Alphabetized Drinks


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (0-9)


A Sample
Abbot's Dream
After Midnight
Agent Orange #2
Alabama Slammer #1
Alabama Slammer #2
Almond Delight
Almond Joy
Amaretto Sombrero
Amaretto Sour
An Everglade
Andorian Milk
Anegada Punch
Angel's Lips
Apple Blossom
Apple Jack
Apple Pie
Apricot Smoothie
Arcturian Sunrise
Arctic Freeze
Austrian Hussar


Baby's Bottom
Bacardi Cocktail
Back Street Banger
Bad Habit
Bahama Mama
Bailey's and Amaretto
Baltimore Zoo
Banana Bean Sidhe
Banana Colada
Banana Daquiri
Banana Split
Barbary Coast
Barn Door
Bay Breeze
Bay Horse
Beer, Mexican Style
Belgian Coffee
Bermuda Highball
Bermuda Rose Cocktail
Berryhill's Baby
Between the Sheets
Billy Taylor
Birth Control
Black and Tan
Black Cat
Black Devil
Black Knight
Black Mexican
Black Russian
Black Velvet
Black Windowless Van
Bloody Brain
Bloody Maria
Bloody Maru
Bloody Mary
Blow Job
Blue Devil
Blue Dolphin
Blue Hawaiian
Blue Lagoon
Blue Margarita
Blue Motorcycle
Blue Sky
Blue Whale
Blueberry Daquiri
Boat Drink
Bocci Ball
Bonny Doon
Boston Cocktail
Boston Gold
Boston Tea Party
Bourbon Fog
Bourbon Highball
Bourbon Street
Bowen Special
Brain - Bloody
Brain - Bloody Shot
Brain Revisited
Brandy Alexander
Brandy Highball
Brave Bull
Bronx Cocktail
Bronx Terrace Cocktail
Brown Cocktail
Bubble Gum
Bum Fucker
Burnt Raybird

Caesar Cocktail
Cafe Amaretto
Cafe Antrim
Cafe Brutlot
Cafe Caribbean
Cafe D'Olla
Cafe Diable
Cafe French
Cafe Instabul
Cafe Royal
Cafe Royale #2
Caitian Tongue Tickler
California Lemonade
California Root Beer
Calvin's Trip
Campton Place Cafe Sonia
Cape Codder
Capital Punishment
Cappuchino Sausalito
Caribbean Punch
Cement Mixer
Chambord and Champagne
Chambord and Cognac
Chambord Colada
Chambord Frost
Chelsea Sidecar Cocktail
Choco Colada
Chocolate Chip
Chocolate Covered Banana
Chunky Snakebite
Clear Espresso
Coconut Cream Pie
Coffee Alexander
Coffee Bustamante
Coffee Fantasy
Coffee Fling
Colorado Bulldog
Colorado Skies
Comfortable Brother
Comfortable Screw
Comfortable Screw Up Against The Wall
County Cork Irish Coffee
Cranberry ZZ
Creamy Bush
Crystal Clean
Cuba Libre
Cuban Cocktail
Cuban Special Cocktail
Cum In A Hot Tub
Cyclon Attack


Daily Mail
Daiquiri Cocktail
Daiquiri Slush
Dark and Stormy
Dark Lagoon
Darryl Rasberry
Deep Throat
Depth Charge
Derby Daiquiri
Dirty Mother
Dirty Sock
Double Jack
Dr Pepper
Dracula's Snack
Dragons Breath
Drink of the Gods
Dutch Coffee


El Presidente Cocktail
Electric Iced Tea
English Highball
Everclear Jello
Everybody's Irish


Fairmont Hotel Cherry Flip
Faith, Hope, and Garrity
Fifty-Fifty Cocktail
Fire and Ice
Fire Vodka ("Krunpnik")
Fire-Tini Hunter
Fireman's Sour
Flaming Armadillo
Flaming Asshole
Flaming Blue Fuck
Flaming Orgasm
Flying Dutchman
Flying Fuck
Fog Cutter (1)
Fog Horn
Franny's Moo
Fred Fuddpucker
Freight Train
French Coffee
French Connection
French Summer
Frigid Hairy Virgin
Frozen Daiquiri
Frozen Margarita
Frozen Matador
Frozen Mudslide
Frozen Pineapple Daiquiri
Frozen Tequila Screwdriver
Fruit Margarita
Fuzzy Dick
Fuzzy Iranian
Fuzzy Navel
Fuzzy Screw


Gene Splice
Gentle Ben
Georgia Sunset
Get Laid
Gibson Cocktail
Gin and Sin
Gin and Tonic
Gin Alexander
Gin and Fresca
Gin Buck
Gin Fizz
Gin Highball
Gin Rickey
Gin Sour
Gin Thing
Ginza Strip
Girl Scout Cookie
Goblin Bowl
Golden Cadillac
Golden Margarita
Good Coffee
Great Pumpkin Punch
Green Dragon
Green Fantasy
Green Island
Green Lagoon
Green Stinger


H'allo Police
Hairy Bitch
Hairy Buffalo
Hairy Navel
Hairy Slut
Hairy Virgin
Half and Half
Happy Hawaiian
Harvey Wallbanger
Hat Trick
Havana Cocktail
Hawaiian Cocktail
Hawaiian Sea Breeze
Head Banger
Headless Horseman
Hodge Podge
Honolulu Cocktail
Honolulu Hammer
Hot Chocolate
Hot Chocolate Almond
Hot Irish Nut
Hula-Hula Cocktail
Huntsman Cocktail
Hush Puppy


Iced Coffee Fillip
Irish Coffee
Iron Butterfly
Israeli Coffee
Italian Coffee
Italian Surfer


Jamacia Me Crazy
Jamaican Coffee
Jamaican Yoyo
James Bond Martini
Jello Shots
Jolly Rancher
Judge Jr Cocktail


Kahlua Sombrero
Kangaroo Cocktail
Killer "Kool-aid"
Kir Felix
Kir Royale
Kiss In The Dark
Klingon Battlejuice
Klondike Strike
Kosak's Milk


La Jolla
Lager and Lime
Laser Beam
LateNite Coffee
Leap Frog
Leg Spreader
Lemmings Leap
Lemon Drop
Liquid Cocaine
Little Devil Cocktail
Loch Ness Monste
Long Beach Ice Tea
Long Island Iced Tea
Look Out Below
Lynchburg Lemonade


Mai Tai
Maiden's Blush
Maiden's Prayer
Major Bailey
Mellon Daquiri
Mellow Yellow
Melon Cocktail
Melon Fever
Melon Patch
Merry Bloody Forest
Mexican Coffee
Mexican Grasshopper
Miami Beach
Miami Cocktail
Miami Ice #1
Miami Meloni
Midori Cocktail
Midori Colada
Midori Sour
Mint Chip
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
Mint Julep #1
Mission Accomplished
Mississippi Mud
Mocha Brandy
Mocha Mint
Molotiv Cocktails
Monte Carlo Imperial
More Sunshine
Moscow Mule
Mount Fuji
Ms Jazz Razz-a-ma-Tazz Special
Mud Slide
Muppet (also known as a Popper


Nadir Blue
Navy Grog
Neutron Bomb
New Orleans Buck
Northeast Suicide
Nuclear Fission
Nuclear Waste
Nutty Irish Man


Old Coordinates
Olympic Cocktail
Orange Blossom
Orange Buck
Orange Crush
Orange Julius


Pan Galactic Gargle-Blaster
Pap Smear (Pabst Smir)
Paradise Cocktail
Parisian Blonde
Peach Bunny
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie
Pearl Harbor
Peppermint Pattie
Pepto Pete
Phillip Island Firewater
Pike's Peak
Pimm's cup
Pina Colada
Pineapple Cocktail
Pineapple Pizz
Pink Lady
Pink Pussycat
Pink Squirrel
Planter's Punch
Planters Cocktail
Polar Attraction
Polo Cocktail
Polynesian Cocktail
Pop The Cherry
Prairie Chicken
Prairie Fire
Princeton Cocktail
Purple Jesus
Purple Passion
Pusser's Pain Killer


