Celestial Songs

Each song requires a vocal and somatic component.  To dispense with either sound or gesture costs an extra essence per component.


Attraction: brings people/things together 

Corporeal  Non canon: magnetic tug between objects, performer must touch both objects within the same round, or burn Essence once/round or six steps to prolong delay

Cost:    1 Essence. 

Effect can be slow, magnetlike tug (nice and creepy), or fast, with some force,

2 Essence.

Movement is very fast, with force to break object or go through thin walls, or smart motion- object will circumvent obstacles where possible.  If objects are further than six steps apart when motion begins, flying object does 1 point damage or more depending on size and velocity of object.

·        Defense is Strength.


Ethereal:   Target is passionately attracted to the performer.  Target must be within performer’s line of sight and within a number of yards equal to the performer’s Ethereal Forces.

Check vs Resonance i.e. Perception (angel or Lilim) or Will minus dissonance.

Cost:    1 Essence/person = fan, 1 hour, verbal and physical defense but with minimal risk to self

2 Essence/person = deity, 1 hour, total devotion. 

·        Defense is Will.  If Attracted person is faced with a choice between self-preservation and the object of his attraction, roll Will minus the number of Essence spent to Attract, vs. difficulty.


Celestial: as Cherubim Attunement to person or object, no penalty if harmed

Cost: 1 Essence to activate.  Know basic location and condition of the object or person attuned.



Charm: Make an opponent harmless by sheer charisma.

·        Defense is the higher of Will or Perception.  This Song cannot lower any stat below 1. 

Corporeal: lessen opponent’s strength or speed, a pleasant lethargy

Duration: one scene noncombat, one combat round per performer’s Corporeal Forces.

Cost:    Each Essence gains you a ‘check digit’—roll d12 and divide by 4 , rounding up.  Each win costs your opponent the use of one point of either Strength or Agility, performer’s choice. 


Ethereal: lessen opponent’s mental sharpness, a pleasant lethargy

Duration: one scene noncombat, one combat round per performer’s Ethereal Forces.

Cost:    Each Essence gains you a ‘check digit’—roll d12 and divide by 4 , rounding up.  Each win costs your opponent the use of one point of either Intelligence or Precision, performer’s choice. 


Celestial: a pleasant, apathy-inducing high

Duration: one scene noncombat, one combat round per performer’s Ethereal Forces.

Cost:    Each Essence gains you a ‘check digit’—roll d12 and divide by 4 , rounding up.  Each win costs your opponent the use of one point of either Perception or Will, performer’s choice.  This has a direct impact on Resonance stats as well.


Dream: into the other realm

·        Defense is Will to eject performer from dream, Intelligence to block actions within the dream.

Corporeal: enter other person’s dream.  Performer may not effect events within that dream, but may affect one sense per Essence spent, i.e. be seen, heard, felt, smelled/tasted.  The performer cannot do damage in this state.  He need not be in the same room as the dreamer.


Ethereal: Function normally within someone else’s dream, all challenges made on Ethereal traits only. 

Cost:    1 Essence to function at full Ethereal potential for one scene                  


Celestial: alter another person’s dreamscape.  If the performer sculpts a hopeful dream, the target can regain a lost point of Will.  If the performer sculpts a nightmare, the target awakens startled and down a point of Will.

Cost:    1 Essence, with additional spent for in-dream contested challenges.


Entropy: harness the chaos

·        Defense is Celestial Forces plus primary stat, i.e. Strength for Corporeal, Intelligence for Ethereal, and Will for Celestial.

Corporeal: Age, forward or reverse.  Affects apparent form, but its effects are felt as well as seen. 

Cost:     1 Essence times check digit, in years


Ethereal: Performer inflicts a waking nightmare on his subject, inflicting Mind hits equal to the check digit times the Essence spent on the song.


Celestial:  Performer inflicts a complete mental breakdown for the number of rounds equal to the performer’s Celestial Forces plus check digit.  Victim can take no action of any kind, though he may compare stats for passive defensive ‘actions’.

Cost:  2 Essence


Form: alter the vessel.  Duration is the appropriate Forces plus check digit, in minutes or rounds.

            Corporeal: Add temporary Body hit points by altering the skin of the vessel, at Corporeal Forces times Essence spent.

Ethereal: vanish.  Defense is Perception roll, and even then the winner will only sense a presence and not actually see the performer.

Celestial: Allows the performer to mold a vessel like clay.  Each substantial change i.e. face or body mass, costs 1 Essence.


Harmony: charm a crowd.  All are area affect without choice of target.  Anyone within hearing range is affected, and deaf persons are only immune from the Corporeal suite.  Performer tests self. Duration of PC singing audibly, plus minutes equal to check digit.

·        Defense is Will vs. performer’s Will, individually

Corporeal: Cosmic muscle relaxants—you can still get angry at each other but are just too sluggish to do anything about it.  Strength and Agility are reduced by 2 per Essence spent, but not below 1.

Ethereal:  None affected can attack any other physically or verbally, though defense and restraint are still possible if someone manages to attack.. 

Celestial: Temporarily negates the effects of Discord, requiring physical contact between performer and target.  Costs 1 Essence per level of Discord negated.


Healing: the gentle art

·        Defense:  why?  Perception where challenges applicable.

Cost:          1 Essence per attempt

Corporeal: Heal Body damage 1-3 points (check digit)

Ethereal: Heal Mind hits, bring subject out of a stunned state.  1-3 points of Mind hits restored, un-stun lasts 1-3 minutes, per check digit

Celestial: Heal Soul damage 1-3 points (check digit)


Light: manipulate optics

Precision challenge.

Corporeal: Create glow around self 1 Essence=scene.  Simple hand gesture (cupping to each other) can hide the light at will.

