Then you (Zahirah) know the office secretary Nicole. Young woman, early-mid 's, I've never specified ethnicity. She'll tell you Ryuki's busy in his office, so it should be easy enough to sneak you past him. She directs you to the employee lounge

Zahirah: *she would move as directed with a smile*

Corat's there, hanging out with Marty.

Zahirah: *she would smile at them and wave* hello how are you?

Corat: Hey dear (and offers you a hug)

Marty greets Z warmly

Zahirah: *she would smile and give them both a hug* hello

Marty: We're three months along now, healthy so far. :D

Zahirah: Congratulations I'm really glad to hear it

Zahirah arrives after Ida, but is escorted back to the employee lounge. There she meets some of the other guests for the surprise party: Scott Green, the family bodyguard, and Corat and Marty.

Scott looks between Zahirah and Marty. "Where did you two meet?"

Zahirah: *smiling at him* Wyatt was showing me around and had promised Marty that he would stop in and so he brought me with him

Scott scratches his chin. A police detective most of the time, he's trying to read between the lines. "How do you know Wyatt?"

Zahirah: *chuckles* how do you know half the people you know- you meet them here and there- strike up a conversation and either you hit it off and keep talking or you smile politely even though you're bored and hope you don't run into them later

Scott LOLs, good-naturedly. "Hi, I'm Scott Green. I'm a cop." LOL

Zahirah: *chuckles* so I"m betting you remember more about how you meet all your friends than the average person does

Scott: Very much

Zahirah: so tell me how you ended up working with Ryuki?

Scott: "Working with? Ah that's right, SFO, your bombastic German friend. Tell him I said hello, no hard feelings. The family had an attempted kidnapping when Ryuki was...oh, nine years old? So they hired a guy, my partner at the time, and then when he retired I took the job."

Zahirah: *chuckles* so you were just in the right place at the right time huh?

Scott: "Yes actually. My partner Castillo had worked that case so the family knew me. They're very wary of strangers."

GM: There's something under those words

Zahirah: is something wrong?

Scott: "Mmmmm, no. Just wondering how well you know them."

Zahirah: I mostly know Ryuki, he's a very interesting man that I haven't quite been able to figure out

Scott: "Okay then. Not very well. They're honest people, but...not customarily so? If that makes any sense?"

Zahirah: they have their own practices and they like their privacy- it is something that is easy to understand

Scott: Yes yes. I guess you could put it that way.

An older man in a suit enters the break room. He's short--maybe 5'4"--but there's a family resemblance. Clearly one of the Wataris. Scott and Corat stand up to greet him.

Scott: Mr. Watari, this is...

Corat: “Zahirah. A friend of mine.”

Zahirah having been wandering around doesn't need to stand, but she would offer him a polite bow as she's introduced, "it's a pleasure to meet you sir*

He returns the bow and then, as if remembering late, offers a handshake.

Zahirah: *she would smile and shake his hand*

Ryukawa: "My name is Ryukawa. If you find that too difficult, you may use my English name 'River'."

Zahirah: if you can forgive my possibly mispronouncing it from time to time I believe I can handle Ryukawa *careful to say it just how he did*

Ryukawa: "Well done." He opens the refrigerator and pulls out a pink box, and sets it on the table. He opens it up--it's smallish, but well decorated in a graduation theme.

Zahirah: *smiling* it's very lovely

Ryukawa: "Yes." He's a little bit serious. "Its timing could be better. I don't know if you follow the financial news..." (Story takes place in Jan 2008, when the market was just starting to crash)

Zahirah: no I'm afraid that it is something I've not truly been able to master

Ryukawa: He's finished his degree, meaning a substantial raise. I can barely afford to pay my own son!

Zahirah: perhaps he can bring in more business and thus help the matter?

Corat casts Z an odd look.

Ryukawa: "We can try."

Ryukawa: Where is our graduate, anyway? Surely he knows we're not going to let this occasion go unmarked.

Zahirah: perhaps he is avoiding the party

Ryukawa: That's possible.

He reaches for an intercom on the wall.

Ryukawa: Nicole? When will Ryuki be available?

Nicole: I'm not sure sir. He's taken two appointments at once right now.

Ryukawa: Who are they?

Nicole: One's with David and Elijah, the other is here to fix the laptop.

this thread

Ida is in Ryuki's office, and he's just told her his laptop has 'gremlins'

Ida: "I can take a look for you certainly, but I actually have other business I've been asked to discuss only with you personally."

