The Mile Higher Club

The Pacific War

In Nomine: the Mile Higher Club and the Pacific War
A play by post game on the Steve Jackson Games forum

How to read Mile Higher Club as a story
How to play in Mile Higher Club as a game

The Mile Higher Club

Michael conceived of a project, to bring in a set of human spies and get them vetted before Laurence ever got wind of them. Yves discovered the project--what were Warbirds doing in the library anyway?--and created a second mission. Initially just a cover story, he set out to prove that the angels of the Host could work together, side by side, despite their ingrained differences. The spies were a success. Yves' proposition got mixed results. Pity. Because things are about to get rough.

the Pacific War

Not to be confused with the eastern theater of World War 2, though if it goes wrong it could end up World War 3. After the horror of Maximilian the Malakite and Gabriel threatening to bring it all down, the big players of Los Angeles left town. What was solidly a demon town is now quietly a renegade town, a fact that sits well with neither Heaven nor Hell. Neither side admits anything is wrong--both sides are making plans to tip the balance, quietly, because to do so openly is to court all-out war.

My muses for Ryuki and Corat--voices, faces, and all.

The material presented here is my original creation, intended for use with the In Nomine system from Steve Jackson Games. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Steve Jackson Games.

The drawing of "Yves, Archangel of Destiny", "Gabriel, Archangel of Fire" and the In Nomine logo and the flaming feather icon:
In Nomine is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

The author, your GM and host through this wild ride.
