Kristy's BSB Fan Fic Webring

Hello, my name is Kristy and this is the home of my webring, Kristy's BSB Fan Fic Webring.

What is a webring?

Webrings are a new thing that connects several sites with the same content. There are webrings of all types of content. In this case, all the sites on my ring are about Backstreet Boys Fan Fiction.

Who can join?

Anyone who has a website about BSB fan fic! If you don't have a website, you can't join, because the point of a webring is to interlink websites of similar topics.

How do I sign up?

Fill, first of all, fill out the form. This will add you to the queue. Then place the HTML fragment (below) on your site. I will personally check your site. If the HTML fragment is there, I will add you to the ring. If it isn't, you have a couple of days to put it there. But it MUST BE THERE before I will add you.

Any other questions? E-mail me.


To see the HTML code for this, right-click this site and select View Source. Don't freak if it doesn't work, because you will also be e-mailed it. Oh yeah, you gotta fill in some things with your first name, e-mail address, and site ID (given to you when you first sign up). Here's what it will look like:

This Kristy's BSB Fan Fic Webring site is owned by

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Kristy's BSB Fan Fic Site