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Sonya's Travel-Happy Homepage

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Hi everyone. I haven't been updating this site recently at all...hopefully I'll get my Nepal pictures up here soon I finally decided on Wesleyan University, so I'm enjoying Mt. Tam and the sunshine as much as I can while I'm still here in Cali.

Hi CITYtermers! Do you have any ideas of what we could put on this page? Pictures, stories-whatever, just let me know! Hello RMS folks!! Are you coming to the reunion? I'm not even sure if I am...maybe you should all just come visit me! Please sign the guest book and/or e-mail me after you look. I don't have much yet, but please check out the beginnings of the RMS page. It's not working too well right now though.

See Jesse's Cats Here

Photos from Singapore

Photos from Peninsular Malaysia

The Aftermath of WWI Leading to the Great Depression

Japan and The Great Depression

Japanese Invasion of Malaysia and Singapore

Singapore's Road to Independence

Malaysian History

Nepalese History

*This page is in its early stages. If you are looking for travel info on Singapore, Malaysia, Nepal, Bali, or Lombok and you don't see it here, please e-mail me.*

I recently graduated from Tamalpais High School in Mill Valley, California (I live on a houseboat in Sausalito). I spent last summer volunteering with AMIGOS de las Americas in Honduras, and plan on participating in AMIGOS again. In the spring 1999 semester I attended the Rocky Mountain Semester at the High Mountain Institute" in Leadville, Colorado (more photos to come soon I hope--it was INCREDIBLE), and attended the CITYterm program at the Masters School in Dobbs Ferry, NY in the fall of 1999. I created this site as a final project from when I did independent study during the last half of my sophomore year while travelling in Singapore, Malaysia, Nepal and Indonesia. In addition to my traditional "textbook learning," I studied the histories and cultures of the countries that I explored. I have written brief summaries, complete with photos that I took, of historical events in Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, and Nepal.

I was able to spend the last quarter of the 97-98 year (my sophomore year) doing independent study. From middle of April until lat July I explored a few parts of Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Nepal, using Singapore as my "home base." Please send me an e-mail and let me know what you think. This page is still in its very early stages right now (and, due to my habit of overscheduling myself, is rarely updated). But when I do get around to updating it, it will have news from my summer in Honduras, where I worked with AMIGOS de las Americas to help rebuild a community that was hurt by Hurricane Mitch, as well as photos from the Rocky Mountain Semester (the best school in the world) and Cityterm ( camera broke so if you have photos send them my way!). Please e-mail me!


Blue Marlin Dive Center. An excellent dive shop near Lombok, Indonesia.
