~*…darkling, i listen…*~

okay. so i haven't updated this in forever and it just occured to mee to put a "last updated on..." nonsense on here somewhere. to get to the point, i'm too lazy to update my page and i'll get around to it later. it's never been a "this is how my life is going" thing. i hate those. so while others are motivated to update their page with changes in their lives, i am motivated by nothing. needless to say, any updates, if any, will be few and far between. and with that, here's a picture:

Linda's Neclace

[updated 02/17/05]

yeah i know i just said yesterday i wouldn't be updating this thing...but i guess i found some motivation...at least enough to add in this quote:
"Tolerance is not acceptance, and indifference is not assimilation." - Carey McWilliams
[updated 02/18/05]

boy does chris ware rock:
Lonely: adj. Alone, or by one-self. The permanent state of being for all humans, despite any efforts to the contrary. Can be soothed or subdued in a variety of ways, viz. marriage, sexual intercourse, board games, literature, music, poetry, television, party hats, pastries, etc., but cannot be solved.
[updated 02/27/05 8:55pm...hey look, the time too.]

the following list of links haven't been changed in forever. compiled while i was much younger. i checked em out and i still like everything on them...but they aren't neccesarily my favorite things i would list today. don't know what those things would be just now. at this current moment, and for the past two weeks, i've been obsessed with Chris Ware. enjoy.[02/27/05]

*sigh* the wonderful poe...what would the world be without his works?...poe

some poems i like...poems

here are some short stories that i like...stories

some quotes that are interesting...i suppose...quotes

rest in peace...amar

here's this dorky game i play that at times can be addicting...Sigma Storm

yet ANOTHER silly online thing...Care to Join the Ranks of the Undead?

some rambling i did about which fox shows shouldn't have been taken off the air. yeah, it's kind of annoyingly random...old ramble

society of women engineers

Download AIMAIM RemoteDo it Biatch!...i'm really not that pushy.As you damn well shouldI'm lonely :(...jesus, how long ago did i write that??Add Remote to Your Page

american society of mechanical engineers