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"One pair of ladies' nylon stockings." "Check."

My name is Pius Maximus(It's real)but my friends call me Pi. This is my page and it is devoted to everything interesting and amusing. My site is still under massive construction so be patient. If you have any ideas for my page E-mail me.

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Check out my game reviews page!See my game reviews

Test your I.Q. on my quiz page!Let the quiz begin

All titles and names used on these pages are the property of there own respective owners.All rights reserved 1998

Pius's Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Hotmail-The internet's best free E-mail
The Federal Bureau of Investigation
The Virtual Broomcloset- Space Quest
Drunkenspud- An Interesting Qoute
CapitolWire-Inside PA's state government
