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Welcome Friends ... to Princess Piggy's Photo Pen ... say that 5 times real fast ... win virtual prize if you can!

Howdy!!! Welcome to Princess Piggy's Photo Pen!! This page is devoted to all the fun I have here on the internet and to the friends I have made from all over the world, who would never have been a part of my life had it not been for our puters and the internet...I am truly blessed!!! I have also been busy creating the BEST online shopping store in town! I hope you will visit my store, it's called Thingamajigs...just scroll down to my favorite links and click on BEST shopping place in town and the link will take you directly to my store :) Now you gotta do just ONE thing for me, and that is sign my guestbook so I know you've been here...It truly means a lot to me..Thanks!!! ENJOY and remember to keep that SMILE where it belongs...ON YOUR FACE!!!! :@)


Yeppers! This is ME!!

I snapped this picture from my Video Cam...

Play audio for button (2)
Click here for a very special message from ME!!

This is Mr. Pigs playing with his telescope (one of his many hobbies) Mr. Pigs just became a Black Belt in Taekwondo

My 3 little Piggys, Courtney, Brooke and Brandon! All 3 of my little Piggys are "A" students; I couldn't be prouder. Courtney is my Teenager with AT-TI-TUDE (OOPS! I shouldn't have said that..hee hee) Brooke is just like ME in every way, it's absolutely amazing that there could me another ME out there..LOL and Brandon is my little practical Joker, and my miracle child as we almost lost him to Asthma..Courtney calls me Mumsy, Brooke calls me Moo Moo and Brandon calls me Mums-a-million, isn't that precious???

This is Jim, a friend of mine who manages the Dewey Pest Control out here in our little town. If it wasn't for the horrible, disgusting Flying Ants in my house, we may have never met, so as much as I hate to do it, I better thank those little critters....LOL!!!!!


I love editing pictures of the people I care about, soooooo..when my brother-in-law mooned our video camera(when nobody was in the room)I snapped the picture into my computer and this is one of the many pictures I have done with his butt!!!






Recognize one of the Nuns?...


My Brother in law has a habit of NOT TELLING THE TRUTH, sooooo, I created this little two part picture for him...In the picture above you will notice a certain Nun telling Ron he needs to Repent and in this picture, you can see that Ron isn't quite Repenting..ha ha ha ha...







My Favorite Links

  • Friends from the Pig Pen!!!
  • Princess Piggy Sings!!!
  • Friends from Cheesy's Clubhouse!!!
  • Friends from ICQ!!!
  • **************************************************
  • BEST online shopping place in town!!
    Cheesy's Homepage
    Harleydogster's Homepage
    Aerie's Homepage
    Ernie's homepage (great Recipes, & Jokes)
    Pigman's Homepage
    Gary's Homepage
    Scott's Homepage
    Kenny's Homepage
    Jim's Homepage

    Next time you visit, you can
    use my new, simple URL!


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    Email: Princess Pigs


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