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Nortenos XIV

Race: Hispanic Americans
Colors: Red
Identifyers: Red clothing or bandannas, The number 14,ENE,or Norte tattooed on the body,

Criminal Activity: Nortenos participate in Robbery, Homicide, Intimidation,drug trafficking and Assaults.

States were factions are present
  • California
  • Oregon
  • Washingtion
  • Nevada
  • Texas
  • Idaho
  • Kansas
  • Arizona
  • South Dakota
  • Colorado
  • Illionois
  • Georgia
  • Florida

    Street Profile


  • Black Gangs (usually get along with black gangs bloods ,crips etc.)


  • Surrenos
  • Bull Dogs F-14


    C.Y.A Profile


  • Crips C-14
  • gets along with 415's


  • Bulldogs F-14
  • Surrenos


    Prison Profile

    La Nuestra Familia and The Northern Structure

    La Nuestra Familia was established in Soledad Prison in the early 60's. It was formed to protect the Latinos from Northern and Central California. Over the years The Northern Structure was formed to distract attention from Nuestra Familia. Nortenos from and incarcerated in Texas join the Norteno faction of Raza Unida,


  • Black Guerilla Family


  • Mexican Mafia La EME
  • Aryan Brotherhood
  • Texas Syndicate
  • Bulldogs F-14