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Out Of The Silence

Copyright February, 1999

This is my first recording project and a dream come true after many years. The CD title reflects the fact that my songs lay silent on paper for many years until just recently being brought to life. Then the title takes on a bigger meaning in reference to God. In Luke 19:40 Jesus told the Pharisees if the people didn't worship Him when He entered Jerusalem the rocks would cry out His praises thus Out Of The Silence.

If you would like to hear my most recent recordings you can click on this link musicV2 Also check out my other website , ATB Studios.

Keep checking back to see and hear the progress. Hope you enjoy what you hear. If you're interested in learning more about me click on the Family Homepage link below. To read and hear my music click on the My Music link below. To read about the latest happenings with the recording project click on Updates link below. Any comments or suggestions please send me an e-mail.
Don't forget to vote for my site BELOW, THANKS!!!

- My Music
- Updates
- ATB Studio BLOG

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Out Of The Silence

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This Jesus Freak Music Ring site maintained by Walter Tokich.

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The Jesus Freak Music Ring is owned and maintained by SmallTown ChristiannServices.

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Site Last Updated 05/07/2001