Queen of Scots
Quick Silver


Raki and Water
Raspberry Cappuccino
Red Death #1
Red Devil
Red Hot
Red Raider
Red Russian
Rhode Island Ice Coffee
Rising Sun
Road Runner
Roasted Toasted Almond
Rob Roy
Robin's Nest
Rocket Fuel
Roman Coffee
Roman Riot
Romulan Ale
Romulan Dream
Root Beer Float
Roselyn Cocktail
Ruhr Skipper
Rum Cola
Rum Collins
Rum Fix
Rum Highball
Rum Punch
Rum Screwdriver
Running Kamikaze
Ruptured Duck
Russian Banana
Russian Bear
Russian Kamikaze
Russian Qualude
Russian Turkey
Rusty Nail


Saint Moritz
Salty Dog
San Sebastian
Santiago Cocktail
Saxon Cocktail
Scarlett O'Hara
Scotch and Soda
Scotch Sour
Screaming Orgasm #1
Sea Breeze
Seven and Seven
Sewer Rat
Sex In A Bubblegum Factory
Sex Machine
Sex On The Beach
Shirley Temple
Shoot the Root
Shot From Hell
Sicilian Kiss
Silver Bullet
Singapore Sling
Sit On My Face
Skeptic #2
Skylab Fallout
Sledge Hammer
Sliced Lemon
Slimy Sunrise
Slippery Nipple
Sloe Comfortable Screw Between the Sheets
Sloe Gin Fizz
Sloppy Joe's Cocktail
Slow Comfortable Screw
Slow Comfortable Screw Up Against The Wall
Slow Screw
Smith and Kerns
Smith and Wesson
Smurf Juice
Smurf Piss
Snake Bite
Snap The Boosters
Snotty Toddy aka Sugar Booger
Sourtoe Cocktail
South Of The Border
Spanish Coffee
Spanish Town Cocktail
Spiritual Enlightenment
Spy Catcher
Stanley Cocktail
Strawberry Bomb
Strawberry Daquiris
Strawberry Stripper
Sunset Horizon
Sweet Patootie
Sweet Sensation
Swimming Pool


Tahiti Club
Tall Ship
Tasty Orgasm
Tennessee Mud
Tequila Collins
Tequila Matador
Tequila Pink
Tequila Slammer
Tequila Sour
Tequila Sunrise
Test Tube Baby
Tetanus Shot
The Big Chill
The Union Jack
Three Stripes Cocktail
Tight Snatch
Tilt The Kilt
Toasted Almond
Tokyo Tea
Tom Collins
Tootsie Roll
Top Banana
Toxic Waste
Triple Irish Coffee
Tropical Storm
TV Tower


Up the Duff


Velvet Hammer
Venusian Flame Water
Vile Green Stuff
Vincow Somba
Violent Fuck
Viva Villa
Vodka and Tonic
Vodka Collins
Vodka Gimlet
Vodka Martini
Vodka Seven
Vodka Sour
Vodka Stinger
Vulcan Mind Probe


Waikiki Beachcomber
Wallick Cocktail
Wallis Blue Cocktail
Ward Eight
Warm Fuzzy
Warp Factor x
What The Hell
Whiskey Sour
White Lady
White Mountain
White Russian
Wild Coffee
Will Rogers
Wine Cooler
Wine Spritzer
Wrigley's Doublemint Blowjob


XYZ Cocktail


Yellow Bird
Yellow Fever




57 Chevy

A Sample

  1 oz grain alcohol
  1 oz yellow Gatorade
  Combine in a lowball glass, no ice.


  1 pint Dark Rum
  1 pound Rock Candy
  1 dozen Eggs
  1 dozen lemons

  Squeeze the juice from al the lemons into a crock pot. Break eggs, add
  them to the lemon juice, with the shells included. Cover with damp cloth.
  let it sit for a few days until the egg shells dissolve. Strain through
  cheese cloth into another pot, Boil rum, rock candy, and a quart of water
  in a saucepan until smooth. Combine with egg mixture and bottle.

Abbot's Dream
  2 parts Bailey's Irish Cream
  1 part  Frangelico
  0.5 banana
  0.5 part cream
  Add to crushed ice in blender.  Serve in highball glass.


  1 part Amaretto
  1 part Bailey's
  1 part Cointreau

  Serve in a lowball glass.


  1 part Sambuka (anisette)
  1 part Bailey's Irish Cream
  A few drops of Grenadine
  Layer: Sambuka, Bailey's. Add grenadine so it flows through lower layers.


  1.5 oz. tequila (I think he means .5 oz. here...  I hope!)
  0.5 oz. triple sec
  0.5 oz. light rum
  1 oz. sour mix
  splash of Rose's
  shake, strain into lowball glass
  garnish with lime wedge


  3/4 oz dry vermout
  3/4 oz sweet vermouth
  1.5 oz scotch
  2 dashes Angostura bitters
  Combine over ice, stir, strain into glass and garnish with strip of
  lemon or orange peal and cherry.

After Midnight
  2 teaspoons of instant coffee     
  2 teaspoons of instant cacoa
  1 glass of cold milk.             
  dash of cream

  Add coffee and cacoa to milk.  Add cream to smoothen.  A bit of
  Jamacian rum is optional.


  a shot of half vodka, half tabasco sauce.  No kidding.
  And a shot of vodka as a chaser.

Agent Orange #2

  1 oz. Vodka        1 oz. Apple Schnapps
  1 oz. Rum          1 oz. Southern Comfort
  1 oz. Gin          1 oz. Yukon Jack
  2 oz. Grenadine    1 oz. Melon Liqueor
  6 oz. Orange Juice

  Pour into 32 oz container filled to top with ice.  Shake well.  Serve.

Alabama Slammer #1
  0.5 oz. Southern Comfort
  0.5 oz. triple sec
  0.5 oz. sloe gin
  0.5 oz. galliano
  splash of orange juice
  shake, strain into lowball glass

Alabama Slammer #2
  1 oz. Southern Comfort         
  0.5 oz. Orange juice             
  0.5 oz. sloe gin                 
  shake, strain into lowball glass

                                  In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes,
  1.5 oz. blended whiskey         combine all ingredients.  Shake well.
  1.0 oz. pineapple juice         Strain into a cocktail glass.
  0.5 oz. dry vermouth

  1.5 ounces run
  1 ounce brandy or Kahlua
  1 ounce coffee
  1 egg white
  Blend the ingredients with ice cubes.  Strain into a glass.

Almond Delight
  0.5 oz. Sambuka
  1 oz. Amaretto  (or 3 oz.)

  Serve in lowball glass.

Almond Joy
  1 oz. Amaretto  (or 3 oz.)
  0.5 oz. Cream de Cacao
  dash of cream
  Serve in lowball glass.

Amaretto Sombrero

  1 part amaretto
  4 parts cream

Amaretto Sour

  Absolut Vodka
  Five Alive (or Orange Juice)
  Lemon Juice
  Sweet and Sour Mix
  New York Seltzer Vanila Flavour

Amaretto Sour #2
  1.5 oz. amaretto
  3 oz. sour mix
  shake, strain into lowball glass or serve straight in sour glass
  garnish with cherry and orange slice

An Everglade
  1 oz grain alcohol
  1 oz green Gatorade
  Combine in a lowball glass with or without ice.

Andorian Milk
  2 cl. Blue curacao

  Pour blue curacao in a glass and fill with milk.

Anegada Punch

  1 46 oz. can guava juice
  1 small can pineapple juice
  1 oz. grenadine
  6 oz. - 8 oz. coconut liqueur

  mix in large pitcher
  add Bacardi Black Rum to taste
  top with grated nutmeg

Angel's Lips
  1 oz. Benedictine  (or 3 oz  )
  0.5 oz. Bailey's   (   1.5 oz)


** Antifreeze #1 **              |   ** Antifreeze #2 **
  1 oz. banana liqueur           |    1 part triple sec
  fill with orange juice         |    1 part blue curacao
  stir in lowball glass          |    6 parts tart orange juice
                                 |    serve in highball glass over
                                 |    dry ice

  1 part Kaluha       
  1 part Baileys       
  1 part Midori melon
  Pour Kaluha into bottom of glass. Over the back of a spoon, add the
  Baileys. Same for the Midori on top.