Ryuki: The look on his face is both curious and peevish. "But you can still fix the computer?"

Ida: "I can." (she will move over to fiddle with the laptop if he will let her)

Ryuki: "Let"? He slides it under her hands.

Ida: she will begin fiddling with the computer

Ryuki: ...slides it under her hands and then slides a chair so it's easy for her to sit in, if she wants. As he's walking around to his own big leather chair, he asks, "What kind of business?"

Ida: (she sits down in the chair) "I was told to tell you on behalf of my boss that we wish to acquire the 'Mighty Squeaky Hammer of Smiting' and to give you this in payment (she pulls out the rolled up scroll and hands it to him)

Ryuki: He blinks, overdramatically. He reaches out and takes the scroll, but does not open it.”Who is 'we'?”

Ida: She looks directly at him "My own Archangel Jean sent me to bring this message, I don't have any other information. I wasn't told any details."

Ryuki: This gets a small, barely audible giggle. “A 'Mighty Squeaky Hammer of Smiting' eh? Unfortunately I don't know that particular artifact offhand. However, I have a grimoire.” --He holds up a...thumb drive--

Ryuki: Getting no immediate response, he adds "Which requires a working computer. One without *gremlins*. Or as I suspect, damage left behind by gremlins.”

Ida: She smiles and goes back to looking at the computer

GM: (A quick poking around suggests the monitor driver is the issue--the data itself is fine. Gremlins aren't very clever. But'll notice that around the monitor there are a bunch of scribbles, some of which resemble Latin words

Ida: "Good news is that your data is fine, it's just the monitor driver that's wrecked."

Ryuki: "Fixable?" But he's already plugged the thumb into the other laptop on the desk

Ida: "I'd need to borrow the laptop for a little while but I can fix it.'

Kane: Meanwhile, up front, a friendly-looking rangy type ambles up to the receptionist. His clothing is clean but a bit rustic -- work shirt, sturdy jeans with a leather belt, boots that fit a county fair better than an office building. A black cowboy hat completes the ensemble, as does a duffle bag he's slung over one shoulder.

Nicole: "Good afternoon sir. May I help you?"

Kane: He raises the hat. "Pardon me, ma'am. I'm supposed to be meeting a Mr ..." he studies the business card carefully. "REE-uki Wa-TAR-ee?"

Ryuki: (Inside office, to Ida) 'Squeaky Hammer...' not asking too much are you?..." He unties the scroll.

Nicole: (Reception) Nicole smiles indulgently. "I see. And who may I tell him is here?"

Kane: "The name's Kane. Kane Kineman. If you can just tell 'em I'm comin' from Dave and Elijah, I'd 'preciate it kindly."

Nicole: Nicole types something into her computer and gets a look of mild surprise on her face. "He will see you now." She buzzes open a waist-high gate and gestures you through it.

Kane: "Thank you, ma'am," he says raising his hat again to her and flashing an easy smile. He steps through the door.

Nicole: Where she guides him to a back office--Ryuki's own. There you see a woman bent over a laptop computer, and Ryuki sitting in his office chair, reading a scroll.

Ryuki: For a moment, he is crestfallen. And then, after thinking about whatever he's read, he starts turning the scroll over in his hands. He laughs, becoming giddy.

Ida: Ida glances up at the newcomer and gives him a quick smile

Kane: He smiles back and raises his hat. "Afternoon. Hope I'm not inneruptin' anythin.'”

Ryuki addresses Ida, seemingly not noticing the big cowboy in his office. "This is the payment, for (points at his working laptop) that?? Do you have any idea what this is? Oh hi," he says briefly to Kane, and then back to Ida, "or what that is?"

Ida: "No. I told you what I was told. I don't know anything else."

Ryuki: " A 'Mighty Squeaky Hammer of Smiting' --*the* Mighty Squeaky Hammer of Smiting" was last seen in the hands of a major demon, on his way home. Odds are it's in Hell."

Kane's eyes narrow on hearing that. "Damn," he mutters. By the tone, that's not a word he uses lightly.

Ida sighs, "It's never something simple...."

Ryuki: "This," he waves the scroll, barely containing the giggles, "is awful lot. But a trip to Hell to fetch something? I don't know that it's worth *that* much. No, I'd say it isn't." He clenches his teeth, but he's still smiling. "No, impossible." He reaches down as if to reject the scroll, but doesn't let it go.

