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Welcome to my homepage!

Hello and welcome to my webpage. I created this page on 31st January 2001. I've decided to use up all my webspace on music artists that I love, I have one main webpage about Meredith Brooks and the others I've yet to establish……be sure to come back soon to check out my updates….promise I will make it real good!


To see my main webpage, click on this artist, Meredith Brooks. I've had this site since August 1998, I've been updating it since. Click here to go to A Site Dedicated To Meredith Brooks



**********Richard Marx***********************Sarah Mclachlan***********************Hanson****************








Soon I will have pages up for all these artists…


I will put a page up about me!! I have a page like that on the MB site, but I will keep this one uptodate. Like an occasional diary of things happening in the UK.... NEWS FLASH!!!Sarah Mclachlan webpage is up now!! check it out!


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since 31st January 2001! Please Come Again!!


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Uzma Naz's Homepage © 2001 by Uzma Naz, except for appropriate material owned by other companies, clearly stated. Best viewed in IE5.