Apple Blossom
  1.5 oz. Apple Schnapps
  0.5 oz. Cranberry juice

  Serve in lowball glass.

Apple Jack
  0.5 oz. Apple schnapps
  0.5 oz. Jack Daniels
  cinnamon powder

  Serve in lowball glass.

Apple Pie
  1 part vodka
  1 part apple juice (a little less)
  cinnomon powder
  a small glass (~6oz)
  Pour vodka into the glass, add apple juice, a dash of cinnomon on top.
  DO NOT MIX.  Drink quickly.

Apricot Smoothie
  1 6oz can of apricot nectar
  2 jiggers light rum
  1 jigger triple sec
  Serve over crushed ice.

  1.5 oz. blended whiskey
  0.5 oz. cherry brandy
  1 oz. cranberry juice
  shake, strain into lowball glass

Arcturian Sunrise
  1   cl. blue curacao
  1   cl. blackberry liqueur (Kroatzbeere)
  0.5 cl. grenadine
  dry white sparkling wine

  Pour blue curacao, blackberry liqueur, and grenadine in a water glass
  (250ml).  Fill with sparkling wine.

Arctic Freeze

  2 oz chilled White Brandy

  Straight over ice in a rocks glass.

Austrian Hussar
  1/5 ounces European Apricot Brandy        
  Lemon peel
  Tonic water or Quinine
  In an 8-oz. highball glass filled with ice add brandy.  Fill with
  tonic water or quinine.  Twist lemon peel over drink to release oils.
  Garnish with lemon peel.

  0.5 oz. Kahlua
  0.5 oz. Baileys

  Serve in lowball glass.


  ** B-52 **                           ** B-52 **
  1 oz. amaretto                       0.5 shot Grand Mariner
  1 oz. kahlua                         0.5 shot Kahlua
  1 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream           0.5 shot Bailey's Irish Cream
  shake, strain into shot glass    This is a layered drink.  Take a shot
                                   glass and pour in Kahlua, pour Bailey's
                                   over back of spoon next, finally add
                                   the Grand Mariner.

Baby's Bottom

                                    In a mixing glass half-filled with ice
  1.5 oz. blended whiskey           cubes, combine all ingredients.  Stir
  0.5 oz. white creme de menthe     well.  Strain into a cocktail glass
  0.5 oz. white creme de cacao

Bacardi Cocktail

  ** Bacardi Cocktail **               | ** Bacardi Cocktail **
  2 oz. light rum                      | juice of half a lime
  2 oz. sour mix                       | 0.5 teaspoon grenadine
  0.5 oz. grenadine                    | 1.5 oz rum
  shake, strain into cocktail glass    | cocktail glass

Back Street Banger

  0.5 oz. Jack Daniels
  0.5 oz. Bailey's

  Serve in lowball glass.

Bad Habit

  0.5 oz. Vodka
  0.5 oz. Peach schnapps

  Serve in lowball glass.

Bahama Mama
  ** Bahama Mama **                     |  ** Bahamamama **
  0.5 oz. Coconut Rum/Coconut Liqueur   |  2 oz. orange juice
  0.5 oz. Dark Rum                      |  2 oz. pineapple juice
  0.25 oz. Kahlua                       |  0.5 oz. lemon juice
  0.25 oz. 151 Bacardi                  |  0.5 oz. grenadine
  4 oz. pineapple juice                 |  0.5 oz. cherry herring
                                        | 1.5 oz. rum (spiced)

  Mix and pour over ice in highball.    |   1 oz. coconut rum
                                        | Shake with ice.  Garnish with
                                        | pineapple slice and a cherry.

Bailey's and Amaretto
  1 part Bailey's Irish Cream
  1 part Amaretto
  Mix in lowball glass


  2 oz Scotch
  0.5 oz Cointreau
  1-2 dashes orange bitters
  Combine over ice, shake, and strain into lowball glasses.

Baltimore Zoo
  1 shot light rum
  1 shot gin
  1 shot vodka
  3/4 shot triple sec
  1 shot sour mix (as above)
  splash of beer

Banana Bean Sidhe(Banshee)
  2 oz. banana liqueur
  2 oz. white creme de cacao
  2 oz. light cream
  shake, strain into highball glass

Banana Colada
  1 small *ripe* banana
  8 oz. chilled unsweetened pineapple juice (you can use chunks with juice)
  1 oz. regular rum
  0.5 oz. coconut rum
  0.5 oz. banana liqueur
  Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until fairly smooth.
  Serve in exotic glasses.

Banana Daquiri

  ** Banana Daiquiri **         | ** Banana Daquiri **
  4 parts light rum             |   1 oz. White rum
  1 part white creme de cacao   |   0.5 oz. Banana Liqueur
  1 part banana liqueur         |   1 oz. Bar Mix
  1 sliced banana               |
  blend, serve in exotic glass

Banana Split

  ** Banana Split **              | ** Banana Split **
   0.5 oz. Banana Liqueur         |  0.5 oz. Banana Liqueur
   0.5 oz. Kahlua                 |  0.5 oz. Vodka

Barbary Coast
  1 oz Scotch
  1 oz Gin
  1 oz light rum
  0.75 oz white creme de cocoa
  Combine over ice, shake, serve in highball glass.

Barn Door

  1.5 oz Scotch
  1 oz Cointreau
  1-2 dashes orange bitters
  Combine over ice, shake, and strain into lowball glass.

Bay Breeze
  1.5 oz. vodka
  fill with grapefruit juice
  stir in highball glass
  splash of cranberry juice

Bay Horse
  1.5 oz. blended whiskey
  0.5 oz. Pernod
  0.5 oz. dark creme de cacao
  1.0 oz. heavey cream
  0.25 tsp. grated nutmeg
  In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine whiskey, Pernod,
  creme de cacao, and cream.  Shake well.  Strain into an old-fashioned
  glass almost fill with ice cubes. Garnish with nutmeg.

  1.5 oz rum
  0.5 oz triple sec
  0.5 oz lime juice
  Serve in cocktail glass.

Beer, Mexican Style
  12 oz bottle or can of beer, cold
  Pinch of coarse salt
  Small wedge of lemon or lime
  Pour beer into a chilled beer glass. Add pinch of salt. Squeeze a few drops
  of lemon or lime over drink, and discard wedge. Do not stir.

Belgian Coffee

  1 ounce Cointreau
  1 ounce Bailey's Irish Cream
  Fill with Decaffinated Coffee


  3/4 fill with champagne
  1/4 fill with peach schnapps
  serve in champagne glass


  1 part amaretto       1 part sour mix
  1 part vodka          fill with orange juice

Bermuda Highball
  0.75 oz. gin
  0.75 oz. brandy
  0.75 oz. dry vermouth
  fill with ginger ale or club soda
  serve in highball glass
  garnish with lemon twist

Bermuda Rose Cocktail

  1.5 oz. gin
  dash of apricot brandy
  dash of grenadine
  shake, strain into cocktail glass

Berryhill's Baby
  1 kiwi fruit
  1 peach
  150g blueberries
  200mL dark rum
  1 zinc tablet
  1 shitload ice
  1 blender
  Blend first five ingredients well.  Add ice and blend until mixture
  resembles slush.

Between the Sheets

  ** Between The Sheets **          |  ** Between the Sheets #2
  1 oz. brandy                      |     Juice of 1/4 lemon
  1 oz. triple sec                  |     0.5 oz.      Brandy
  1 oz. light rum                   |     0.5 oz.      Triple Sec
  shake, strain into cocktail glass | Shake with ice.  Strain.

Billy Taylor

  half of a lime
  2 oz. gin

  Fill collins glass with carbonated water and ice.  Stir

Birth Control

  1 part Rye whiskey
  1 part Gin

  Serve in lowball glass.

Black and Tan

   A drink that takes its name from the uniforms worn by the British
   Troops that occupied Ireland.

  0.5 Bass Ale
  0.5 Guiness Stout

  Fill glass half full with Bass, then dribble Guiness ever so
  carefully so that the beers don't mix (much).

