August 1998
And how we got started!

Location of the "Charter Members."

Mjo26 & Blue-13~~Georgia
Sam aca~~ North Carolina

Location of our additional members.

Sue~~South Carolina
Mike ~~Cali fornia

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< p> In July of 1998 a certain California lady purchased a webtv. In a nutshell that is how it all started. That woman was me; and I called myself the "woodnlady."

I had no clue what I was doing but I soon discovered that people were able to ask questions, and have them answered, in something called the "news groups." So I posted "Adopt Me" in the webtv news group and explained that I was brand new and could use some help. The next morning there was 152 messages in my mail box.

And with the help of so many of these people I started venturing out and learning about the net. I tried chat rooms and found most of them too fast paced for a "newbie" like me so I decided to create my own chat room where I could go play and learn. I invited a couple of friends to join me and we started the Woods-Pile chat room.

We would go in every nite about the same time and just discuss our day or try out a new chat technique. We soon found that we had been going into this chat room every nite for over 7 months.The first brave soul was Jodi aka mjo26. She and I went in every nite. Now we were not entirely alone as Jodi's hubby Gene aka blue-13 would usually come in and sit by her side and put in his two cents now and then. He seems to get a big kick out of our conversations. So we made him an honorary member of the gang.

Then Myrna aka cowgirll joined us on a nightly basis. Not sure what she wanted to do Sara aka samaca would pop in once in a while just to see what was going on. Now we couldn't run her off if we tried.

Like most chat rooms people drop in and out. And because of the name "woods-pile" we had our share of men. But usually had no trouble running them off. LOL. Then one nite in pops Mark aka fivegre...No matter what we said or did we couldn't run him off. Now he is a full fledge gang member. Our biggest problem with him is keeping him awake. We are so exciting he usually falls asleep on us...

So we started calling ourselves the

Now let me introduce the Charter Members of the Woods-Pile Gang and our one honorary member.

Jodi & Gene

I got my Webtv in June of 98, in August I was reading the posts in the Webtv News Group and come up on one that was from a person that was retired and needed to be adopted so she would have someone to talk about Webtv and could learn things together. Well I answered the post because I also wanted the same thing.

Well this person turned out to be "Claudia" aka woodnlady. We got to be friends and realized just how much we had in common.

Sometime in Sept. we decided to go to a chat room. That chat room was New2Internet (which I was no stranger too) it was so hard to talk in there that "Woodie" decided to make a room for us to go to and talk. We invited some of the other E-mail buddies that had also answered that same post.

I met Cowgirll on my birthday --- Sept. 14th and the 3 of us started a nightly thing of going to the Woods-Pile just to relax, laugh and chatter about what had gone on during the day.

Sara only joined us on a few occasions (she was shy) Then one night 5 just popped in.

My hubby Gene would wander into the room every few nights and say HI to "woodie" and join in the conversation and the laughing. But he really became interested one night when CG (aka cowgirll) said something about her hubby being kin to the "Jesse James" gang. Well Gene is also kin to them.

It was that night CG got him interested in the "genealogy." So off he went on a search to find his great grandfather Benjamin James. CG sent lots of stuff to Gene to get him started, so he was having fun. He would also talk to 5 about nascar races, and the 2 of them would just have a ball. The only problem with hubby being interested in the gang and his "genealogy" quest is getting him to turn lose of the keyboard..LOL.. And now you know our side of the story.


Hello my name is Myrna aka cowgirll, CG for short. I became a member of the woods-pile gang in September 98. I had purchased my Webtv in April after being introduced to the internet by friends who had Webtv. well needless to say I was hooked.

In September I posted on some Woodworking boards and that is where Woodnlady found me. She answered my request about wind-chime materials. Her real reason was she was nosy enough to want to see who would use the name RedHorse with their nic. (won't go into that here) Wood and I, as I "fondly" call her now, formed a quick bond as we are both into woodworking, or should say were until Webtv came into our lives.

Shortly after she invited me to join her in the chat room she created, called the "woods-pile" to help her wish mjo26 a happy birthday. That was my introduction to both mjo26 and to chatting. We had a rib tickling good time. mjo26 keeps me company in the afternoons when none of the other gang members are on. We had such a good time that we started meeting in the "pile" every night.

Shortly there after I met another of Woods friends by the nic of samaca, who seemed to be very shy and reserved, Boy did she have us fooled. talk about a chat clown, she is it.

Then one night late in November in came this guy by the nic of fivegre. To this day I do not for the life of me know why he stuck it out that night or even gave a second thought to coming back, but he did. Now he is one of the gang, known as 5 to all of us.

Then there is blue-13, he is mjo26's hubby who started checking in on mjo26 when she would be laughing so hard she would roused him from a Nascar race or other good sports show. He now joins us for a "howdy" and converse with 5 every now and again. They talk sports, you know how men are.   We women are rough on men who invade our space in the "pile."

Oh Yeah the little guy down yonder there by the nic of x2 he is the guardian angel of the "woods-pile Gang". Only member with absolutely "NO" sense of humor.

