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Welcome to Bethany's webpage

Welcome to my homepage! I am updating my page mostly so that my sister can see that mine is cooler than hers. Also, if you aren't hearing my music, please turn up your speakers, cuz I just changed it. I went through all of my midi files and found some cool tunes that I forgot I had. In a side note, my sister happens to be of the opinion that MIDI files are not as cool as actual WAV files. My take on this matter is that MIDI files are better, because the point to having music on a webpage is not to impress people with your technical prowess, but to merely provide them simple background music for their luxury and enjoyment. I believe that MIDI files work much better in acheiving this end. Thank you.

If you don't like my page, then just leave. There are a million+ webpages on the internet, so you can just go to them, and you know what? We cool people won't miss you and your negativity. Negative people made baby Jesus cry, so we don't want you. But for those of you who do like my page, then hugs and kisses for you.

Anyways, I have moved on to bigger and better things to talk and think about, such as why President Bush sucks ass.

1. He never won the popular vote, merely the electoral vote, so shouldn't be president.

2. He is using the war in Iraq to serve his own oil driven ends.

3. He is sending our men and women to go over to Iraq, a place where they shouldn't be, and die in order so that America can implement an "American friendly" government that will allow us to build a pipeline through Iraq that would transport oil at a much less cost to oil companies (such as Halliburton, the company to which V.P. Cheney is the former chairman of the board), thereby earning said oil companies a large preofit.

4. While sending troops over to Iraq for an unjust cause, he has cut their benefits, including, but not limited to, their medical coverage, dental coverage, and pension.

5. He lied about Iraq having Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). The American government found Saddam Hussein hiding out in a hole in the ground in a back yard of someone who lived in some remote part of Iraq in the middle of the damned desert. Prior to going to war with Iraq, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld,and Bush's whole administration claimed that they knew the exact location of the WMDs, and even showed satellite pictures of where those weapons were being hidden. My next question would be... if you had to dig Hussein out of some crazy ass hole, why in the hell can't you find the very items that you claimed you knew exactly where they were? Answer: Because those weapons never existed.

Those are some of the reasons why I think Bush is unfit for the presidency. If you do not agree with me, do not email me and tell me that I am wrong because Bush is a god-fearing man, etc. etc. If you really want to convince me that I am wrong, do some research and get to know the facts of the issues. Read the news. NEVER and DO NOT just take what you hear at face value... even what I am saying. Even if you agree with me, do not take my word on it. FInd out for yourselves. Get off of your lazy butts and learn something.

I have added some new links onto my page, so take some time to check them out. I have a couple of essays on here that I have recently added, so if you are into literature and all that good stuff, please, go ahead and read them. Email me if you should want to use any of my material though.

To find out what's been going on with me, click here

This is a pretty kick ass website. I don't really understand why it is so cool, but it is, so go see it.

Check out the Beach Cam! or The Santa Monica Peir Cam

Click here if you would like to read about John Milton's Areopagitica and the seemingly contrasting principles set forth in his essay, Of Education.

This essay is a little longer but it talks about Althusser and what I believe to be the current dominant ideological state apparatus in the United States.

click here to check out UC Davis, home of the Aggies, the school that I am going to. If you are an environmentalist wacko, or if you happen to have an affinity for cows, you should like this school. I have neither, but the English department is good, and, furthermore, it is 400 miles away from L.A.

Check out my magic trick. It's sort of lame, but it's kind of cute too.

If you are bored enough to come here, you are bored enough to go to Its kind of cool, if you are so bored that you want to screw around for a while.