Black Cat

  ** Black Cat **                | ** Black Cat **
   1 part Kahlua                 |  1 part Tiquila
   1 part Apricot brandy         |  1 part Amaretto
   1 part Uozo                   |

  Serve in lowball glass.

Black Devil

  3 oz. light rum
  0.5 oz. dry vermouth
  stir, strain into cocktail glass
  garnish with black olive

Black Knight

  1 part Kaluha
  1 part Baileys
  1 part Sambuca
  Advokat (Egg Liquor)

  Layer Kaluha, Baileys, and Sambuca.  Add a teaspoon of Advokat.  Put a
  stopper in the the grenadine bottle and place finger on top to stop
  liquid escaping.  Place bottle in bottom of glass and release.  SLAM!
                        \       Sambuca         /
                         \    ___________      /
                           \    Baileys      /
                             \   Kaluha    /

Black Mexican
  1 part Tequila
  1 part Kahlua

  Serve in lowball glass.

Black Russian

  5 oz. vodka
  2.5 oz. kahlua
  stir in highball glass

Black Velvet

  ** Black Velvet **   | ** Black Velvet **
  10 oz. lager         |    3-4 oz. Guiness stout, chilled
  1 oz. dark rum       |    3-4 oz. dry sparkling wine, chilled
                       | Pour stout into chilled highball glass and add
  serve in beer mug    | wine.

Black Windowless Van

  150g    black raspberries
  2000mg  vitamin C
  2 Tblsp brown sugar
  2 oz    whiskey (Johny Walker Black Label)
  8 oz    dark rum
  4       ice cubes (large)
  Blend in blender until well liquified. Pour mixture through strainer.
  Return mixture to blender with ice and liquify.  Serve.

Bloody Brain

  2 shots strawberry schnapps
  0.5 shot Bailey's Irish Cream
  1 dash grenadine

  Pour schnapps into lowball glass.  Pour Baileys right in the middle of
  the schnapps.  Add grenadine.  The Bailey's should clump in the bottom,
  like a brain and the rest should resemble blood, hence the name.

Bloody Maria

  ** Bloody Maria **                         |** Bloody Maria #2 **
  1.5 oz. tequila                            | 1 oz. tequila
  fill with tomato juice                     | 2 oz. tomato juice
  3-5 drops tabasco                          | 1 dash lemon juice
  3-5 drops Worcestershire sauce             | 1 dash tabasco sauce
  dab of horseradish                         | 1 dash celery salt
  dash of celery salt                        |
  dash of black pepper                       | Pour into old-fashioned
  dash of lemon juice                        | glass.
  stir in highball glass                     |
  garnish with celery stalk or lime wedge    |
  ** Bloody Mariana **                | ** Bloody Marie **
   2 oz. vodka                        | 1.5 oz. vodka
   6 oz. V8 juice                     | 3 oz. tomato juice
   1 tsp. lime juice                  | 0.5 Tbsp. lemon juice
   few drops Tabasco sauce            | 5 drop Worchestershire sauce
   few drops Worchestershire sauce    | 8 drop Cayenne pepper sauce
   pinch white pepper                 | 5 drop Pernod
   pinch celery salt                  |
   pinch oregano                      |
  Combine with ice; shake.  Strain and add ice.

Bloody Maru
  2 oz Sake
  4 drops Worcester Sauce
  2 drops Tabasco
  1 dab horseradish
  Squeeze of lime
  Tomato Juice

  Fill in chimney glass with ice. Stir well! Salt and pepper to taste.
  Garnish with celery.

Bloody Mary

  ** Bloody Mary **                | ** Bloody Mary #2 **
  1.5 oz. vodka                    | 1.5 oz. Vodka
  fill with tomato juice           | 6 oz. V8 juice
  3-5 drops tabasco                | 1 Tbsp. A-1 sauce
  3-5 drops Worcestershire sauce   | Dash Worstershire sauce
  dab of horseradish               | Celery salt, Coarse black pepper
  dash of celery salt              | Crushed ice
  dash of black pepper             | Garnish with celery stalk
  dash of lemon juice              |
  add celery stalk or lime wedge   | Substitutions:
                                   |White rum for vodka.
  stir in highball glass           |Jamaican Pickapeppa for Worchestershire
                                   |  and tobasco sauces.
  celery stalk or lime wedge       |Major Peter's is the best mix for this.
** Bloody Mary **
  1 oz. vodka
  shake of ground celery seed or celery salt
  1/8 tsp. ground black pepper
  1/8-1/4 lemon or lime, squeezed, thrown in
  dash each worchestershire and Tabasco sauce
  1 tsp. horseradish
  Fill tall glass with ice.  Add ingredients.  Fill with tomato juice.
  Shake.  Strain.  Garnish with celery stick.  Options: Clamato, Beefamato,
  or V8 juice instead of tomato juice.  Old Bay Seasonings instead of
  celery salt.  Pickled string beans, jalapenos, dill spears for garnish.
  Cayenne pepper sauce instead of Tabasco sauce.

Blow Job

  ** Blow Job **                             | ** Blow Job **
   0.5 shot Kahlua topped with whipped cream |  1 part Bailey's
   no hands, tilt your head back and swallow |  1 part Banana Liqueur
  ** Blowjob #3 **         |  ** Blowjob #4 **
     1 part Kaluha         |     1 part Irish Cream
     1 part Bailey's       |     1 part Grand Mariner
     Whipped cream         |     1 part Creme de Banana
   As above.               | With mouth, girl picks up glass and sucks.

Blue Devil
  1 shot Gin                     Shake with ice and strain into glass.  Add
  1-2 oz Lemon or Lime Juice     a little Maraschino if needed.
  1 dash Blue Curacao

Blue Dolphin
  2 oz. Vermouth          dash of grenadine
  0.5 oz. Blue curacao    slice of lemon
  lemonade                ice

  To a tall glass full of ice; add vermouth and blue curacao.  Stir.  Top
  up with lemonade.  Add a drop of grenadine.  Garnish with lemon slice.

Blue Hawaiian

  ** Blue Hawaiian **                          | ** Blue Hawaiian **
  2 pts. Malibu (or other coconut) rum         | 2 parts white rum
  1 pt. Blue Curacao                           | 1 part blue curacao
  3 pts. Pineapple Juice                       | 4 parts pineapple juice
  dash of orange juice                         | 2 parts cream of coconut
                                               | crushed ice
  Stir in highball glass and serve over ice.   |
                                               | Blend. Garnish w/pineapple

Blue Lagoon
  1 shot Vodka                    Pour vodka and curacao over ice in a tall
  1 shot Blue Curacao             glass and then fill to top with Lemonade.

Blue Margarita
  1 shot Tequila             Rub rim of glass with lime juice, dip in salt.
  0.5 shot Blue Curacao      Shake ingredients with ice and strain into
  1 oz Lime Juice            glass.

Blue Motorcycle

  1 part gin           1 part light rum           1 part triple sec
  1 part vodka         1 part blue curacao        splash of sour mix
  Add to highball.  Fill with lemon/lime soda.  Mix gently over ice.

Blue Sky

  6 oz. milk
  1 oz. Blue Curaco
  Add to shaker.  Shake.  Strain.  Serve.

Blue Whale

  1 parts vodka
  2 parts sour mix
  1 parts blue curacao

  blend, serve in exotic glasses

Blueberry Daquiri

  0.5 pound of blueberries            Blend in highball over ice.
  1 oz blueberry schnapps             Garnish with a lemon wedge.
  2 oz white rum
  very small amount of sugar

Boat Drink

  Fill 3/4 full of ice
  3 oz. vodka
  1 oz. Meyers' Rum (gotta have this fer flavor)
  fill about 2/3 to top with pineapple juice
  fill almost to top with orange juice
  squeeze of lemon and perhaps lime, depending on your mood 
  stir well.
  serve in a big plastic ice tea tumbler (30-32 oz)

Bocci Ball

  ** Boccie Ball **             |  ** Bocci Ball
  1.5 oz. amaretto              |   1 part amaretto
  fill with club soda           |   1 part orange juice
  splash of orange juice        |   0.5 part vodka
  serve in highball glass


  1 oz. blended whiskey   
  12 oz. beer
  Pour the whiskey into a shot glass.  Pour the beer into a mug.
  Drop shot glass into beer mug and drink.  Or drink whiskey in one go.
  Sip the beer.


