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MOMS Club of Calabasas, California


Moms Offering Moms Support

MOMS ClubŪ is an International non-profit organization aimed at providing support for mothers who stay at home to raise their children. Our goals include providing a forum of topics of interest to women, giving mothers more of a voice in the community, having fun with our children and performing service projects in our community, especially projects benefiting children. The MOMS ClubŪ is a wonderful way for you to meet other at home moms as well as a fun way for your children to meet other children.

 In addition to being an easy way to meet other mom's, the club is a wonderful way for our children to meet other children, learn to play together, and make friends.

We are a support group designed just for you, the stay-at-home mothers of today. Our chapter meets during the day when at-home mothers need the most support!

If you live in the Calabasas Area, come visit our next meeting. Our chapter is very open to new members. You probably won't be the only new person there! Although some of us have lived here for years and are experienced mothers, many of us are new in town or new to motherhood! We all have one thing in common- the MOMS ClubŪ introduced us to other moms who stay home... the ones that soon became our friends!

We hope to meet you and your children soon!


  • We usually meet during the day,when at-home mothers most need support!
  • We believe being a mother shouldn't isolate you, so mothers may bring their children with them.
  • The MOMS ClubŪ is a nonprofit corporation and a 501 (C) (3) publicly-supported charity registered with the IRS.
  • At-home mothers of any age children are welcome!

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Neither the MOMS ClubŪ of Calabasas nor the International MOMS ClubŪ endorse any advertisers that may appear on this site.
Copyright Đ MOMS ClubŪ of Calabasas, CA. All rights reserved.
Revised: November 1, 2002