Kane: "Mr Wataree?" Kane asks. "Before you say anythin' else ... I'm s'posed to ask about a hammer as well ... and to tell you somethin'."

Ryuki: So much do I owe you for the computer work?

Kane: "Dave passed me a message from the judge," Kane explains to Ryuki. "I can say it now or wait to later, makes no never-mind ."

Ida: "My fee is (insert number here)/ per hour, I need to take it back to my personal ofice to finish fixing it, it shouldn't take me more than 2 or 3 hours tops, I can have it back by tomorrow."

Ryuki cracks his neck, fighting down the giddy smile and trying to look ominous. “And you'll be fully confidential with whatever data you find on that computer...right? Tell me Ida...who do you work for?”

Kane: (As Kane waits, one of his lazy glances takes in the details of the office -- maybe a battle's not likely in this office, but if something breaks out, he'll want to know where any weapon-usable objects are.)

Ida: " Please Mr. Watari, I'm a professional, And I work for Jean."

GM: (Some bookends would throw well...hmmm, bottle of sake and glasses behind this set of books. Sake burns pretty well, if you needed a Molotov...)

Ida: (You're a Malakite of Creation, you can kill people with chewing gum wrappers and soggy cereal.)

Scott R: lol

Anna... lol

Scott R: (never hurts to study the raw materials ...)

GM: (True. And you also see a surveillance camera hidden in those bookshelves. A fight would be witnessed.

The picture windows on the sixth floor, however, mean it could be a very short fight.)

Ida: (let's....not get into a fight with the human, and his numerous underlings, OK?)

Scott R: ('Course not, Andrea. But if the demons that took the Hammer make a second appearance ... well, better ready, yes?)

Ryuki: “I don't know Jean, I'm afraid. But I think I understand who you are. To be certain though...who is this (holds up scroll) really from?” He's interrupted by the intercom. Nicole speaks, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but Mr. Watari wishes to speak to you as soon as possible."

Ryuki cringes. "Yes Nicole. I'll be a quick as I can."

Ida: "I was given it by Jean. I don't know what it says."

Kane: "If it's about the Mighty Squeaky Hammer of Smitin', I'm bettin' it came from the same place mine did," Kane says.

Ryuki: "It is allegedly payment for said Hammer."

Kane: "Didn't know we was biddin'," Kane says, a sparkle in his eye. "I do know that my boss was passin' on somethin' from another one ... from the High Court, if you get my drift."

Ryuki: “That explains the two of you. I'm feeling darned important right now. “ And breaks back into that giddiness, looks at the scroll again. It clearly thrills him.

Kane: Something seems to amuse Kane for a second. Then he comes back into the moment. "You wanna hear it now, or wait 'til the party's over?"

Ryuki, with a flourish: “Now is fine. You see, this is a rejection letter from Dominic. I asked to work for her..him...her...and this is a letter saying she'll pass. A letter. A personal letter. A *signed* letter.”

Ida: "Ah......"

Kane: Kane nods. "In that case, this'll make a bit more sense."

GM: He's practically dancing in the chair There is a knock on the door.

Kane: Kane hesitates -- he doesn't know if the visitor should hear what he's about to say.

Ryuki catches his eye. "Quickly?"

Kane: "Dave told me to say this," he says quietly. "The judge still wants to work with you now and again, whoever you wind up with. She couldn't take you herself because she wouldn't be able to deny you ... and that could get you in hot water."

Ryuki: "Eloquent." (doh) He gets up to answer the door personally.

Kane: A curious look comes into Kane's eyes -- like he feels he could have put that better, but isn't quite sure how.

-----------a little earlier----------

Sunae is in a very traditional hakama, complete with sword, but it is tied in a peace knot... white an grey with hints of red and her family crest on the back for your FYI

GM: Nicole, the secretary, is a professional. She doesn't show any reaction to the traditional wear. Politely she shows Sunae to the employee lounge, where she meets Zahirah, Corat, Scott, Marty, and Ryuki's father. They're apparently planning a surprise party.

Sunae enters the employee lounge

The older man greets Sunae with a bow, but Corat is much less formal.

Sunae: She bows to him

Zahirah: *she would smile to Sunae as she enters*

Sunae: an in Japanese greets him and introduces herself

Ryukawa answers her, in Japanese, with polite honorifics. He pretends not to notice the sword.

