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Biography of Andy Ramirez

  Andy Ramirez

Andy Ramirez, President

ANDY RAMIREZ is Founder and President of the California Students Assembly, an organization that defends the rights of California’s Higher Education Students, while opposing fee increases that students do not directly benefit from. The CSA provides advocacy, lobby training, tracks legislation in Sacramento, and examines CSU and UC budget allocations.

ANDY RAMIREZ is on leave of absence from Cal Poly Pomona, one of the California State University Campuses. Andy has facilitated clinics at several of the CSU's for their campus Lobby Corps, which trains students in Legislative Advocacy. Andy served as a Representative to the CA State Students Association.

Andy has worked to eliminate expenses for Multiple Sclerosis patients' costly medications, while reassessing qualifications for disability and coverage for the disabled. He has served on the National MS Society's Government Relations Committees in the States of California and Ohio.

Advocating as a private citizen, in 2001 Andy cut red-tape for expensive medications, and as a result, MS Patients in L.A. County now have access to their essential medications without having to wait for state patient benefit coverage approval or denial.

Born on November 5, 1967, Andy was raised in the San Gabriel Valley and attended local schools. At Sierra Vista High School, Andy earned varsity letters in football and track. He also was a key leader and performer in the "DONS" marching band, who, in 1986 was named the CA Class "A" State Field Marching Band Champs. Andy earned numerous accolades throughout his youth for both music and sports.

As a student at Mt. San Antonio College, Andy majored in Psychology, and worked as a Peer Counselor in the Educational Opportunities Programs and Services Department. Andy, an accomplished student journalist, was granted media credentials by the California Highway Patrol. Andy's biggest achievement was attending the 1993 Presidential Inauguration Ceremony and weeklong celebration as an invited journalist of the Presidential Inauguration Committee.

Andy worked in the family insurance agency for several years before, and after passing the California Automobile "Fire and Casualty" Insurance License Examination. He was a goaltender in the North American Ice Hockey League, and goalie coach for a local youth minor ice hockey organization.

As Chairman of Californians for an Accountable Legislature, Andy authored the ballot measure, The California Public Accountability Initiative, or CALPAC Initiative. This measure is the initiative version of "The California Legislative Reform Act of 1996", which was introduced as SCA 31 in the State Senate by CA State Senator Raymond Haynes. These measures sought to make CA's State Government accountable to taxpayers and would have saved millions of dollars annually. For more info on this visit Andy's CALPAC website.

Andy was the Democratic Nominee for State Assembly, 60th District in 1994 and 1995. Assembly Nominee Ramirez built an excellent record as a leader for political accountability, less government, perk reduction, budget reforms, and preservation of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

In recognition of his fight to protect gun owners' rights, Andy received the candidate's rating of A+ from the National Rifle Association, and the recent support of the Gun Owner's of California Committee.

ANDY withdrew from Mt San Antonio Community College in response to the State Legislature's student fee increases of 1992-94, and took a leave of absence from Cal Poly Pomona in 2003 to advocate against the recent outrageous fee increases.

While a Democrat, Andy was elected as Chairman and Member of the local State Central Committee. Following his re-registration, He was appointed as an Associate Member of the Republican Central Committee. In 1996, Andy was nominated by Presidential Candidate Steve Forbes to be a delegate at the Republican National Convention. He served Forbes for President as a California Campaign Organizer.

For fun, Andy has worked as a film and tv extra appearing in commercials for the 1996 Olympic Summer Games, television shows, and the film Primary Colors.

Andy resides in Southern California with Chow-Chows Baby Bear, Ninja and Tsunami.

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