I don't know what I would have done on the Web if I had not been found by "woodnlady" she is an inspiration to all of us. To be around this group you have to be able to to type while falling out of your seat in tears laughing, offer a shoulder, give a hug, take a joke, pull a joke, and Oh yeah be older than "sams" undies. (private woods-pile gang joke)

After a year on the web and getting to know this group we are all like family now. They are the best friends anyone could have. I call them all my cyber family. "woodnlady", "mjo26", "samaca", "fivegre" "blue-13". It has been a privilege to be included in all their lives thru this little black box. Love ya all.


Once upon a time in the land of "channel surfing" and still nothing to watch, there was a fair young maiden (oops, wrong story), make that a middle-aged employed housewife.

She tried a friend's Webtv one weekend and was hooked immediately. A couple of weeks after getting hers set up, she was looking thru the NG one day and just happened to see a call for help from some poor lady who was new at this. So she e-mailed the lady and thought she could make suggestions from all her vast knowledge of two weeks on the internet. As it turned out, she has learned more from that lady than anyone else in a long time. She is the Woodnlady.

We struck up a friendship right away partly because of similar ages and both doing decorative painting. Soon she had started her own Chat Room called the Woods-Pile. I dropped in a few times, but just thought chatting was not for me. But, I kept dropping in from time to time. And, in the meantime, was getting better acquainted with the other members of the group. Soon we were fast friends and told each other that we felt like sisters. Of course, most sisters need a brother to look out for them. So, one found his way into the chat room one night and was immediatey adopted by the gals. Poor guy can hardly get a word in most of the time.

We're now just one big, happy cyber family. Even with all our likes and dislikes there is a bond that is hard to explain. We are there for each other through the rough days and the good ones. So, we are living happily ever after in our little Woods-Pile.                               


< img src=" odnlad y/woods-pilegraphics/fivegrecharter.gif">

HI .... My name is Mark...Fivegre is my nic....and in the wood-pile room...simply 5. My story begins on a night in November 1998. It was a night that nothing was really happening around the house so I just decided to go into the Talkcity list of rooms and look for a chat session that included people my age ( in the 40's) to have a conversation with. Along the way, I came across a room titled 'WOODS-PILE' For People Over 40. I took a chance and entered the room... Little did I know that I was about to embark on a journey into the realm of pain and terror..... At first... I was warmly greeted by Woodnlady... the curator of the room...A warm , gentle and polite lady.... And then came MJO26...didn't know what to expect from her... she was quiet that first night...but still.. a lady... Now....for the pain and terror....I met cowgirll...aka CG. She was polite and ladylike in the first few minutes... then she deciced to see what I was made of....boy did she rake me across the wood-pile....splinters and all. I really don't know what made me stay in that room....but the next night... I came back again.... And have been here ever since. Along the way... I have come to know, love, cry, laugh and hurt with the best friends that a guy could have. We have had good times... a few great big blow-up that I will not expound on...(it was all my fault) Before I forget... there is another member of the gang that I am just now getting to know... her name is Samaca. She is the one that keeps all the bad chatter out of the room... sara is a lady and you act like you are in the presence of a lady around Sara....don't get me wrong... she is no angel....just almost...LOL Well.. this is my story and I hope you didn't fall asleep trying to read it...LOL Thank You Woodnlady..MJO26..Cowgirll.. and Samaca...for allowing me to be a member of the pile.

Where does all this happen?

You might be asking yourself "where does all this take place?" Well not talk-city that is for sure. Had way too much trouble trying to stay in the rooms. We go to
port 6667

BINGO you will find yourself in the middle of a pile. LOL The woods-pile that is. Our room has a monitor and he is called x2. He is a bot. He helps us keep out unwanted pests. You know what I am talking about those dear little darlins that pop in and ask "Hey what are your stats? Well at our age our stats are the last thing we want to talk about. So with the help of x2 we are able to keep trouble makers out. He is a cute little guy and we have included a pic so you can have some idea who looks after us. So everybody meet x2 the Woods-Pile bot......

Cute little guy isn't he? He is good at his job too.

So everyone that is our story. That is how the woods-pile gang got started. I want to thank each and everyone of them for putting in their two cents, so to speak, and giving you a chance to know the individual. They are each so different and so special in their own way.I cannot begin to tell you how much they have become to mean to me. They are my family.

I want to thank CG aka cowgirll for all her hard work on the plaque graphics on this page. She and "Mogrify" have become the best of friends.

Now we would love to have you people come by and drop in and say Hi! Everynite about 8:00PM Pacific Standard Time you will find us in the pile.

By the way we are starting to add to the pile and so click Page 2 to read about our newest members,Sue,Lisa,Jo,Mike,and Vicky.

Yes'm,old friends is always the best,'less you can catch a new one that's fit to make an old one out of." Shore been catchin' a lot of good ones and glad you dee-cided to join us'uns.

Oh and please take the time to sign our Woods-Pile Gang guest book. We would all love to hear from you.

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To see in all their glory!

Be sure to click on to the Quick Keys graphics for the gangs private stash.

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