  1 part Triple Sec
  1 part Tequila
  a drop of Grenadine

  Serve in lowball glass.

Bonny Doon

  1.5 oz Scotch
  0.5 oz sweet vermouth
  2 tsp Benedictine
  Combine over ice, shake, strain into glass.

  1 part Jack Daniels
  1 part Sambuca
  1 part Southern Comfort

  Serve in lowball glass.

  1 part Jack Daniels
  1 part Tequila
  1 part Southern Comfort
  Serve in lowball glass.

  1.5 oz. light rum
  1 oz. Rose's
  1 oz. orange juice
  splash of passion fruit syrup
  dash of 151 rum
  blend, serve in lowball glass

Boston Cocktail
  1 oz. brandy
  1 oz. Cointreau
  1 oz. light rum
  shake, strain into cocktail glass

Boston Gold
  1 oz. vodka
  0.5 oz. banana liqueur
  fill with orange juice
  stir in highball glass

Boston Tea Party
  equal parts:
  vodka, scotch, dry vermouth, triple sec, rum, gin, tequila
  1/4 fill with orange juice
  1/4 fill with coke
  sour mix to taste

  Serve in highball glass; alcohol should fill half of glass;
  with O.J., coke, and sour mix filling the rest.

Bourbon Fog
  1 quart bourbon                   | 1 part bourbon
  1 quart strong coffee             | 1 part vanilla ice cream
  1 quart vanilla ice-cream         | 1 part coffee
                                    | Stir in highball glass

  Chill the coffee.  Mix all the ingredients in a punch bowl.  Serve with
  a small amount of ice.

Bourbon Highball

  1.5 oz. bourbon
  fill with ginger ale or club soda

  serve in highball glass
  lemon twist

Bourbon Street (30-35 servings)
  1 bottle (750 ml.) bourbon
  3 pints strong black coffee, at room temperature
  1 pint half-and-half
  4 oz. amaretto
  1 quart ice cream, vanilla or coffee - half-thawed
  Bitter-chocolate shavings, optional

  In large pitcher, combine, bourbon, coffee, half-and-half, and amaretto.  
  Chill well.  Place ice cream in large punch bowl.  Slowly stir in mixture 
  from pitcher.  Decorate with chocolate shavings, if desired.

Bowen Special

                                Cut flesh of mango into small chunks.
  1-2 Mango                     Put in a container and cover with Grand-
  0.5-.75 cup Grand-Marnier     Marnier.  Leave in fridge for 1 to 2
  Champagne, chilled            days.  Stir occationally.
  Place 1 or 2 spoons of the fruit (and some of the juice) into whatever
  your drinking from.  Top up with chilled Champagne.
  Dessert and drink all in one!!


  1 shot Peachtree Schnapps          0.5 shot grenedine (bloody brain)
  1 shot Baileys
  Proceedure: Over the back of a spoon pour some Baileys into a shot
  glass of Peachtree Schnapps.

Brain - Bloody
  1 shot Peachtree Schnapps or Blueberry Schnapps
  Pour some Irish Cream on top
  Grenadine or Cherry Liqueur
  Procedure: As above but pour grenadine down a stirrer through the Irish Cream 
  in several places to form tendrils.

Brain - Bloody Shot

  Fill shot glass 3/4 of the way with Peach Schnapps
  Add: 1 shot Bailey's Irish Cream
       a dash of Cherry Liqueur
  Fill container with peach schnapps.  Add Bailey's over the back of
  a spoon.  Add a dash of cherry liqueur in the middle of the shot.

Brain Revisited
  1 shot of 151 rum
  1 shot of Amaretto
  1 tsp of Bailey's Iris Cream
  The best one: 1 shot of 151 rum, 1 shot of Amaretto, a small amount
  of chilled Baileys Irish Cream (BIC).  Pour the rum and amaretto
  into the glass, then add the baileys slowly, in a small stream.
  This is best done with a large pipette or eye dropper, but can
  also be done by pouring the baileys over a cherry held by the
  stem (that's the cherry which is held by the stem).  The Baileys
  should drip off the cherry in a small stream.
  This will result in a drink which is amber coloured, with a
  vaguely brain coloured and shaped glop of baileys suspended in
  the middle.  Two of these will wipe most people out.  It tastes
  good too.  Not recommended to be drunk near open flames.
The Brain (#2)
  1 shot of vodka
  1 shot of clear rum
  1 tsp  of baileys
  The second best one: 1 shot of vodka, 1 shot of clear rum, chilled
  baileys.  Mix as above.
  The third best one: 1 shot of vodka, 1 shot of peppermint schnapps.
  Mix as above.  This tastes sort of like a candy cane.
  Others: 1 shot of vodka, 1 shot of any schnapps, OR, 2 shots of any
  schnapps, baileys.  Mix as above.
  Observations: chilling all components of the drink doesn't seem
  to hurt, and may help in keeping the baileys from mixing as much
  with the fluid it's suspended in.  Adding a very small amount of
  Grenadine to the completed drink results in the Hemoraged (sp?)
  Brain, but personally I don't think it's that great.  The grenadine
  sinks to the bottom and is tough to see.
  Serving suggestion:  Buy some small lab beakers (new, not used) to
  serve this in.  For extra colour and flavour, try floating some
  coffee beans in the drink.  For extra creativity, try adding food 
  colouring, or using an eye dropper for the baileys to squeeze it out in 
  weird shapes beneath the surface of the booze.

Brandy Alexander
  2 oz. brandy
  2 oz. dark creme de cacao
  2 oz. light cream
  shake, strain into highball glass
  pinch of nutmeg and/or cinnamon

Brandy Highball

  1.5 oz. brandy
  fill with ginger ale or club soda
  serve in highball glass
  lemon twist

Brave Bull

  5 oz. tequila
  2.5 oz. kahlua
  stir in highball glass

Bronx Cocktail
  1 oz. gin
  0.5 oz. dry vermouth
  0.5 oz. sweet vermouth
  splash of orange juice
  Shake, strain into cocktail glass
  orange slice

Bronx Terrace Cocktail

  1.5 oz. gin
  1.5 oz. vermouth
  juice .5 lime
  cocktail glass

Brown Cocktail
  0.75 oz. gin
  0.75 oz. rum
  0.75 oz. dry vermouth
  cocktail glass

Bubble Gum

  0.5 oz. Banana Liqueur
  0.5 oz. Southern comfort
  0.5 oz. Milk
  0.5 oz. Grenadine

  Serve in lowball glass.


  1.5 oz. gin
  fill with ginger ale or club soda
  splash of orange juice
  serve in highball glass

Bum Fucker

  1 part Jack Daniels
  1 part Tequila

  Serve in lowball glass.

Burnt Raybird

  0.25 oz. amaretto
  0.25 oz. creme de cacao (dark)
  0.25 oz. kahlua
  5 oz. hot coffee
  whipped cream

  Serve in a mug.


  0.5 oz. butterscotch schnapps
  1 oz. Truffles liqueur
  2 oz. hot half-and-half
  whipped cream

  Serve in a mug.

Caesar Cocktail

  Tabasco Pepper Sauce
  Worcestershire Sauce
  1 part Vodka
  4 parts Clamato Cocktail

  Rim glass with celery salt.  Over ice, add one dash of Tabasco pepper
  sauce, two dashes Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper to taste.  Add
  Vodka and Clamato Cocktail, and garnish with a slice of lime.

Cafe Amaretto

  0.5 oz. amaretto
  0.5 oz, kahlua
  1 cup hot coffee
  whipped cream
  Pour liqueurs into coffee and top with whipped cream.  Serve in mug.

Cafe Antrim
  1 oz. Old Bushmills Irish whiskey
  1 teaspoon cognac
  0.5 teaspoon superfine sugar
  Hot black coffee
  1/4 slice orange
  Shake whiskey, cognac, and sugar briskly in shaker to dissolve sugar.  Pour  
  into demitasse cup or old fashioned glass.  Fill with coffee; stir.  Garnish
  with orange.

