Things to Do When You Are Bored!

  1. Learn origami
  2. Write a list of things to do when bored
  3. Write a computer program
  4. Be bored Play the "How bored are you?" game* I made it to 87 minutes
  5. See how hot various items can get in the microwave (ie. olives, grapes, etc.)
  6. Write stupid protest slogans (ie. STOP PLATE TECTONICS!)
  7. Sharpen all of the pencils in the house
  8. Compose songs using a touch tone phone
  9. Take apart and put back together items (ie. radio, pens, disks, cars, etc.)
  10. Invent cool sayings, phrases, names, etc.
  11. Write poems and songs
  12. Balance things
  13. Build a card castle
  14. Repeatly attack a toilet with a plunger
  15. Stick plungers onto the wall
  16. Think, how close can YOU get your elbow to your mouth?
  17. Learn to polka
  18. Answer impossible questions
  19. Phone your house from your house
  20. Hold your breath for as long as possible
  21. See what interesting things you can find in your nose
  22. Send mail to yourself
  23. Invent a language
  24. Play ping-pong with yourself

    Geez this list is getting long. Deep Breath... are you still there?... man you are bored

  25. Cook things in the dishwasher
  26. Play 2-player board games by yourself
  27. Grow a Chia-pet
  28. Explore -->the city, your basement, restricted areas, the sewer, etc.

    I just thought I'd let you know that I've done most of the things on this list.

  29. See how much trouble you can get into (not recommended)
  30. Spin around in your chair until you make your self dizzy
  31. Figure out lyrics to songs (I recommend anything by Snow, you know the guy I'm talking about? Even if you don't like his music, you could try and decipher it for hours!
  32. Read this list
  33. Sit in the middle of nowhere and debate with yourself or think
  34. Talk to stuffed animals, pets, etc
  35. Flip a coin --> best 51 of 101
  36. Talk to yourself
  37. See how many sticks of gum, carrots, lit cigarettes, etc. can fit in your mouth.
  38. Call your friends, remain silent after the initial hello and see how long they stay on the phone.
  39. When a company tries to sell stuff over the phone, try to sell them something and keep them on the phone for as long as possible.
  40. Call up your ex that you dumped to see what will happen.
Bored. Are you bored? I'm talking boring. Real bored. Not a boar, bore. Bored, bored, bored. That's what I am (bored). Are you bored? (You must be bored if you are reading this list of things to do when bored) Bored. That's what you are (bored). Boring. Can you say bored? BORED. Stop reading this, you're bored. Board? No..bored. Ahhh...bored. Boredom. Boredom=cool. Don't be boring, bore somebody else who isn't bored. Boredom is contagious. Pass boredom around.

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