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Kate's Kranium

Leaving You

The time has come for me to leave this place
The ocean air I can almost taste
I have had a lot of fun
And wow, the things that I have done
Forget this place I will never do
Just as I'll never forget you
My friends where here through it all
They picked me up when I was about to fall
Here's where I've spent my High school years
Now it's time to shed some tears
I'm leaving now, It's time to go
How things will turn out, I just don't know
I love you all with all my heart
How I will miss you when we are apart
The things we've done, and the things we've seen
Why does fate have to be so mean
I must go now, it's for the best
Because if I don't, I'll regret it for the rest
The rest of time I'll look back
And the past would seem extremely black
Return I may, I do not know
All I know is it's time to go
To you I say thank you very much
Because you have mastered the friendship touch
You have made me happy and made me smile
I wish I could stay, just for awhile
We're all going our seperate ways
Where will I be in twenty days
I do not know, I do not care
Being alone is what I fear..

Richard F. ThibeaultŠ

Pictures and Info on Me and the lucky friends of mine

Here is a pictures of my friends from all over
Wanna see my family!!!
College life and friends
411 all about me, Kate

Poem Sites

Kill Devil Hill (This is some great Literature)

Ocean Related Links

Texas A&M University @ Galveston
Universities, Oceanographic Institutes, AND Laboratories
Woods Hole Oceanograpic Institute
Marine Biology Sites
Ocean Icons
Ocean Sciences
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Sea World
411 about SCUBA and Expeditions
A world into Cartilegde Fishes
Anything and everyone on Marine Mammals
Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network...please check this out, they need your help
This is not about the ocean, but dinosaurs instead
411 about Paleontology
SmartLinks from LookSmart (sm)
