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Edwards Air Force Base, California



About Edwards

josh1.gif (32102 bytes) Edwards AFB is located 90 miles NE of Los Angeles near the San Gabriel Mountains. It is also known as the ‘High Desert." Daytime temperatures in the summer can reach 125 degrees. The desert is covered with sagebrush and Joshua Trees which have adapted to the harsh desert environment. This was necessary for the minimal amount of rain we receive. Coyotes, squirrels and rabbits are often seen in our housing areas. The squirrels live in burrows underground due to the lack of trees.

The desert tortoise also makes the Mojave Desert it’s home. It stores water in it’s body to survive through the times of no rain. Edwards AFB is probably most well know for the original landing site of the space shuttle and the first supersonic flight of Chuck Yeager. The base is host to an annual airshow which draws numerous spectators.

For more about Edwards AFB go to this link:

To learn more about the space shuttle go to:

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