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Danican Space Agency

"Exploration and Understading Through Science...."

After one successful launch of the NorgaardIII rocket to deploy a satellite for the Sultanate of Feniz, the DSA underwent internal orgainzational restructuring. This ultimately lead to the cesation of activity. There are plans in development to reestablish this Agency. Please direct any questions you may have regarding the activities of DSA to the general mail address:
The first mission of the DSA was to research and develope a launch vehicle capable of placing a payload onto Vex-orbit. The result of this research project was the Norgaard II launch vehicle which was first lauched in late Spring of 300. Disappointingly, the mission meet with limited success as the rocket entered Vex-orbit but failed to deploy its payload. The payload was a proto type of the Vex-imaging sensor, called VexSat, capable of imaging the Vex at 30 meter resolution.

After rigorus testing the DSA has set a tentative date for launch of the Norgaard III on 01 July 300 at 07.30 StanDan (Standard Danican) Time. This launch vehicle will not only launch government and military satellites but commercial and foreign sensors as well pending approval.

On 01 July 300, the DSA and the DILVT successfully launched the Norrgaard III into Vex Orbit and deployed the Fenizic CommSat and the VexImager. The mission was the result of several months of strengent testing and retesting.

What follows are the first images of the VexSat imaging system.

This image was collected on 25 July 300 and is of the Central Mountain Region of The Kingdom.

The next pass of the VexImagervcollected this data of the port City of Nyhavn, The Kingom's largest city.

This image shows a portion of Lake Sadie, the lake on which The Royal Capital Andrewshavn sits, and Lake Katherine.

This final image is of a forest area that is located between Nyhavn and the Central Mountain Region.