Corat: Sunae, this is Ryukawa, Ryuki's father.

Sunae: "Watari-sama, it is truly an honor to meet you. Thank you for inviting me witness such an event."

Ryukawa: My pleasure. How do you know my son?

Sunae: and she offers him a small gift; it's in a wooden box

Ryukawa eye-checks Scott before opening it.

Sunae: I have had the honor of aiding him on a project or two

Ryukawa: Project?

It's a bottle of very good plum wine. Unopened.

Sunae: I believe it was for his schoolwork, but I am not entirely sure. You know how discreet he prefers to be

Sunae: I'm sure

Ryukawa: It's beautiful, thank you. He didn't say? That wasn't very polite of him. (But he smiles, ever so slightly. He's proud)

Sunae: I never asked. I felt that if I needed to know he would say. Sometimes it is best to not be curious

Sunae: Pity more people don't ascribe to that

Sunae: But I shouldn't bring any negativity to such a joyous occasion. <she bows> Please, forgive me

Corat: Wait, David and Elijah. David and *Eli*. I know who those guys are in his office. We can go in there, I think.

Zahirah: *chuckles affectionately* still not one to sit and wait I see

Corat: I've gotten better!

Ryukawa: Well, if you know those two and it's just us, we can take this party to the house. (Puts cake back in the 'frig)

And Ryukawa leads you out of the employee lounge to his son's office, and knocks on the door.

The door is not answered right away. Ryukawa is patient, but deliberately so.

Sunae has another wooden box with her, it is tied in a piece of cloth

The door opens from the inside--Ryuki himself. He looks a bit puzzled at the lot of you in the hallway. There are two figures behind him--a woman in her 30's who seems to be a computer tech, and a guy who seems to be a cowboy.

Ryukawa/River: Are these (indicating Ida and Kane) friends of yours?

Corat pokes his head in: David and Elijah. David and *Eli*.

Kane: Kane nods, wordlessly.

Ryuki thinks on what he'd planned to do and say that day, and makes a decision. "They're with you, right?" He looks to Zahirah, Sunae, and Corat for confirmation.

He sees Sunae there in full Hakama

Zahirah: *looks to Corat herself*

Sunae says nothing but slightly raises an eyebrow and looks at Corat

Ida: Ida steps forword "I work for Jean myself." smiles at everybody in the doorway.

Sunae: The girl has a katana tied into the sheath in a peace knot. (I assume Kane would recognize it)

Ida: (Ida is a bit of a geek, and has seen enough anime to recognize a katana :))

Sunae: She is standing very straight and stiff in a formal manner. Oh...the sword handle, at least what you can see, looks odd, it is yellow and red, but the red looks like it is splattered on there and there are seven strips hanging from it, each with a shiny coin at the end

Ryuki clearly doesn't recognize 'Jean'. Corat fills in. "Jean. John. Big John. Yes, Ryuki, he's with us, he's good people." and to Ryukawa: "Yes, I know it's your home, but I will vouch for him."

Kane: Kane's eyes send a thank-you to Corat. He doffs his hat to the newcomers.

Ryuki's not quite comfortable with this. "Maybe we could just come in here."

Ryukawa is not used to being contradicted, but only the very perceptive--or culturally aware--would catch that emotion crossing his face. Instead, he begins to herd you all inside. Scott bows out. "I'm sorry, I'm on the clock. I'd better go."

Ryukawa: (Father to Scott/cop/bodyguard) Could you send Ken in with the cake?

Scott: Sure.

Zahirah: *she would smile politely accepting the invitation into the office* thank you Ryuki

Kane: "Beg your pardon, sir," Kane says to the older man, bowing to him with his hat still in his hand. "I surely hope I'm not in the way."

Sunae walks in

Ida: Ida steps up to Ryukawa and offers him a bow and a smile, "Ida Harris, sir, I apologize if I'm interfering."

Zahirah: *she would walk up to Ryuki and give him a hug* congratulations *as she hugs him she slips out a small bag- the kind that usually contains jewelry and tries to discretely hand it to him, but she's not an angel of the wind so anyone paying attention can likely see her discretely give him a gift*

Ryukawa: No, no not at all. This is," he puts his arm around his son, "a little celebration. 'Master of Economics'. It is a long time coming, but he has finished it.

Ryuki returns the hug and picks up the bag, making no attempt to conceal it. "Should I wait to open it?"

Ida: "Ah! Congratulations then!"