Cafe Brutlot(10-12 servings)

  A distinctive version from Brennan's; a New Orleans resturant.

  4-in. cinnamon stick
  8-10 whole cloves
  Peel of 2 oranges, in thin slivers
  Peel of 2 lemons, in thin slivers
  6 lumps sugar
  8 oz. brandy, warmed
  2 oz. curacao, warmed
  1 quart strong black coffee
  Combine spices, peels, and sugar in brulol or 2-quart chafing-
  dish pan; mash with ladle.  Add brandy and curacao; stir;
  ignite with long match.  Ladle flaming spirits back and forth
  from pan to bowl, creating the effect of a column of fire.
  When sugar is dissolved, gradually add hot coffee, stirring
  until flames burn out.  Strain into brulot or demitasse cups.

Cafe Caribbean
  0.75 oz. Amaretto
  0.75 oz. Rum
  4 oz. Coffee
  1 tspn. sugar   \ can substitute one large scoop of good ice
  Whipped Cream   / cream a la Haagen-Dazs/Ben and Jerry's (try
                    using different chocolate/vanilla flavours)
  dash Regnier on the whipped cream. (optional)

Cafe D'Olla
  2/3 cup *coarsely* ground dark but not super dark roast coffee
                       (called Vienna roast at my favorite shop)
  1 quart water
  1/3 to 1/2 cup dark brown sugar
  1 teaspoon molasses
  1 cinnamon stick
  a few anise seeds (optional)
  Put sugar, molasses, and spices into water and slowly bring to
  a boil.  Stir in coffee, and return to boiling.  Remove from heat, and
  let steep covered for five minutes.  Pour through strainer.  Drink!

Cafe Diable
  2 Tbsp sugar
  5 oz dark rum or brandy
  2 orange twists
  10 whole cloves
  2 1" cinnamon sticks
  5 cups strong, hot coffee
  Place all ingredients except the coffee in a chafing dish.  Heat gently,
  stirring constantly.
  Ignite and allow to burn for 1 minute.
  Slowly add coffee.
  Ladle into cups, remove the spices.
  Makes 4-6 servings.

Cafe French
  0.5 oz. triple sec
  0.5 oz. amaretto
  0.25 oz. Baileys Irish Cream
  5 oz. hot coffee

  Serve in mug.

Cafe Istanbul (4 servings)

  A combination of Ethiopean Harrar and Tanzanian Peabe coffees are often used 
  for this kind of brew - also known as Turkish Coffee.
  1.75 cup cold water
  0.25 cup superfine sugar
  3 tablespoons pulverized dark-roast coffee
  Measure water into copper or brass-and-tin ibrik or saucepan.
  Add sugar and bring to boil.  Stir in coffee; bring to boil.
  Allow the beverage to boil up to 3 more times, removing from heat each time. 
  Sprinkle with a few drops of cold water.
  Serve in demitasse cups.

Cafe Royal
  1 sugar cube
  hot coffee

  Put sugar cube, well soaked in brandy, in a spoon and ignite; when flame
  is out, drop into coffee

Cafe Royale #2

  Same procedure as Spanish coffee substituting Brandy for Kahlua and brandy.

  2 limes (halved)            Cut lime in half, put in small glass.
  2 Tbs. sugar (heaping)      Grind sugar into limes. Add cachaca.
  2-3 oz. Cachaca             Cover.  Shake.  Add ice.  If vodka is
  crushed ice                 added its a Caipiroska.  Tequila will
                              give a Caipiruka.

Caitian Tongue Tickler

  fill 2/3rds of highball glass with pineapple pieces
  1/3 oz. grenadine
  fill with pineapple flavored wine

California Lemonade
  2 oz. blended whiskey
  2 oz. sour mix
  dash of grenadine
  shake, strain into highball glass

California Root Beer
  1 oz. kahlua
  1 oz. galliano
  2 oz. club soda
  1 oz. coke
  optional splash of beer
  serve in highball glass

Calvin's Trip
  1 part Triple Sec
  1 part Calvados
  2 parts Cointreau
  Mix, put in glasses, put in a lemon wedge and warm up.
  To serve, ignite and sprinkle ground cinammon over flames.   
  Add a very small amount of cinammon after you extinquish the flame.

Campton Place Cafe Sonia

  Heavy cream, chilled
  Vanilla extract
  0.75 oz. Metaxa 7-Star
  0.5 oz. amaretto
  0.5 oz. Tia Maria
  Hot black coffee
  Sugar, if desired
  Lightly beat cream with few drops vanilla.  Reserve.  To warmed 7-oz. 
  mug, add Metaxa, amaretto, and Tia Maria.  Pour in coffee.  Taste for        
  sweetness; add sugar if desired.
  Top with beaten cream.

Cape Codder
  ** Cape Codder **                 | ** Cape Codder #2 **
                                    | 1 .5 oz. rum
  1.5 oz. vodka                     | 3 oz. cranberry juice
  fill with cranberry juice         | juice .5 lime
                                    | Pour into old-fashioned glass and
  stir in highball glass            | fill with carbonated water.

Capital Punishment

  ** Capital Punishment **          | ** Capital Punishment **
  1.5 oz. Jack Daniels              |  1 part Jack Daniels
  1.5 oz. Amaretto                  |  1 part Cointreau

  Serve in lowball glass.

Cappuchino Sausalito

  0.5 oz. amaretto
  0.5 oz. kahlua
  0.5 cup hot coffee
  0.5 cup hot chocolate
  whip cream

  serve in coffee mug

Capri (see Banana Bean Sidhe)

  2 oz. banana liqueur
  2 oz. white creme de cacao    Shake.  Strain into a
  2 oz. light cream             highball glass.

Caribbean Punch

  1 scoop crushed ice
  juice of half a lime
  1 oz. pineapple juice
  1 oz. orange juice
  0.75 oz. banana liqueur
  2 oz. dark rum

  Shake, top with grated nutmeg.

Cement Mixer
  1 shot Bailey's
  1 shot lime juice
  Open mouth.  Pour in shots.  Close mouth.  Shake head.  Swallow.

Chambord and Champagne
  fill with champagne
  dash of chambord
  serve in champagne glass

Chambord and Cognac

  1 part Chambord
  1 part Cognac
  heat in brandy snifter

Chambord Colada

  1.5 oz. Chambord
  1.5 oz. light rum
  2 oz. pineapple juice
  0.5 oz. cream of coconut
  0.75 cup ice

  mix in blender
  serve in highball glass

Chambord Frost

  1.5 oz. Chambord
  juice of 1/4 lemon

  shake, strain into lowball glass

Chelsea Sidecar Cocktail
  0.75 oz. triple sec
  0.75 oz. gin
  cocktail glass

  1 part vodka
  1 part cream of coconut
  2 parts pineapple juice
  blend, serve in exotic glass
  cherry and/or pineapple slice


  1 part Rum or Whiskey         3-4 sugar cubes
  1 part Cointreau
  In lowball glass, add ingredients.  **Fill glass to Brim**.  Otherwise
  you will a) burn your lips, b) break the glass.  On a fork place three or
  four sugar cubes.  Light the liquid with a match (easy way: take a little
  bit in a spoon, warm it and light it, then pour back n glass).  Put sugar
  over flame and wait until dissolved.  When sugar as dissolved, extinguish
  flame by stirring with the fork rapidly, without touching the glass.

Choco Colada

  1 scoop crushed ice
  1.5 oz. - 2 oz. cream or milk
  0.75 oz. creme de coconut
  0.75 oz. chocolate syrup
  0.25 oz. Kahlua
  1.5 oz. white rum
  0.5 oz. dark rum

  Mix or blend into exotic glass, top with chocolate shavings

Chocolate Chip
  1.5 oz. chilled Vodka
  1.5 oz. Frangelica

  Serve in lowball glass.

Chocolate Covered Banana
  Creme de Cocoa, Creme de Banana, Vodka, cream.

