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MICHELLE: One of two Americans on this season, Michelle traveled from Dallas Texas to take part in this trip. Before appearing on the show, Michelle was strutting her stuff on the sidelines for the Dallas Cowboys as a cheerleader. Michelle claims that she decided to try out for the show to try out new things. After taping the show, Michelle moved to Los Angeles. Michelle was spotted not to long ago doing a guest spot on MTV's Loveline. It was on Loveline that Michelle was taking questions from the audience and every once in a while chiming in with advice to callers. Michelle also used her peple skills to help get the season 4 cast of Road Rules on the way. It is to our regret that we must inform you of an internet scandal in which Michelle took part.

CHRIS: Yes the other American on this trip. Chris comes from the great state of Massachuesetts where he was first seen meeting up with Michelle before the trip began. It is in Massachuessets that Chris is a competitive swimmer. Chris admits that he is not to trusting of love or relationshipes. He took the opportunity to be on Road Rules to get out of Massachuesetts. He also tells that he wanted to have a chance to travel. During filming of the show, there was an attraction between Michelle and Chris,. However, not much of this attraction is documented on the screen. After the show, while all teh ohter castmates were traveling back home Chris took a differet path. Chris was last seen, on screen, taking a rental car to travel Europe and attend school in Rome. Chris was last seen working in a bar.

BELOU: Belou was the unstable girl from Holland who tried very hard to get along with everyone. That she did, with a few bumps along the way. Leaving her boyfriend, Steve, behind to film the show, Belou did not have an easy time. Infact, while in France the two broke up over the phone. Belou admits herself that she is very vulnerable. She also admits that she "loves everyone on earth." Belou explains that she is too trusting of people and can easily become upset. Belou says that she tried out for the show to learn about herself. After teh show wrapped up Belou married Pablo, who was seen on the show causing tension betwixt Michelle and Belou. At present the two are seperated, but Belou claims that she loves him very much and is trying to work thing out. GOOD LUCK BELOU! YOU CAN DO IT!

ANTOINE: The snotty man from Brussels. He is well known for his looks and temper. Antoine tried out for the show because of his love for traveling. He explains that traveling "makes people what they are." During the show, Antoine was very competitive with Belou--something that Belou couldn't handle. It ended up breaking her. Antoine was the one castmate who was tri-lingual and most informed about Europe. During the season, Antoine was sporting red hair. However, since then things have changed. At present Antoine is working in Vietnam and surprisingly enough wearing a suit and tie. Go Figure.

PATRICE: The soft spoken German who quite possibly did the most growing on this season. Patrice admits that his biggest fear is heights. A fear that Patrice successfully overcame. Patrice decided to try out for the show to learn about himself. While in France, the gang was exposed to a modeling mission which is where Patrice got his first taste of modeling. After the show, Patrice was approached with a modeling job. He jumped at the offer and since then he has been seen on a cover of a popular magazine. WAY TO GO PATRICE!