Ethereal: Create hologram. 

1 Essence–static simple object

1 additional Essence for moving object, object that resembles living object, object over 12 feet in height.

Celestial: Laser.  Cost, 1 Essence

Visible light, or laser that can burn flammable object or inflict 1 point of corporeal damage, performer’s discretion.

If shone in eyes will blind character for one hour




Corporeal: move yourself, airborne at high speeds.  Must remain airborne–if hands or feet touch the ground the ability ends.  Can carry double the vessel’s weight.  Agility challenge.

Duration: 10 minutes/1 round per Essence


Ethereal: move object or person telekinetically.   Control.  1 scene/object per Essence. 

·        Defense—what can you hold onto?  Strength or Agility vs. object you can anchor yourself with.

Celestial:  Teleportation

 This Song allows you to blink out of existence in one place and reappear in another.   You should know the subject or the destination, or you should possess at least an image of them.  Persons must at least have been introduced to the performer. This Song requires Essence and takes five real minutes to complete; this process may be made instantaneous (and thus a Fair Escape) with an Essence point in addition to any spent to dispense with the vocal or somatic components.. During the time of transport you must not be interrupted, or the song fails.  You may carry objects up to your own weight with you.

Difficulty determined by Gamemaster, challenge as person vs. object with Perception, +2 bonus for Ofanim.

1 Essence–‘away’–transport to random remote or familiar location

2 Essence–Famous location or to the side of a known person

3 Essence–Hidden or guarded location,  or to the side of a mere acquaintance


Numinous Corpus

Corporeal only except where noted.  Each level costs 1 Essence and can be turned off and on at will for the duration of one scene per Essence spent.  This song alone can be taught to non-celestials.  Agility challenge.

Fangs–must make direct contact with opponent.  Does 1 point Corporeal damage per attack.

Tongue–serpentine and barbed at the end, with a range of six feet.  Does 2 Corporeal damage per physical attack, or if specified spend Essence to attack Celestial traits.  Tongue is prehensile and can be used to grapple.  Impossible to hide effectively.

Face–a convincing duplicate of the face of a person familiar to the performer



Must touch the person to be possessed, even briefly, then engage them in a Will challenge.  Then the celestial inhabits the body while its soul roams the Marches, i.e. the dreamscape.  The possessor may use his host’s attunements and stats, but not his Essence or Songs—these must come from the possessor. 

The possessor must have more Forces than the host or the possession automatically fails.

The host may attempt to repossess the body at ten-minute intervals.


Preservation prevent entropy  (Non canon)

Corporeal: sustain current state of object or flesh

·        Defense:  Will.

1 scene per Essence spent, up to 4.  Prevents passive damage, i.e. bleeding out, decay.  Does not prevent active damage i.e. blows or attacks.

Ethereal: sustain state of mind

Prevent or prolong derangement.  Dampen or enhance emotional state already present.  1 scene per Essence spent, up to 4.

Celestial: 1 Essence to create, one per month to maintain..  As in The Prophecy, bind soul to its body at the moment of death, hold there until body receives normally lethal damage.  The performer may not be the cause of the first death, and neither the performer nor the victim may bring about the second.


Projection:  floatin’ above it, and she was

When projected, most Celestials must leave behind an unconscious host or vessel.  Just like Auspex: Psychic Projection except that damage to the vessel only gets the celestial’s attention and does not compel him to return, just ‘strongly suggests’ it. 

Kyriotates may inhabit one host while projecting from another.  Only one host need be unconscious.

Projecting across realms is done at a 2 point disadvantage.  Demons may not project to Heaven, nor angels to Hell.  Servitors of Blandine and Beleth may project to the Ethereal without disadvantage. 

Projections appear in their places as slightly translucent images of the person or celestial or his chosen vessel. 

Challenge with primary stat in the realm of destination.

Cost:  2 Essence


Shield–first realm costs 1 Essence, second 3 Essence, third 5 Essence

Corporeal: Protective cyclone surrounding performer

Duration: rounds x Corporeal Traits as max

Repels 2 damage per round

Ethereal: biomagnetic cyclone

Duration: rounds x Ethereal Traits as max

Costs:   1 Essence per scene to repel either Ethereal or Celestial attacks, including song-based. 

Celestial: ‘Grow’ an existing obstacle to hide behind

Duration: one scene per Essence spent.  Ensures Fair Escape.  


Thunder: A mystical sound of thunder.

On all three planes, the effect is heard inside the subject’s skull as well as outside.  A deafening noise, stunning for one round/ten minutes all who fail check vs. Resonance.

All within five feet must check against deafness.  Lose--deafened for 20 minutes minus outstanding Corporeal  traits, and knocked down..  If first challenge lost, throw again.  On second challenge, if lose–1 corporeal damage affecting ears and 1 ethereal damage affecting concentration.

Within line of sight or normal hearing range, Lose has tinnitus for 15 minutes minus outstanding corporeal.

Costs: 1 Essence per 5 feet range.  Additional Essence extends severity of sound and resulting challenges.


Tongues: hear and be understood, anti-Babel

Corporeal: each subject within normal hearing range hears in his most comfortable language, performer understands.  Can also work in written language, though any recording/writing is in original language (performer’s is in Enochian unless specifies otherwise)

Ethereal:  Telepathy.  Each Essence adds either simultaneous contacts, or one trait up on contested challenge.

Celestial: message in a bottle, with a homing beacon on the bottle.  Bottle also contains 1 Essence for receiver to use as s/he wishes.

Cost:    1 Essence= up to 30 word message, or  10 words plus a clear image

2 Essence = 5 minute short film, video, audio, and narration