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Sweet Valley High Senior Year Addicts!!

Series Overview (coming soon)
The Books
Senior Year Addicts Message Board
The Ultimate Sweet Valley Message Board
What do the fans think?
The Characters-(coming soon)
Vote for your favorites!
The pathetic little link page (which will one day be AMAZING!)
How to Pass the time Between Books? (coming soon)

Welcome to my little corner of the web, home to my special addiction!

As you can see this site is very much a work in progress. I wanted to get it up as soon as possible because I wanted the input of other readers.

Update Sept.9,1999

OOOH, the dreaded 9/9/99 is upon us...and is brings good news to Senior Year Fans!
Random House has posted the titles, covers and even summaries for books 13-16! (no summaries for 11 or 12 still, dagnamit!)
Check out the books section for the scoop, and as always send in your predictions!!

Update Sept.8,1999

Ok so I didn't get as much done as I hoped....a little thing called Labor Day Weekend knocked me off course, plus I have every other Friday off (for those of you who don't know, I am doing this page at work.)
What's new!
I have added a link below to the Ultimate Sweet Valley Message Board , I will slowly be phasing the Addicts Board out. All the pages associated with this board are excellent, and I highly recommend that anyone who hasn't....check em out!
I have added a page for #13: All About Love
Send in your predictions, and comments!!(thanks again to Katie for the info)
Updated links and even MORE voting booths on the way, plus a full summary for The One That Got Away!

Update Aug.31,1999

Well it took me a few days, but I have added all the predictions I have gotten so far. A big debate seems to be brewing about who is on the cover of Bad Girl, so I have added a new voting booth. Please place your votes! Thanks so much for your input and kind support so far. I hope to have my links updated tomorrow. Plus I should have the synopsis for The One That Got Away up by the end of the week.

Update Aug.23,1999

I'm baaaaaack!
I have added some voting booths for the fun of it! Be the first to cast your vote!! I hope to have a links page up by tomorrow, as well as additions of the feedback I received over the weekend!

Are You An Addict?

Signs that you are addicted to Senior Year:
If any of these are you You've come to the right place! 5.....prev.....random .....list sites.....
Sweet Valley Fan Webring site is owned by Tigger
