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Hi my name is Jessica, I am 4 years old and this is my world, filled with my stories and funny animated gifs that I hope your kids will enjoy. Hope the words aren't to big and you make sense of the story because my mom wrote it down and you know how adults are! So click on the links and read my Fairytales and come back again when you can.

The Snowman, by Jessica

I love snow and today I built a Snowman. Mommy and my sister Delaney and I went outside. It was snowing big flakes. Mommy showed me how to build a snowman. First make a snowball and then push it on the ground to make it grow. It was so much fun we got the bottom and then the body made, mom had to lift it up because it was too heavy for me. My mom is so strong she picked it up all by herself and her face got all red when she did. And we packed snow around the body so it didn't fall off. Then I made the head all by myself.

I got a carrot out of the fridge for the nose and I had to get rocks for the eyes and mouth but there was snow on the ground so we had to shovel the driveway. Mom didn't want to at first but I needed my rocks. And when we were all done and mommy and Delaney went into the house I put the last thing on the snowman, mommy's favorite baseball cap. And when she saw she gave me that look that told me she was not happy. I don't know why it looked better on my snowman. She took it and gave me one of my old winter hats, but my snowman looked good. And we called him Roger. I will tell you later why I called him Roger.

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