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SlySpectre's Homepage

A Little About Me

Hello everyone my name is Mikhe. On the web I am known as SlySpectre or just Sly respectivly. I was born on June 25, 1980 in Redwood City, CA along side my fracturnal twin Morris. Growing up was always hard. My biological father ran out on me when I was only three years old. The whole family seperated from eachother because of conflicts within the family. As a result I lost contact with my brother Morris, my sister Tonya and her family. My brother Ronnie and all of his family. And also all of our relatives back east. There were a lot of hard things growing up that I wish not to share.

I can say life is a bit more fair now. I've found God after a long shot and I am now a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and am preparing to set out on my mission for the church. I now live in Sacramento, CA with my mother and stepfather.I hope you enjoy your visit to this page and if there's anything you'd like to say feel free to drop me a line.


My Interests

I enjoy music, swimming, videogames, some wrestling, and chatting. My faovorite singer is Tom Petty. My favorite wrestlers are Sting and The Undertaker. My favorite chat room is #LatterDays located at Talk City. Mail me with your interest or stop by Talk City and we'll chat about it.

And now, without futher due.....

My Favorite Links

My Testimony Of Jesus Christ
My Favorite Chat Site
My Ultima Web Tv Tricks & IRC Links
Sign My Guestbook
My 1st Cyber-Pal's Homepage
My Talk City Homepage

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