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The following page contains many topics, which are listed in order here:

-General Stuff
- My reviews
- Misc. (list of updates, opinion, etc.)


This page may seem long and boring, but for those who are interested, it may provide somewhat useful info. This site contains my opinion, my favorite movies and killers, and any other stuff I decide to write.
Added to the site will be not just movies, but games also. This will include Resedent Evil, Dino Crisis, and House of the Dead. If you have any pictures form any of these, send them here , and you will receive some credit, or whatever else you want.
If there is any movie you would like to see on this page, go back to the main page and sign the guestbook. In the guestbook is a space for movies you would like to see added, and movies you would like to see taken off.

The best horror movie that could ever be made would probably be Myers vs. Jason, I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that they would pay to see the two silent, masked, invincible killers fight each other. This will never happen though. Michael Myers and Jason are owned by two different companies. Just for fun, I will make a Myers vs Jason page. On this page will be posted fan art, scripts, etc. Start making art and what ever else you want to send. This will really be cool, but only if everyone sends in their pics. SEND THEM HERE!!


I rewatched Halloween 5 and during that time i realized how stupid and dumb it was. They reconstructed Michael Myers' mask to fit the actor's face better and it completely ruined the look. The neck part of the mask stuck out and looked unbeleiveably stupid. The guy who dressed up like Michael for Halloween looks more like him that the actual one does. Other than that, the movie was OK.

Also, i rewatched Friday the 13th part 7: the new blood. The plot was ok, but what made it all better was Jason's appearence. After drowing in the lake and coming back, he looks the best he ever has. A segment of the chian still hangs from his neck and his clothes are ragged and torn. His skin is also shriveled and mutated.
Jason gets free by a telekentic girl. She tries to bring her dad back to life, but instead she raises Jason from his watery grave. I think that the worst part of the movie is when the girl's dead father pops out and drags Jason down.



- More pictures were added to the Michael Myers page and the Jason Gallery.

- Lots of pictures are being added to the gallery every week or so, so be sure to check back often. If you haven't seen the gallery yet, check it out now

- Just recently, Resident Evil was added to the list of Horror movies/games featured on this site.

- I made a couple new pics that are white and look kind of cool in a way. There are a couple of Michael Myers and there are few of Jason.

Michael Myers 1
Michael Myers 2

Jason 1
Jason 2
Jason 3

- I added more pics to the Jason page. I really need visitors to this site to send in some artwork that they have made so that I can get the artwork page up. Also, stories will be accepted, so send those to. Soon, I will be getting a scanner, so I can scan up some of my work, but the page will look pretty boring. Even if you just made something on the computer.
(for example ) (a pic I made)

Even banners without writing are excepted, so whatever artwork you have, send me now

- Two original artwork posters for Freddy vs. Jason done by Timothy Whitfield.
They can be seen on the Jason page and the Freddy Kruger page

- On the Awards Site , the old Friday the 13th award was taken off and a new one was put on. The new award is clearer and has a different picture. If you have the old award on your site, please e-mail me, and I will send you the new one.

- Also, a Texas Chainsaw Massacre award was added

- A couple pics were taken off the jason gallery, the michael myers page, and the freddy kruger page becuase some guy says that he made them. He also says that I stole them, but this is not true because I have someone who goes out and collects pics for me. Infact, he says that some of the pics that this guy claimed, weren't even from his site. SCARECR0W find all my pics for me. Most of them are from his friend's gallery. So now, I have a bunch of empty spots that need to be filled. If you have any pics, please send them to me now

- On Tuesday, June 10, a PSYCHO page was added. click back to home to see it

- The page has been updated a lot. More movies were added including House on Haunted Hill, The Haunting, The Mummy, Omen, and Phantasm.

- Special fonts were put on.

- A page where you can download fonts used on the pages was added.

- The CLUB section was put up, where you can join fan clubs on various movies.

- The main page was shortened and cleaned up drastically.

- A shortcut to other pages was added on most of the movies sections and the rest will be put up soon.

- The main banner was changed.

Once again, this page has not been updated for a long time, but this update is on News about Jason X. Jason X is being filmed in fact, and everything has already been chosen. When I first heard the plot, I thought it was a joke. In the far future, Aliens land on Earth and raise Jason and he wreaks havoc on their spaceship. Jason's looks has been updated and he looks newer.. (According to an Article in "Wicked" Magazine).