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Updated Dec 22- 01:20 EST                                                                                                                              
Gt interactive has realeased a new Game Boy game called Oddworld Adventures. Which features the cool, Abe
Even though it's not a Gameboy Colour game it's the start to many other Game Boy Colour games
from the folks at GT interactive....
That list includes Beavis & Butthead and Duke Nukem for both in colour.
                                                                                                                       - Double oh 6
Updated Dec 21- 01:20 EST                                                                                                                              
Nothing much today except that I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!!
also Nintendojo have a new, cool gameboy colour site at
it's preety good so check it out...
hope you get the game or console you want for christmas cause I'am.
I'm getting Zelda 64. Also thanksyou all for checking out our site regularly.
                                                                                                                          - Double oh 6
Updated Dec 18 - 10:30 EST                                                                                                                             
Today I've posted up a reveiw of Turok 2, it can be found in the reviews section. Enjoy...
                                                                                                                          - Double oh 6
Updated Dec. 16  - 01:10 EST                                                                                                                           
Ok first some good news, confirmed Canadian releases, Zelda DX, NFL Blitz, Turok 2, and Quest for Camelot
are out. The bad news Tweety Twouble, has been pushed back to Dec. 21st and Smurfs Nightmare has been
pushed way back until Feb. 99. Zelda DX, NFL Blitz and Quest for Camelot are all selling for $39.95 at EB
while Turok 2 is selling for $44.95
More bad news... the server is going really screwy on me as of late... if you have checked the voting booth
yesterday or today you will have noticed that it hasn't been changed, I'm not able to access any of the scripts...
don't worry everything has been backed up and Club Pokemon submissions still work... so keep thoese coming
All of this will be fixed when I move over to a new server once my exams are done. I'll keep you all posted!

- Jonathan

Updated Dec. 15 - 03:00 EST                                                                                                                           
Nintendo released some new pics for the new GBC game Tweety Twouble!
Updated Dec. 15 - 02:15 EST                                                                                                                           
Hudson Soft will be releasing two Bomberman RPGs in Japan. One called Bomberman Quest on Dec. 24th
and the other called B-Daman RPG later, in Jan. 1999. Here are some screen shots of both games.
Bomerman Quest
B-Daman RPG


New poll question this week, we need some input from you guys in order to improve the site and make it
everything it can be so please check the poll out and let us know what you want to see more of on this site.
For news from Dec 07 to Dec 14 Click here