
Click Any Title Below To Listen

Female Dancers Only
Home Shopping Network I
Home Shopping Network II
Activity Director
Bikini Model
I Gotten Outta Jail Yesterday
I Need A Lesson
Happy Halloween!
Big Enough For A Dog
What's Going On In The Blue House?
Race Car Driver
Electronics Equipment
The Pregnancy
Christmas Bunnies
Scrap Metal
You Make Me Smack Your Face
Is It A White Baby?
Meow, Meow, Meow
My Dysfunction
Hot Soup
Pots-Bellied Pig


National Enquirer
Marry My Daughter
Yo, Brother, Yo
He Gots My Sister In Trouble
Fighting Cocks
I Can Takes Care Of Childrens
Pedicure, Manicure
The Couch
Dirt, Free Dirt


Call One
Call Two
Call Three
Call Four
Call Five

Embittered ex-girlfriends always encouraged to submit enraged drunken entries!

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Recommended Links

Gridlock & Load
Psycho Ex Girlfriend
Amy's Answering Machine
NeighborsFromHell's Prank Calls Site
World's Smallest Political Quiz
Peter Pan's Home Page!
Anthony's Disco Ensenada
Xtreme Prank Radio
Prank Call Central


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