Kane: Kane gives a soft whistle. "Ain't that somethin'. You've got a lot to be proud of."

Ryuki: "Thank you." He picks up the scroll again, and waves it, trying to decide what to say and how to say it."

Sunae hands him her package. "Congratulations" She allows herself a small smile then she bows and takes a step back

Zahirah: *smiling* it's up to you- it's not much, but I wanted to give you something

Ryuki: He's blushing, gushing. He starts to open the packages but is interrupted by his younger brother, bearing the little cake.

Ida: "In that case, I shall have to fix your computer for free! Since I'm intruding on your private party and all....."

GM: Followed by his friend Pavel, and his sister Mia. The office is getting a little crowded, and there definitely are not enough chairs.

Zahirah would stay standing making sure that others have a chance to sit

Sunae stands near the wall, making it clear that she isn't going to sit

Kane: "Anyone mind if I fetch a few seats?" Kane asks. "Hate to leave someone uncomfortable at a good time."

Ryuki pulls a few folding chairs out of a niche--apparently this has happened before. His father stands next to the executive chair, waiting for Ryuki to take the seat of honor. But he declines. "Dad, I think you should sit down for what I'm about to say."

Kane: Kane lends a hand with the folding chairs, offering to any still-standing ladies first.

Sunae: "No thank you"

Ida: "I hope our hosts don't mind if I sit?"

Zahirah: I'm fine- I often think I spend too much time sitting as it is

After some fuss, Ryukawa sits down. Ryuki eases himself to lean against the glass desk. "Dad..." he's gone fidgety, fighting with the lack of hedge words in English. "...Wyatt, remember Gerhard? ...and these folks...

Sunae raises an eyebrow

Ryuki: "They're with IHS," he blurts out, "and they want me to work for them."

Pavel, the big blonde who came in late, nearly chokes on his coffee.

Corat: You didn't tell him??

Ryukawa clearly does not know what that means. Pavel clearly has an idea about that.

Pavel: (in a slight Russian accent): “You want to work for the Vatican??”

Kane: As the new man on the ground, Kane keeps quiet, trying to feel out the "battlefield" before venturing in.

Ida: Ida fidgets with the straps on her purse a bit.

Corat: (irritated): “You--didn't--tell him??”

Ryuki: “I've been busy! Thesis! Master's!”

Zahirah: *chuckles* “I'm sure they'll work it out”

Ryuki, sputtering.: “It's not just the Vatican. It's the Vatican, and the Primate, and the lamas, and the imams, me here...”

Ryukawa is silent, his face a mask.

Ryuki "Its...," he struggles to find something that isn't a lie, but won't send all these angels into a tizzy, " enforcement."

Ryukawa closes his eyes, letting the mask slip a little. This is serious. “We need you here.”

Ryuki: “And I will be here. I'll be working undercover.”

Corat nods, to reassure him.

Kane: "He's a fine young man, sir," Kane says. "And he's got the chance to do a lot of good in the world."

If he were less nervous, Ryuki would be tucking that away for future reference, trying to figure out which choir that makes Zane. But not today.

Ryuki picks up the scroll. "This is a hand-signed letter from Internal Affairs declining my application for that department. But it's hand-signed, it's only for that department, and he'll recommend me to others."

Ever so slightly, Sunae's mask wavers a bit and her eyes narrow ever so slightly

Kane: That catches Kane's attention. His own eyes send a question to hers.

Sunae: but, just as quickly, her face is stone

Ida: Ida purses her lips

Sunae sees Kane's questioning look and she shifts the sheath of her sword ever so slightly, enough for the cord making the peace knot to swing a bit revealing a bronze flame at the end of it

Kane: He nods minutely.

Ryukawa: “And they will not expect you to convert (religions)?”

Kane: "No, sir," Kane says. "We want good people, with a clear head and a clear eye. Where he sits on Sunday ... or Saturday, or Friday, or whatever ... makes no difference to me."

The pressure's too much for Ryuki's younger brother. He sets the cake on the desk with a "Congratulations", and gets his father's permission to go. Ryuki calls after him, "Ken, it's not your fault. Men double your age didn't see this crash coming. We'll be fine." but he's gone.

Ida: "The precise nature of a man's religion is largely a personal matter."

"Alright," Ryukawa answers. "Law enforcement, undercover, with these good people. Talk to your uncle. If you have his blessing, you have mine."

Ryuki's face goes sheet white.

