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Biography John F. Kennedy Jr.

John F. Kennedy Jr. Occupation(s):
Assistant D.A., Media personality, Publisher
Date of Birth: November 25, 1960
Place of Birth: Washington, D.C., USA
Education: Brown University, New York University Law School
Father: John F. Kennedy (deceased); mother: Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (deceased); uncles: Edward Kennedy (senator, D-MA), Robert Kennedy (deceased);
Carolyn Bessette (presumed dead)
Now confirmd R.I.P Sun Sign: Sagittarius
Moon Sign: Pisces
John F. Kennedy, Jr.
Once you run for office, you're in it — sort of like going into the military. You'd better be damned sure it is what you want to do and that the rest of your life is set up to accommodate that. It takes a certain toll on your personality and on your family life. I've seen it personally. — J.F.K. Jr. WE tracked his progress from his John-John days to his tenure as the nation's sexiest man. We cried when his father was killed, worried about his mother's re-marriage to a millionaire Greek, fretted over those darned failed bar exams, and watched for him and Daryl Hannah on the street; we mourned his mother's passing. J.F.K. Jr. belonged to us. He was the rich, handsome, polite son/lover of every woman's dreams — high-spirited but never felonious, heartthrob but no heartbreaker, smart but not too smart. And the thing is, he sort of accepted this. Kennedy quit the New York City D.A.'s office to start up a political magazine called George. (Listen, no one believed in Rolling Stone, either.) He wanted to be a movie star, but, thank God, he didn't have to. In September 1996, he became just a little less ours when he wed longtime girlfriend Carolyn Bessette, a former publicist for designer Calvin Klein, in a hush-hush ceremonie  ..


I hope that you will appreciate our tribute to the Kennedy's Anna and myself would like to express our deep sympathy for the Kennedy's.

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