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Welcome to Teens For Christ!!!
John 3:16

This site was created for teens by a teen to spread the word and love of our Savior Jesus Christ


....What Would Jesus Do???


Here is what He WOULD and DID do...

  Jesus was sent to earth to take the punishment for our sins so that we could be saved. Jesus spent his life preaching the Word, healing, and saving countless lives. Despite performing these miracles and preaching God's Word, He was constantly tormented, humiliated, and put through major temptation. But he always continued preaching and saving despite the torment. His perfect life was ended by his crusifiction on the cross where He was beaten, whipped, spat on, and finally killed on the cross. Three days later He arose from the grave and later ascended into heaven. Jesus told his disciples and us, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations..." Matthew 28:19. Today we have a symbol, "What Would Jesus Do?" to remind us to live as Jesus would have us to. But if you were put in the situations He was put in would you stay true to the Lord as He did? Could you stand up to the torment and humiliation as Jesus did? Maybe after we are done asking the question "What Would Jesus Do?" we should ask,
What Would YOU Do?
News and Updates:
11-6-99     I finally have got most of the old testament up in the bible section, so go check it out and see what you think about it. Unfortunately, I have unexpectedly run out of disk space and of now I have had to halt all of my uploads and the site will be put on pause for now. However I have applied for more disk space and will hopefully recieve it soon. If I cant get more space, I will have to do a lot of editing to my pages which will take a lot of time and postpone most of my updates. But I will continue to do everything I can to continually update this site so please come back to see what I have done. Thanx a lot! =)
10-28-99     I'm sorry for the lack of updates lately, but school has been going on and my time has been cut drastically. I have the entire bible section ready to go up, however I have been having trouble uploading to Angelfire, and the each book is very big and takes a while to upload. However I will try my hardest to get the bible up. After that I plan to put up some teachings and stuff in the index section, and then get the prayer page up, which I have a lot to do on it as it will be a very major part of my page. I have a lot in store for this page and will do my hardest to get things speeding up.
10-28-99     As always I want to hear your feedback. I make this page for everyone out there and want it to fit everyone's needs and wants. So please email me with your feedback and any suggestions about this site, anything you dislike or would like to see up here. Thanx

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