Kane: Kane's eyes glance another question at Sunae's -- she seems to be part of the culture here and at least know a little of what's going on.

Sunae: slight shrug

Zahirah: *she's just quiet not interfearing*

Sunae: But you can see the look of confusion as her brow furrows

Ida: Ida smiles to herself

Ryuki's face is sheet white. "Um, um, will take awhile..."

His sister pipes up. "I know a way you can call him."

This gets cold and wary looks from Ryuki, Ryukawa, and Corat. Curiosity from Pavel.

Mia: Who apparently is used to hard stares from her male relatives, because she keeps talking. "I'll call Gerald Kingston's line, he's this psychic, and a medium, and he can ask."

Kane: Kane keeps a careful eye on Mia.

Ryuki's eyes go crazy wide. As she holds up her phone, he lunges for it.

Ida gets a "GAH!" look

Ryukawa hides his face behind his hand. Very embarrassed.

Zahirah: I don't think it's a good plan to try and back your brother into a corner on his day of celebration miss *her voice soft as she tries to speak to the sister*

But Ryuki's composure is completely gone. "Give me that phone!"

Mia: "It's my phone!"

It's like the two of them are tweens again.

Kane: "Whoa," Kane says, holding up a callused hand. "No offense, ma'am, but somethin' like that ought to be your brother's decision to make ... it's his life we're talkin' 'bout, here."

Kane: "At the very least, your dad oughta have a say-so." He gives a polite nod to the elder man.

Ryuki remembers he has an audience--a big, substantial audience full of people whose opinions actually matter. He stands up, straightens his suit, and looks his sister in the eye. "Tell me you did not call that man."

Her answer is defiant, but a little bit fearful. "I did. I didn't get him on the phone, just one of the others."

"Tell me," he says with a calm voice belying his fear, "that you did not give them our name."

Zahirah: *looking to everyone* perhaps we should give the of them some privacy for their discussion?

Sunae: I should get going anyway. I have to be at work soon

Ryuki: "No need." Ryuki holds up a hand. "We'll take care of this and then we can get festive down at the pub. Gerald Kingston is a dangerous man. He's involved in some very bad things. Demons. Loa. I don't know what else. But he's a desperate old man and he might use us, if we let him. So Mia, we have to stick together on this. Don't call him."

Sunae has a look of interest and anticipation

Kane: Anyone paying *close* attention to Kane notices a slight shift in his posture when demons and loa are mentioned. Not much ... a little squaring of the shoulders, a slight adjustment of the feet ... but he's unobtrusively readied himself for a fight.

Sunae shoots Kane a look, from one warrior to another, it simply say "Aw yeah!"

Ryuki: Directly to his father, "Dad, I'm sorry. I've already told them yes. I'll withdraw if you don't give your blessing, or if Uncle Shiro doesn't give his. This is somewhere I think I can do a lot of good, with my unusual talents. But family comes first. That hasn't changed."

Kane: Kane nods in appreciation. "You've raised a good man, sir," he tells the father. "We can use someone like him."

Ryuki: "My uncle Shiro...."

Ryukawa steps in. "Let me explain. These are Christians, most of them?"

Kane: "I mostly work in the Inland Empire, if that tells you anything," Kane says with a wry smile.

Ryukawa finds that funny.

Zahirah: I am Catholic, but that doesn't stop me from seeing the value in anything that someone finds Faith in

Ryukawa: "Excellent, then I will try to explain. Shiro is the youngest brother of three, I am the eldest. In our culture, once our father was gone that means I make the decisions for our entire family. Now our father, their grandfather," he indicates Ryuki and Mia, "was murdered by rivals. The police would not investigate, not in a serious way. Radiation poisoning, but he had survived Nagasaki's bombing so they did not consider it murder. Now as the eldest son, I told my brothers not to pursue the matter. If the police would not help him, they would not help us. But Shiro didn't listen. He struck out on his own, and was killed."

Ryukawa: "We believe in asking our ancestors for advice, and because Shiro is probably angry at how the police ignored him, I feel we must ask him about this."

Sunae nods. She understands completely

Kane's brow furrows. He *thinks* he understands.

Zahirah: *she would nod respectfully*

Kane: "Askin' him for advice -- do you mean prayin' or actually callin' up his soul?" He smiles apologetically, in case he's offended.

Ryukawa: "In, we have a shrine. We will ask him there. He may answer, in his way."

