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Horsemen's Keep

bruid's web page so far...

Soon to come, other pages.
Parchment Post where people can post and read messages
Grog Bowl Din Pictures and stuff

What is the SCA? Here are some neato links to SCA sites:
***Horsemen's Homepage***
Society for Creative Anachronism
Web Server SCA Home Page
Rocco's Castle Walls
Merchant's Row
Acadamey of St.Gabriel

Words From Bruid the Grim

I am Bruid the Grim an na Bruid of the Horsemen of Judgement Keep. I AM HORSEMEN ! I
strive to be all that is HORSEMEN ! All my life have I searched for thus a brotherhood of men with
a vision that is worthy of the Gods' notice and of mine own arrogance. Instead, in the presence of
thine Brotherhood I hast found mineself wondering if I am trully worthy of being a Horsemen.
Mine brothers, CHIVALRY! lives still! Thy Liege, the Dread Father, his beloved sons, through his
ranks to thine supplicants, lives Chivalry, Honor, and Respect. Long hath I thought this dead in this
age of decadence.

How dost this maketh thine fellow Horsemen feel ? Like a true warrior!

We! are not mere men of the sword! We are the protectors of all that is JUST, TRUE, PURE,
RIGHTOUS, and to any who are opressed by those who doth appose these benign virtues.

Upon entering the ranks of the Horsemen I shed tears of joy. Why, might you ask? Because you,
mine Bretheren have shown me time and again thine faith in what we hold dear to our hearts. What
more inspiration couldst thou ask for except but the Gods themselves come down and grace thee
with there presence for thine persevierance in upholding the true virtues of man. My dear Bretheren,
HORSEMEN all, I love thee as unto life itself and would assuredly die for any of the that it mayhap
in any instance carry on thy Godly vision that our Liege, the Dread Father hast most rightously laid
before us!

To those that would appose the Vision, I twould happily dispence thine soul from its earthly flesh in
that you mightst stand before thine Gods and learn thy follies in life. Thusly I have sworn to uphold
all that is


CHIVALRY, HONOR, TRUTH and this VISION we hold so dear.


What more in life couldst though ask for to be, but


thus I hold true for I am


Taken directly off the Horsemen's Homepage...
Joining the Horsemen

Many a person did ask how do join the Horsemen of Judgment Keep at the West/AnTir
war. This section is directed to any who would consider joining us. There is only one way
to enter the Horsemen. One of our members must sponsor you. We are a very tight knit
group and although we will consider everyone for our group it is honor, chivalry and heart
that shall grant you entrance. We are looking for people who still believe that their word
means more than their life. People who believe that loyalty is forever. People who want to
be a part of a family and are willing to defend that family to all that oppose it. We do not
take our sponsorship lightly. If you have been dazzled by our entertainment or perhaps
our flashy looks and battlefield prowess, we implore you please look further. To join us
means a lot of hard work and a lot of commitment. Should this not have dissuade you yet
and you are still interested in joining our family, my suggestion to you would be to try to
get to know someone within our Keep, either by e-mail or in person, and show that person
you really wish to be a Horseman and that you have the qualities it takes to join.

Links to other Horsemen:
Horsemen of Judgment Keep
Lord Alexander's Page
Lord Christian's Stronghold
Lord Rook's Page
Warlord William Blackwulf
Warlord Galen
Warlord Aldritch
Yosef the Warrior

Here are links to a few of my friends:
Snow Snow helped me put my web page together.

Questions? Comments? Want to put a free link to your page here? Sign My Guestbook, or email me at

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