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Is Their A Curse on This FamilY

1941: Joseph and Rose's mentally retarded daughter, Rosemary, institutionalized following a failed lobotomy. She remains hospitalized today, at age 80.
1944: Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., son of Joseph and Rose, is killed during a WWII air mission at the age of 29.
1948: Kathleen Kennedy, a daughter of Joseph and Rose, dies in a plane crash. She was 28.
1963: Patrick Bouvier Kennedy, son of John F. Kennedy and wife Jacqueline, born six weeks premature. He dies on August 9, two days after his birth. On November 22, 1963, JFK is assassinated in Dallas. He was 46.
1964: Senator Edward M. (Ted) Kennedy, son of Joseph and Rose, suffers a broken back when his private plane crashes on June 19. One of his aides is killed.
1968: Senator Robert F. Kennedy, son of Joseph and Rose, is assassinated June 5 in Los Angeles during the presidential campaign. He was 42.
1969: Chappaquiddick--Ted Kennedy drives off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island near Martha's Vineyard. He survives, but his passenger, an aide named Mary Jo Kopechne, is found dead in the car.
1973: Joseph Kennedy, RFK's son, totals car, leaving his female passenger paralyzed for life. Later that year, Edward M. Kennedy Jr., Ted's son, has his right leg amputated due to cancer.
1984: David Kennedy, one of RFK's sons, ODs on drugs in a hotel near the family's Palm Beach compound.
1991: William Kennedy Smith, son of Jean Kennedy Smith and Ted Kennedy's nephew, accused of raping a woman at the Palm Beach compound. He is later acquitted.
1997: Michael Kennedy, another of RFK's sons, accused of illicit affair with teenage babysitter. On December 31, he is killed after slamming into a tree while playing football on an Aspen ski run. He was 39. 1999: John F. Kennedy Jr., 38, his wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, 33, and her sister Lauren, 34, presumed dead after plane apparently crashes near Martha's Vineyard.

She smiled at a sorrowful stranger. The smile seemed to make him feel better. He remembered past kindnesses of a friend and wrote him a thank-you letter. The friend was so pleased with the thank-you that he left a large tip after lunch. The waitress, surprised by the size of the tip, bet the whole thing on a hunch. The next day she picked up her winnings, and gave part to a man on the street. The man on the street was grateful; for two days he'd had nothing to eat. After he finished his dinner, he left for his small dingy room. (He didn't know at that moment that he might be facing his doom.) On the way he picked up a shivering puppy and took him home to get warm. The puppy was very grateful to be in out of the storm. That night the house caught on fire. The puppy barked the alarm. He barked `til he woke the whole household and saved everybody from harm. One of the boys that he rescued grew up to be president. All this because of a simple smile that hadn't cost a cent.

I hope that you will appreciate my tribute to the Kennedy's Anna and myself would like to express our deep sympathy for the Kennedy's. Please use The Clickable links Below Pages 1-5 to view all of The pages that I have so far!!!

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