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PiNaYSIMple's BaHay

Links to my pages

Welcome to mah Bahay and hello 2 everyone!

For those who don't understand Tagalog, the word Bahay, translated to English, stands for "house".

Now I'm gonna give a few shout out's here: 2 my best friends, "Mary Joyce and Neil." Thanks for always, being there for me. Thanks for all the advice you guys gave. Love you guys. Thanks for putting up with me. Remember if ever you guys have a problem you can always count on me. Okay. "Joyce"- Call meeh, okay. "Neil"- talk to you later, okay. to my peeps in the Washington-kuya Jeremy- "thanks for helping my out with this web page", kuya J.J- "hi, kuya, how are you doing?" , kuya Carlo -" I hope you still have that pic, don't lose it. Cabri- "hi, buddy, what's up?" ; Ce-Ce- "hi girl." john -"what's up?; robert and albert- "hello, keep in touch." and everyone else down there.
To my homeboys and home girls- hey what's up? to Ardielyn - see i didn't forget about you. hello, so when are we going to go ----- ----------. to Kristine Joy - I hope you are taking care. Remember don't trippin about him, you can find someone way better than him. to Ron - Hello, can you do my intro to my voicemail? I'll talk to you later, or whenever. Okay. to Aubrey- hey girl. what's up? You should come back, girl. I miss ya.
To my family - roy, sarah, kuya jay, rezyl, steve, steven, elaine, manang cheryl, daisy, blair, deb, kuya joe. Hello, what's up? keep in touch. To my ate Mel- thanks for putting up with me, i know i can be a brat at time. Thanks for always listening to my problems. Okay. I love all of you guys.
Special shout out going out to- MisTeR_pLaYfuL_p1nOi00, hey you, what's up? What ya been up to lately? Anyways, i just wanted to let you know that i really do care about you, I'll call you later, okay. I LoVe you. (MaHaL nA MaHaL kItA)
What's up to the dancers, racers, players, and you know everyone else. Sorry this site is still under some heavy construction.. I'm not done with my webpage so don't tripp.

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Maintained by JeRBo
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