Chunky Snakebite

  Shot of Tequila
  Shot of Hot Salsa


  1.5 oz. Lemon-Lime Gatorade
  0.5 oz. Bottom Shelf Gin
  0.25 tsp. ground CINnamon
  1 whole sardine (canned)

Clear Espresso

  2 oz. double espresso, fresh (of course).
  1 oz. Everclear

  1.5 oz. light rum
  2 oz. orange juice
  2 oz. pineapple juice
  1 oz. sour mix
  shake, strain into highball glass
  2 oz. Burgundy wine
  pineapple slice

Coconut Cream Pie
  1.5 oz. Coconut Rum
  top off with whipped cream

  Serve in shot glass.

Coffee Alexander

  2 oz. coffee brandy
  2 oz. white creme de cacao
  2 oz. light cream
  Shake, strain into highball glass

Coffee Bustamante

  A heady blend of brandy, liquers, and coffee from the Ritz-Carlton, 
  Busckhead (uptown Atlanta), the drink was concieved by bartender Julius      
  1.5 oz.  Courvoisier
  1 oz. Kahlua
  0.5 oz. Benedictine
  7 oz. hot coffee
  Unsweetened whipped topping
  0.5 oz. Mozart Chocolate Nougat liqueur
  Grated white chocolate, optional
  In warmed, heatproof 12-oz. mug or glass, combine Courvoisier, Kahlua, and   
  Benedictine.  Pour in hot coffee.  Top with whipped cream; drizzle chocolate 
  liqueur on top. Sprinkle with grated white chocolate, if desired.

Coffee Fantasy

  1 1/3 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream
  1 1/3 oz. cold coffee

  Fill with milk and stir thoroughly

Coffee Fling
  1 oz. Scotch liquer, Drambuie or Lochan Ora
  Hot black coffee
  Lemon-peel segment
  Pour liquer into cup.  Add hot coffee to fill, or to taste.  Stir.  Add sugar
  if desired.  Twist lemon peel over cup to release oils, then discard.

  In a blender mix:
  1 can frozen Bacardi pina colada mix
  1.5 can Souther Comfort
  0.75 can of Pepsi cola

Colorado Bulldog
  5 oz. vodka
  2.5 oz. kahlua
  3 oz. coke
  stir in highball glass

Colorado Skies
  1 oz. Blue Curacao
  1 oz. Tequilla
  4-6 oz. Grapefruit juice

  Mix in a highball over crushed ice.

Comfortable Brother

  1.5 oz. Southern comfort
  1.5 oz. Frangelica

  Serve in lowball glass.

Comfortable Screw
  1 oz. vodka
  0.75 oz. Southern Comfort
  fill with orange juice
  serve in highball glass
  Alternate: equal parts vodka and Southern Comfort

Comfortable Screw Up Against The Wall

  0.75 oz. vodka over ice in highball glass
  0.75 oz. Southern Comfort
  fill with orange juice
  splash of galliano
  Alternate: add 0.75 oz. peach schnapps to get a Fuzzy Screw...

County Cork Irish Coffee

  1.5 oz. Jameson Irish whiskey
  4 oz. hot black coffee
  1 rounded teaspoon brown sugar, or to taste
  Heavy cream, lightly beaten
  Preheat Irish-coffee goblet or heatproof mug.  Add whiskey, coffee, 
  and sugar; stir to dissolve sugar.
  Top generously with collar of cream.  Don't stir.
  The idea is to sip the coffee through the cream.
  Note: For special occations, make the drink with 12-year-old Jameson 1780    
        Special Reserve.


  1 part Apple Schnapps
  1 part Cranberry juice

  Serve in a lowball glass.

Cranberry ZZ

  1 lime
  sugar to taste
  cranberry juice
  ice cubes

  Blend the strawberries, lime juice, sugar, cranberry juice and ice until
  smooth but not runny.  Pour over rum for a very refreshing drink.


  ** Creamsicle **            | ** Creamsicle **     | ** Creamsicle **
                              |                      |
  2 oz. triple sec            |  3 parts Amaretto    | 1 part Amaretto
  2 oz. white creme de cacao  |  3 part Kahlua       | 1 part 15% Cream
  2 oz. light cream           |  1 part Milk         | 1 part Orange Juice
                              |  1 part Orange Juice |

  shake, strain into highball glass

Creamy Bush
  1 part Baileys
  1 part Old Bushmills Irish Whiskey
  Serve in rocks glass.

Crystal Clean

  10-12 oz. Crystal Pepsi            1 shot Everclear

Cuba Libre
  1.5 oz. light rum
  fill with coke
  serve in highball glass
  lime wedge

Cuban Cocktail

  2 oz. rum
  0.5 teaspoon powdered sugar
  juice of half a lime

  cocktail glass

Cuban Special Cocktail

  1 oz. rum
  0.5 teaspoon triple sec
  1 tablespoon pineapple juice
  juice of half a lime

  cocktail glass

Cum In A Hot Tub

  0.5 shot o.j.
  0.5 shot Bailey's Irish Cream
  pour Bailey's into o.j. for curdling effect

Cyclon Attack
  2 cl. lemon juice  (top)
  2 cl. blue curacao (bottom)

  In a cocktail glass add blue curacao.  Carefully add lemon juice over
  the back of a spoon.

Daily Mail

  2.5 oz Scotch
  0.5 tsp superfine sugar
  2 tsp lemon juice
  2 dashes Curacao
  1 dash Amaretto
  Combine, stir, pour into cocktail glasses filled with crushed ice.

  2 oz. light rum
  2 oz. sour mix
  dash of Rose's
  shake, strain into highball glass
  lime wedge

Daiquiri Cocktail

  1.5 oz. rum
  1 teaspoon powdered sugar
  juice 1 lime

  cocktail glass

Daiquiri Slush

  2   cups sugar
  1   cup hot water
  1   large can unsweetened pineapple juice
  2   cups vodka
  0.5 cup dry gin
  0.5 cup light rum
  2   cups cold water
  3   small cans frozen lime-ade
  48  oz 7-Up
  Dissolve sugar in hot water.  Mix the pineapple juice, vodka, gin, rum,
  water, and lime-ade with the sugar water.  Freeze in a large container.
  My sister's recipe says to add the 7-up to this before freezing, but it
  just turns out to be pretty much a big chunk of ice on top and all the
  other stuff on the bottom.  What we do is fill each glass 3/4 full with
  slush and then add cold 7-up and mix a little.

Dark and Stormy
  1 part black rum
  1 part ginger beer (non-alcoholic)
  Serve in lowball glass.

Dark Lagoon

  13   pineapple pieces
  1 cl blue curacao
  1 cl grenadine
  pineapple flavored sparkling wine

  Put pineapple pieces in a water glass (250ml) and pour blue curacao and
  grenadine over them.  Fill with pineapple flavored sparkling wine.

Darryl Rasberry
  One shot of Rasberry Schnapps and Lemon-Lime Slice

Deep Throat

  (same as blow job, only in a salt shaker and for women only)
   the tongue must be used to break the whipped cream seal
** Deep Throat #2 **
   2 oz. Tequila
   2 oz. Kuluha      Pour over ice.

Depth Charge

  10 oz. lager
  1.5 oz. tequila

  Drop tequila shot into beer mug.

Derby Daiquiri

  0.5 oz rum
  1 oz. orange juice
  1 tablespoon lime juice
  1 teaspoon sugar

  Combine with shaved ice, blend at low speed, pour into champagne glass.

Dirty Mother

  3 oz. brandy
  3 oz. kahlua
  stir in highball glass

Dirty Sock

  1.5 oz. Scotch
  1.5 oz. Pineapple juice

  Serve in lowball glass.

Double Jack

  ** Double Jack **            | ** Double Jack #2 **
   1 part Yukon Jack           |  3 oz. Yukon Jack
   1 part Jack Daniels         |  1.5 oz. Jack Daniels
  Serve in lowball glass.      | Shake, strain into highball glass.

Dr. Pepper
  ** Dr. Pepper **             | ** Dr. Pepper ** | ** Flaming Dr. Pepper**
      In shot glass:           |                  |
      0.5 shot amaretto        |  1 part Amaretto |  1 shot Amaretto
      0.5 shot Kahlua          |  1 part Coke     |  1 jigger 151 rum
      top off with 151 rum     |                  |
      0.75 full glass of beer: |                  |
  Procedure: Get a glass of beer with some room left in it.  Light
  the shot on fire, and drop it into the beer.  Chug the whole thing down.

