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Viking Battalion Chain of Command

The Monroe Viking

Battalion Commander
C/COL Diana Biason, a senior in Monroe's Law and Government Magnet Program, is the Viking Battalion Commander. She is also the only known cadet to serve two consecutive years as All-City Colonel for the Los Angeles Unified School District's JROTC program. This year, she also serves as the Commander for Monroe's British United Services Club drill-competition company.

Battalion Executive Officer (XO)
C/1LT Hector Abarca
, also a senior, is the Viking Battalion Executive Officer. He is responsible for overseeing the staff, to make sure we're doing our jobs. (For the record, we are.) C/1LT Abarca is also the Commander of our Unarmed Drill Team and Recondo, positions he has held for two years.

Battalion Command Sergeant Major (CSM)
C/SGM Alejandro Garnica
is a true "man of the people"- a perfect choice for Viking Battalion's senior non-commissioned officer. A B-Track senior, C/SGM Garnica is also a member of our All-City Color Guard.

Battalion Adjutant (S-1)
C/MAJ Amy Schwartz
, a Law and Government sophomore, was catapulted from the rank of C/CPL to C/MAJ as a result of the All-City Staff Competition. She serves as the Battalion Adjutant and the Assistant All-City Adjutant. She is also the Assistant Recondo Commander, a varsity wrestler, and a West Point hopeful.

No, there is no S-2 in Los Angeles battalions, no matter how qualified both the S-1 and S-3 think they are for the position. I'd like to hear from battalions who do have an S-2, however.

Battalion Training Officer (S-3)
C/MAJ Richard Carreon
, a C-Track senior, is our Training Officer. He is obsessively organized, incredibly dedicated, and- perhaps best of all- knows how to make a computer obey! He is also the Armed Drill Team Commander and All-City Assistant S-4.

Battalion Supply Officer (S-4)
C/SFC Ana Quinonez
, the '97-'98 Monroe Cadet of the Year and a B-Track sophomore, is our beloved Supply Officer. I say "beloved," not only because of her charming and bubbly personality, but also because it is she who makes sure we get all the elements of our uniform. When we show up on Fridays with ribbons, cords, and assorted shiny objects (as well as our basic shirt and pants), we definitely love our S-4!

Battalion Information Officer (S-5)
C/MAJ Nassira Nicola
, a Law and Government sophomore, is the Battalion S-5 (and your webmistress du jour). Like C/MAJ Schwartz, she rose from a low NCO grade (C/SGT) to C/MAJ as a result of the All-City Staff Competition. Now, she is the All-City Adjutant and the Battalion Information Officer. Because her staff positions leave her so much free time (right!), she is also a varsity fencer, secretary of the French Club, holder of at least three offices of the Speech and Debate Team, and lead prosecutor on the Mock Trial Team. Her current motto is "Yale or bust!"

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Email: C/MAJ Nicola