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When the Lights Go Out, Get Yourself a Bad Boy and Giddy Up!
Hey! Welcome to my page of boyband fun! Here we'll feature stuff on 5ive, The BSB, 'N SYNC, and 98*

Warning: This is nt your average teenybopperpage of worship. It is a HUMOR page, inspired by three of our favorites, We Like Girls, The Girls Who Have Everything, and Here We Go. Now all of you people who don't seem to quite grasp the concept of HUMOR, then you might as well leave. Please don't waste our time. Reality Check: You WILL NOT become the next Mrs. Justin Timberlake nor will you ever bear Nick Carter's children. He's gay anyway, so get over it. Don't start to hyperventilate now. Everything is all for fun, so CHILL. Oh and please don't start giving us and sob stories about how you adore N SYNC and how much of a hypocrite I am for saying I am a fan of N SYNC's, because I AM DAMMIT! I won't listen, I will just laugh.

So for all you cool people who are ready for a real laugh, then come on in. Look around and have fun because this is what we're all about; FUN. Mmmkay?

The guestbook is ready and waiting, so you can sign it and stuff and e-mail me with suggestions, stories, comments, what you had for breakfast, whatever. Hate mail is accepted with open arms so don't think you'll be neglected in any way. I would just love to hear what you think! *snicker snicker*

NOTE: All the pictures with a purple Weezer brand on them were scanned by me, Weezer. If you want any of these to put on your page, hang in your bathroom, whatever, then E-mail me at I won't bite; don't worry. All the pics with an asterisk (*) are special, meaning there is no way you could have them without my permit. I've either taken the picture myself, or I've altered it in some way to customize it to our page. All you gotta do is ASK, okay? I want credit too, Dammit.

Okay, now that THAT's all out of the way . . .
I Just Wanna Be Like N SYNC

This is an extension to the "When the Lights Go Out " Page. This is where all the real N SYNC stuff is at, made completely by Weezer

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