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Active Worlds is a 3D rendered universe with many "worlds" you can explore. Users from all over the world will join you in your adventures. You'll be able to chat and interact with others as a fully animated avatar of your choice.

Own land and build your dream home or even a huge city. Your buildings will be saved so you can expand whenever you'd like. Add sound effects, music, and animations to make your creations come to life. Remember, this is 3D, you can explore inside buildings also!

Below are some screen shots of my city, and some sites from a couple of my friends' cities in Active Worlds.

Rail Way Station The Railway Station in my city. You can take tours of my city here, without having to do a thing! Just enter a rail car and you're on your way!
Tunnel This is a long, long, long tunnel built by myself and my friend DelacroixAoD. It connects our cities. Make sure you bring food and water for the trip, it's a LONG tunnel.
Burning City I'm quite proud of this one. The flames dance and the water shoots from the fire trucks! Sirens scream in the background.
Cat House Whenever I visit my friend Rhedd, I always end up in the "bad" part of town. She's got a hot club down the street - complete with writing on the bathroom walls.
Morgue A lot of us Active World citizens would LOVE to see the dreaded Building Inspector here in Rhedd's morgue. hehe
Arcade This HUGE arcade is in DelacroixAoD's city. That hot woman on the sign? yeah, it's me. ;) Make sure you go inside his buildings. There's lots of interesting things to find.
Junction City This is the center of Junction City. The fountains actually flow! Explore inside too, his offices are well appointed.
Bar While in Delacroix's bar you can watch MTV while tossin back a couple of cold beers. There's also some extremely cool pool tables in here.
Office Buildings These are the government buildings in my city. The fountain in the front is animated, so you'll see the water flowing.
Red Towers In the foreground are my gardens which are quite relaxing to walk thru. The red towers in the background are my personal offices. I have a beautiful view of my city from here.
Zepplin Rhedd built this zepplin. This is the preferred method of transportation between her city and mine. Step inside and you'll be transported to her place.
GBC Airport This is where the zepplin docks - GBC Municiple Airport. There are information kiosks scattered thru the city, complete with maps so you won't get lost.

Please come and visit us in Metatropolis. Kitty Kitty's Lair is located at 402N 48E. You'll find Rhedd's GB Consortium at 128S 199E. DelacroixAoD's Junction City is at 487N 30E.
You can check all this out by downloading the Active Worlds software here.


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