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Dis Iz SaM's aka BanG's PaGe

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ToDaY Iz My personal WeB Page.
ThanX 4 VisiTinG My PagE, ...Id like 2 give a shot out to all my homies: DaViD, JiMMy, STeVe, SuNNy,CaRLo, BoNN, RiCCi, SaMMy, GeRaRDo, HeNRy, LeSTeR, GeRaLD, CaRL, CHaRLeS, ERiC, MaT, ALLaN, AnGeLO A., JoeL, ViCToR, Susen, HeDer, RuTH, BeRNA, JaCKiE M. JaCKiE S. ANNiE, PaM, BoARnY, RaCHaeL, CaRMiNA, STePHaNie ,JeNNy, DIANA, WaLiCiA, WeNDY, KaTHLeeN, CRySTaL, NiCHoLE, Ashley, Soozie, DaNaiL, RaNDeLL, WaLDo, JeSSe,...and of course U, who ever U R. ThanX AgAiN
Sup, dis iz a page of just the stuff that i'm interrested in and things I actully do. U can help me make this a better page by telling me what i should fix or change to make this a better page. N if u could, tell ur friends bout dis page.
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The PoWeR RanGeR CreW

If U R into Breaking or jus want to see pics of my homies breaking U should visit this site !!! (Im green ranger)

My Teakwondo Team

This iz my team. We do show's and Demonstrations around Kali. We also go 2 tournaments to fight against teams from around the world. If you're interested in Martial Arts, give me a holla and we'll talk.

Super Man

Im the guy flying. It's called Superman punch. I run, then jump and fly over 11 students ending with 2 hand punch breaking 2 boards; Then landing without getting hurt. But trust meeh, it HURTS. 2 C more pics of me doing stuff like this click here

MORE PICs OF Me Doing Martial Arts
Pics of me and my Homies
DoPe LinKs on This PaGe
Check out my anamation page
See more of these Mad Carz...3 pages and still growing
FeMalE MoDeLz PyGe