Canadian Chew Club - All Canadian Chewers Welcome!!!
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OH MY GOD!!!!!! An update!!!!!! Is anyone else shocked by this. I just want to say to all my loyal Canadian chewers, sorry about another long wait it has almost been a year but I am back. Major update in the works. Yes this time it is true. I will be adding a lot in the next week including my much anticipated Canadian Chewers Hall of Fame!, my own Puddin's Chew Ratings, a chewing tips section, the how to spot a newbie section, a chew stories section so keep those stories coming in, and a You might be a Canadian Chewer if..... section. Also I will be updating my wrestling page adding new pictures, a new reviews section and a new predictions section. Please....I am begging you send in your appications for entry into the Canadian Chewers Hall of Fame....PLEASE. Any questions or comments email them to me. That's enough talk for now enjoy the sight. Last Updated - March 28, 1999

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