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Bios on Road Rules 6

Bios on Road Rules 6


A native of Steamboat Springs, Colorado, Chadwick has fought hard to leave behind the pain of his turbulent upbringing. he an accomplished medical technican, athete, and even a third degree black belt in karate. Chadwick was deeply affected by a recent and seriuos relationship witch sent him into an introspective spiral..


Christina was born in Canada from parents of Hungarian decent. After her parents divorced in early 1980,she moved to Los Angeles, where she spent time with her father in the fashionable discos. This love of the "scene" soon lead her into becoming a full-fledged Goth by the age of 16. She settle down after those party years to study philosophy and law at the University of San Francisco.


Raised in rual Foley, Alabama, Kefla is a God-fearing Christian who alway tries to do the right thing. His family is tight knit and is very close to his youngest brother Da'Nova. Kefla is attending Alabama State University and is a member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. he has an exceptional sense of humor, keeping all who come in contact with him cluching their sides. The only thing that really creep Kefla out is reptiles.


Born to a Welsh father and an Afican-American mother in Middlesborough, England , Piggy earned her nick name when her father declarded that his daughter looked more like a piglet than an infant. Piggy grew up in mosty white section of Englang and has no Afican-American friends.Though she close to her fahter and his new wife, Piggy relationship with her mother is tentative. Piggy is smart, sarcastic, and vulnerable.


Shayne, who hails from Canada, is the epitome of the "nice guy". He was raised in a Catholic home by two parents, who are still maried. At one time he considered going into the preisthood. Shyane has excelled in schoolas well as in athetics, particularly hockey. have set aside thoughts of becoming a priest or a ockey star, shayne now considers himself a " lady killer." He even admits to sneaking a few lovely ladies after hours.


Susie the youngest of five childern raised by right wing, conservative Republican in Pittsburgh, Pennsyvania. In order to help the family out financially anjd pay for her collage tuition, Susie has been holding two jobs--one at a restaurant and one at a video store.Susie is a seld-proclaimed expert on the Brandy Bunch and has a mjor crush on a former Road Ruler and fellow Pittsburg resident, Timmy Beggy. (timmy and Sussie are now engaged)
