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Welcome to Mandalor Welcome to Mandalor Spaceport Center...

I find your lack of faith disturbing Aaaaargh! The Death Star plans are not in the main computer! I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations. Bleep bleep bittabitta Mine!

Welcome to Mandalor Space Center! Click on any of the characters above to hear a cool quote! Hit reload if the Imperial March stops. Well anyway this is my first online web page, dedicated to those three triumphs of human imagination, the Star Wars Trilogy! This page will be expanded constantly with the newest news about Star Wars and all the latest Star Wars things to see online. Bookmark this page and come back soon, because I intent to make it one of the coolest Star Wars pages not officially sanctioned by Lucasfilm!

Click here to reload the Imperial March

This page was written and designed by Droid327, a cool dude from California, and is composed entirely of material ripped off of other Star Wars sites, so feel free to do the same to me :-)
If you have any suggestions, feel free to mail me at