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GrEeN BuDz 4 EvEryOnE

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I have had this page up for seven years now, and although links come and go, I have tried very hard to keep my page as current as possible. If you have a link to add, or a suggestion.. or even a broken link, please email me at anytime, I also have some other sites I can't post here... curious???? My page is always changing so come back and visit often :o)

Rules to being a good pothead

1. The person who rolls the joint, no matter whose weed it is, gets to spark up the joint and get first hits.

2. If someone rolls a nice joint, it's good to give the person a compliment on his/HER rolling skills.

3. Never put the whole roach in your mouth and get it all sopping wet. That's disgusting and it messes up the joint. Likewise, don't put the whole mouthpiece of a bong in your mouth and slobber all over it.

4. Never ask for a joint or call two's - wait until the joint is passed to you. However, this rule may be broken if someone is obviously abusing the trust placed in them by the other smokers.

5. If someone is unable to light the bowl, due to being too stoned or just being a retard :-) then they must relinquish control of the lighter to someone more able to get it lit.

6. Pass the joint around in a circular fashion.

7. If when smoking, someone asks for a sip of your drink, you must give them some, dry mouth is horrible and tortuous.

8. If you ask for a sip of someone’s drink, take only that and NOT a gulp.

9. It’s very impolite to pass someone the very end of a joint.

10. A friend with weed is a friend indeed!!!

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Green Buds 4 everyone

To tHe FoLks I wOULdNt BE hEre wItHoUt


My good friend Tommy Chongs Webpage (Stonerville)
My sad excuse of a weBLOG
Your complete source for marijuana cultivation and more.
High Times Mag Online
Join the green ribbon campaign!!!
1% Smoke Shop Choose your weapon..
Dark and Grusome Links Mail Order Seeds & Growing Info.
The best search engine for all things green...
A totally addicting game...
The Ultimate World Wide Marijuana Seed Bank List
Cannibus Message Boards
Cannibus Classifieds
Grandma's Green Cookbook
Bud Buster
Marijuana Vaporizer..... more buzz for your buck!!
