USS Dewey DDG-45

South American operations

 Here the Dewey Takes on fuel and supplies. this is from Unitas  XX. I believe this is in Roosevelt Roads, Porto Rico. I will update later first just getting picture posted.
 Here is a closer look of some of the working party. Recognize anyone. Maybe spotted your self.
Suprise ! Hey what's for lunch cookie.
DNSN8209474.GIF Hey, what's the idea. I thought you said there was nothing left but light ones.
USS Dewey (guided missile destroyer DDG-45)as the ship gets underway for participation in exercise Unitas XX. Departing from fuel stop at NAS, Roosevelt  Roads, Puerto Rico on
01 June 1979. 
[IMAGE] I'm nor caring that one. I believe this was either a torpedo or Asroc exercise shot, I could be wrong. I'm guessing, but someone is on top of the Asroc launcher. He could be just directing but my guess was if that were so he need not be on the launcher. Also there is a absence od people on the decks. this group of pictures included torpedo firing, missile and Asroc firing and recovery of exercise  shots.. 
[IMAGE] Starboard side Quarterdeck view of Dewey. Us old salts should notice that not much changes. As soon as you are moored they want working parties. In background is Jesse Brown and another FF.
[IMAGE] The flag is embarked aboard the Dewey for Unitas XX exercises. The Captains gig is now painted Black. the Admirals barge.
[IMAGE] Here the Dewey first exercises begin with N.G.F.S. That's short for naval gun fire support. Of course you knew that but remember family members are looking at them.
I've received several request from family members so they may see what there Dad or grandpa did while on board. Most of these I can give a general answer too.
[IMAGE] Here the Dewey turn for towing the sled so the  FFs get a turn at ngfs. FF-1075 and FF-1085. will post there names after more research an also try to determine if you remember OK to submit.
[IMAGE] In this picture we are looking forward from the  Dewey's Fwd, Starboard refueling station. After  a night of formation steaming we will be conducting alongside operations with FF-1075 and FF-1089 . WE will transfer personnel and equipment.
[IMAGE] Fly Bye. Not often seen while independent steaming. More common when operating with the carrier but still rare. Don't know if they were grading a exercise or of they were just part of tracking. My guess that mission complete they are just passing friendly honors before heading home.
[IMAGE] There's a break in the action and possibly a time to just exchange a sea stories. Or it could be briefly the flag giving orders to be relayed for the next exercise.

This page last updated in June 2001

Master Chief Gormady 

Page created 6/12/2001