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Today is April 26, 20006

ummm...... Well its been over a year. Yay me, i havent been here in that long!

Chalk Art

Okay I really mean it this time I'll work on everything, if you didnt know, I'm married now and I'm pregnate, with a little girl, I'm due in June, but I want to have her in May. I dont want to be pregnate in June, when its hella hot. Screw all that. I'll run around the block and drink castor oil...I dont care really, I'll have the child when I want to have her, there are so many things they know now that they didnt know 20 years ago, and I'll try em all.

I'm having a baby shower in 2 weeks, and my wedding anniversary is this weekend, yay! I dont know if we are going to be able to do anything though, unfortunetly Dana was sick on Monday and just plain played hookey last friday...hopefully we can do something. At least he remembered this time, he forgot my birthday.

Here are my pictures pages I am updating them, for real, if you ahve been here before you'd notice the differences. I'll add some pics later on. I do have new ones too! Of me and only me Of friends.

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For some ungodly reason I cannot edit my old slambook, but I'll leave it up there and heres the new one, I cant add more questions for some reason...but ahh well, its the best I could do.

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Email: godaisie@hotmail.com