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Welcome to the Ultimate Chrstina Aguilera Webpage!! This site has just opened up.

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The Lyrics are in the Multimedia section!

Here's a Message from Christina:
"Hey everyone! Well, by now you may have heard my single "Genie In A
Bottle". Finally!! It's on the radio! I was so excited the first time I
heard it! It was wierd--but so incredible!! I hope you guys like it! My
album will be out soon as well. I can't wait!

I want to tell you all just how much I appreciate your support! I can't
believe all the sweet people that I've heard from that are behind me! Thank
you so much for being there for me!!! You all are the greatest!! And Lou,
thank you for going to all the trouble to do this website. I really
appreciate it. And to all from whom I've received fanmail--if you don't get
an answer back quickly, please don't ever think I don't appreciate it, or
that I don't ever read it. I do! I want you all to know how much it means to
me, and that you are always in my thoughts even though so often my schedule
doesn't allow me to respond as quickly or as often as I'd like to.
Well, I've been working hard but enjoying it. Things are going really well.
It won't be long now until the single and album are in stores. I don't know
about you, but I can't wait!! It will be a dream come true to see my CD on
store shelves! I'm so psyched!

Well, thank you all again. I can't do it without you. I don't know what I
did to deserve you all! Thanks for being there.

Christina "
Here's a Message from Shelly [Christina's Mom]:
"Hi everybody! I appreciate having the chance just to tell everyone who has
taken the time to email or write to Christina or I that I think you all are
wonderful people. I am so touched by all the sweet things that are said and
by the support you show toward Christina--and how sweet you all are with me
as well. Thank you for calling in to request her music, and for your letters
and efforts in her behalf. It really means more than you know to us. I hope
you all will continue to be a part of what we hope will be a long, happy and
successful career---one huge happy family for years to come.

With love to all,

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