Kane: He nods, respectfully.

Ida: Ida nods

Ryuki gives his sister a chilly look.

Ryukawa: But enough! We have something to celebrate! We have cake! We also have a nice bar on the first floor, and I can still afford to pick up the tab. Join us! Some other day you can explain to me what a "Loa" is..."

Sunae: "If you wish Ryuki, I have the incense for the ritual." Sunae says quietly

Ryuki to Sunae, with a knowing smile: “As do I. Thank you though.”

Sunae: "Mine is blessed"

Kane: "Thank you kindly, sir," Kane tells Ryukawa. "Uh ... would you be offended if I brought my guitar in? Doesn't seem right to have a party without music, somehow."

Ida: Ida smiles broadly, "Thank you for your kind invitation, sir."

Ryukawa: A guitar should be fine.

Sunae: "Had I known you brought a guitar I would have brought my zither. I'm finally beginning to figure out what Eli did with it" She shakes her head with a smile "Took me forever to figure out how to play it again"

Kane: "Thank you, sir."

Ryuki to Sunae: I won't ask by whom...

Sunae shrugs "You already know"

Sunae: "But I'm afraid I can't stay. I couldn't get the evening off and I have to go in soon. Thank you for the invitation"

Kane: As the gathering starts to shift, Kane drifts over near Sunae. "I'd be interested in seeing that zither sometime, if you don't mind. It'd be good to see a bit of the boss again."

Ida looks at Sunae, "Sounds like a story there."

Sunae to Kane: "Sure. Maybe you can help me figure it out a bit"

Sunae to Ida: "You have no idea"

Kane: "My pleasure." He holds the door for her.

Sunae motions to the others. "They can tell you"

Sunae: She speaks to Ryuki and the others in a manner that is purely business. Distant. She is letting the others have their say on it since they are angels and such

Zahirah: *she would smile at Ryuki, obviously interested in what he thinks of her present, but too polite to push him to open it as they move to the other room*

GM: "Other room" is the local bar :)

Sunae tells Kane what restaurant she works at and gives him her number

Sunae: "Call ahead and let me know when you'll stop by. I'll bring my zither"

GM: ...where their business is well enough liked they could bring a bagpipe in there and not get any complaints

Kane: He tips his hat to her and slides the number in his shirt pocket. "Thank you, ma'am."

Sunae: "You're welcome" still in a neutral business manner

Ryuki does bring both gifts with them, if that statue is small, and opens them and shows them around. Zahira's in particular impresses Dad

Zahirah: "Good night everyone, and congratulations Ryuki"

Zahirah: *she would actually blush a bit when he shows her gift around*

Ryuki: Thanks for coming, Sunae, and for the gift." He only pretends at the mask. There's a warmth there, a genuine gratitude

Sunae: "You're welcome, and thank you for inviting me"

Ida: (to Ryuki) "so I'll fix the computer for free, if you want?"

Sunae: There is no warmth in her words, just business

Ryuki: (to Ida) Work that costs nothing is taken for granted. Thank you, but let me know what your rates are.

Zahirah: (the present from Zahirah: it's a rosary- but it's not the right symbols- instead of the cross is Avalokiteśvara (Bodhisattva of compassion), each of the accent beads is: Ashura, EBISU, Bato, Dosojin, Hachiman, Inari, Shōki, Daijizaiten, and Shishi. these items look like used beads and coins with the depictions- a mismatch of items, the other beads are white jade, likely something she made herself)

Sunae bows deeply to his father before bowing to everyone, then she leaves

GM: Sunae's gift the box has a jade figure of a rooster

In Japan... The comb symbolizes civil merit whereas the spurs are taken as military merit. The fighting ability of the rooster makes it a symbol of courage whereas its cocking gives it the representation of reliability.

Kane plays and sings at the party for two or three hours (unless stopped sooner) and then drifts away himself with a thank-you to the host.

Ida: "It'll be 50 dollars an hour, and it'll take roughly 2 hours, will that suit?"

Zahirah would stay and be friendly and listen to anything Ryuki and his father want to say about what they believe, mostly just being an easy ear to talk to

Ryuki to Ida: "Quite reasonable."

Ida will hang around and chat with people and eat a bit of cake and drink a bit of wine and slip a couple of requests to Kane

Sunae is being very cautious with the group and will not participate in gatherings unless she HAS to

gone is the warmth and friendship she had before. From here on out it's just business