalible at your local video store. That movie brings up way more questions than seen here and provides a lot of information on the life of Kurt Cobain. I give it ****. Go watch it. Happy viewings.

