In Nomine Live game mechanics, combat

Player vs. thing, as canon:
ST determines Target Number, i.e. difficulty of task at hand.
Roll 1d12
Modify for character skill level and/or exceptional role play
If result is under Target Number, action succeeds.

Player vs. player
Add stat bid (up to maximum relevant stat) to 1d12, plus relevant Skill
Higher score wins.
Corporeal: Loser takes fixed damage based on weapon and strength
Ethereal and Celestial: Loser takes the difference between his and the winner’s final totals, plus bonuses for weapons if any.

Players vs. players “Mob”
All declare actions
Movement goes first, highest Agility where there is conflict of movement
Once all are in place, point to opponent. Brawler must be able to physically touch opponent; ranged weapons must have path clear.
If ranged weapon does not have path clear, wielder challenges against the person/thing in his path. If that person/thing wins, then wielder challenges against next person/thing in natural path.
As PvP. If one player faces multiple attackers, he must divide any offensive bid between them. Defensive bid may be pooled if attacks are coming from a similar direction i.e. hitting the floor dodges any high-flying bullets. (i.e. Cory is on the wrong end of four shooters and a punch. He has 6 physical to work with. Deeming the punch less important, he bids 1 against it. Because all four shooters are shooting from behind the same table, he can bid 5 against *each* of them.) Target takes damage from *all* who connect.

from Michael Walton, San Antonio, on weapons’ Power:

I use small/medium/large, then add bonuses for weapon class. Small weapons are 0, medium is 1, large is 2. Edged weapons add an additional +1. Firearms are +3 before modifiers for special ammo. The total is the the Power of the attack.

On any roll of a 1 on 1d12 there is a chance of Intervention.
If result is 2-11, proceed as normal
If result is 1, demonic intervention
If result is 12, angelic intervention

Corporeal damage mechanics

Power of 1:
Punch, kick, .22 firearm, shank or small knife, limb dislocated by leverage, hit by light or unweildy bludgeon weapon, i.e. chair or bottle.

Power of 2:
.22 at close range, punch/kick by Strength of 7 or more with full bid, medium-caliber gun, long dagger, Thunder at 5-10 feet, limb broken by leverage, heavy bludgeon.

Power of 3:
Medium caliber firearm close range, shotgun or semi-automatic, high caliber, limb broken by force, Thunder at close range, grenade at 10-15 feet.