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CA State Symbols

CSA Purpose and Benefits

What we do:
* Defend Student Rights
* Lobby State Officials and Agencies
* Oppose State Fee Increases that students do not benefit from
* Advocacy Training Clinics
* Grassroots Political Action. We operate our own PAC Registered with the Secretary of State
* Propose State Ballot Initiatives
* Sponsor bills through the Legislature
* Save Campus Dollars and Student Dollars
* Support Campus Issues
* Unite Students from ALL Public Higher Education Institutions

How you benefit:
* Direct Lobby Efforts, not just reporting
* Advocacy & Lobby Workshops
* Consultation on Campus Issue Campaigns
* Member Issues Directly Represented
* Online Newsletter: Coming Soon
* Opportunities to place initiatives on the State Ballot
*We Work for You Our Member Clients!
* And so much more...

© California Students Assembly 2003 All Rights Reserved
Site designed & powered by California Students Assembly