Dracula's Snack

  1 oz. Obstler
  1 oz. raspberry syrup

  Stir thoroughly and serve in glass, looks like blood

Dragons Breath

  2 parts Everclear               Pour ingredients over dry ice
  2 parts Vodka                   in a tall glass.
  2 parts Gin
  1 part  Dark rum
  1 part  Peppermint Schnapps
  3 parts Bud Light
  Coke (to taste)

Drink of the Gods

  2 parts Vodka
  1 part blueberry schnapps
  1 part pineapple juice

Dutch Coffee

  Same procedure as the Spanish Coffee substituting Vandermint for Kahlua 
  and brandy.

El Presidente Cocktail

  1.5 oz. rum
  1 teaspoon grenadine
  1 teaspoon pineapple juice
  juice 1 lime
  cocktail glasses

Electric Iced Tea

   Make a Long Island Iced Tea, but substitute 7UP for coke and
   Blue Curaco for iced tea.


  - shot glass full of Pepp.  Schnapps.  Put a straw in the middle, and run
    a drop of half and half down the straw.  It curdles in the schnapps.
  For added affect, run a drop of grenadine down the straw too.


  1 oz. gin
  1 oz. dry vermouth
  0.5 oz. blue curacao
  0.5 oz. midori (melon liquer)
  Stir thoroughly with ice and a straw into a cocktail glass.

English Highball
  0.75 oz. gin
  0.75 oz. brandy
  0.75 oz. dry vermouth
  fill with ginger ale or club soda
  serve in highball glass
  lemon twist

Everclear Jello

  Orange Flavored Jello
  Knox Unflavored Jello
  1 cup of Everclear

  Take the 4 cup of water jello box and empty it into a bowl, mix in 3 cups
  hot water and disolve jello, add two packets of knox unflavored jello,
  add the cup of everclear.  Pour into mold or for best results pour into
  pill cups (small ones you get in the hospital) and let set 2+ hours.
  Vodka can be substituted for everclear with good results, just use two
  cups of vodka and two cups of water.


  5 oz Squirt soda
  1 oz Everclear

Everybody's Irish

                                    In a mixing glass half-filled with
  2 oz. Irish Whiskey               ice cubes, combine all ingredients.
  1 oz. green Creme de Menthe       Stir well. Strain into a cocktail
  1 oz. green Chartreuse            glass.

Fairmont Hotel Cherry Flip

  Concieved of by bartender Kathryn Thomas
  0.75 oz. cherry-flavored brandy
  0.5 oz. creme de cacao
  Hot black coffee
  Whipped cream
  Cherry with a stem
  Pour brandy and liqueur into pre-warmed cup or mug.
  Add coffee - about 5 ounces.  Top with mound of whipped cream.  
  Garnish with cherry.

Faith, Hope, and Garrity

  1 oz Irish Whiskey
  0.75 oz V-8 Juice
  1 tsp Smoky Barbecue Sauce
  1 tsp Lemon Juice
  4-5 ice cubes
  6 oz Beer, chilled

  Combine all ingredients except beer in a mixing glass, and stir well.
  Pour into a chilled, tall glass, and fill with beer.

Fifty-Fifty Cocktail

  1.5 oz. gin
  1.5 oz. dry vermouth
  cocktail glass

Fire and Ice

  1.5 oz. pepper vodka  
  1 tsp. dry vermouth
  In a mixing glass half-filled w/ ice cubes, combine both of the
  ingredients.  Stir well, then strain into another glass.

Fire Vodka("Krupnick")

  Warm Vodka over low heat and add:  
  Lots of honey
  a cinnamon stick
  shaved nutmeg
  whole cloves  

  Let steep and serve warm.

Fire-Tini Hunter

  Take a chilled martini glass and swirl a small amount of vermouth in
  it.  Fill the glass with Stolichnya Pepper Vodka from the freezer --
  it should be very cold and noticably thickened.  Garnish with a piece
  of pickled garlic on a toothpick (available from your local Thai
  market).  Alternative garnish: Garlic Stuffed Santa Barbara Olive.
  Serve immediately and stand back!


  ** Fireball #1 **      | ** Fireball #2 **     | ** Fireball #3 **
                         |                       |
   1 part Brandy         |  1 part Kahlua        | 0.5 shot Cinnamon schnapps
   1 part Sambuca        |  1 part Uozo          | 0.5 shot Cherry brandy
                         |                       |
  Serve in lowball glass.|Serve in lowball glass.|


  1 part Cinnamon Schnapps
  1 part Cherry Brandy
  a dash of Tabasco sauce
  Serve in lowball glass.  Optional: dash of cinnamon.

Fireman's Sour

  2 oz. rum
  1 tablespoon grenadine
  0.5 teaspoon powdered sugar
  juice 2 limes

  Pour into delmonico glass and fill with carbonated water.


  1.5 oz. Firewater
  1.5 oz. Rumpleminz
  1.5 oz. 151 rum

  serve on ice

  Layer in a glass grenadine, Creme De Menthe, Vodka and a splash of 151
  rum on the top.  Take two large straws and a match, light it, stick in
  both straws and drink quickly, before the straws melt.  If done right it
  tastes good, and looks impressive.  If done wrong, you singe your
  eyebrows and feel like an idiot.

Flaming Armadillo

  Take a large shot glass.  Half and half with Tequila and Amaretto.  Float
  151 rum on top.  Light and drink while still glowing blue.  I do remember
  a happy but thoroughly inebriate man with one side of his bearded face
  blue, and he happily trying to slap it out -- and just trying to slap
  his face was a challenge.  Drink very carefully.

Flaming Asshole

  1 part Blackberry brandy          Add to lowball.  Light.
  1 part Bicardi's 151 rum          [Tastes so bad that only an asshole
  1 part Tequila                    would drink it.]

Flaming Blue Fuck

  1.5 oz. Sambuca
  0.5 oz. Blue Curaco

  Serve in a shot glass
  Set on fire and drink through a straw.

Flaming Orgasm

  12 oz. larger in beer mug
  1.5 oz. Bacardi 151 rum
  pour beer into glass, flame the 151, drop it in the beer and slam...

Flying Dutchman
  2 oz. gin
  0.5 oz. Cointreau or Triple Sec
  Combine the Gin and other in a small glass almost filled w/ ice cubes.
  Stir well, let it chill, strain into another glass, then serve.
  (NOTE) Can also be served warm. Serve in old-fashioned glass.

Flying Fuck

  1 part Sambuca
  1 part Jack Daniels
  Serve in lowball glass.

Fog Cutter

  ** Fog Cutter (1) **              | ** Fog Cutter (2) **
                                    | 1   oz. Light rum
  1.5 oz Light Rum                  | 2   oz. Gin
  0.5 oz Brandy                     | 1   oz. Cherry Liquor
  0.5 oz Gin                        | 2   oz. Dubonet
  1 oz Orange Juice                 | 1.5 oz. Orzatta Syrup
  3 tablespoons Lemon Juice         | 0.5 oz. Grenadine
  1.5 oz Orgeat Syrup               | 1   oz. Lemon juice
  splash Demarera Rum (float)       | 3   oz. Orange juice
  Shake w/ice. Strain into cocktail | Mix. Garnish with an umbrella.
  glass.                            | Garnish with 7 exotic fruits.

Fog Horn

  ** Fog Horn **            | ** Fog Horn **
  1.5 oz. gin               | 1.5 oz. gin
  dash of Rose's            | juice of half a lime
  fill with ginger ale      |
                            | Pour into highball
  serve in highball glass   | glass and fill with
                            | ginger ale.
  lime wedge                |

Franny's Moo

  Like all good drinks, this was invented when Franny was staring forlornly 
  into the freezer trying to imagine what she could do with the leftovers.     
  You'll have to play with the proportions.

  Root Beer in a glass  (A&W preferred)
  Add a generous glug of Vodka
  Add a big scoop of vanilla ice cream

  Grab a straw and mush the ice cream around then drink through said straw.


  Another boredom-related accident.

  12 oz of Root Beer  (A&W, of course)
  Huge dollop of Butterscotch Schnapps  (Buttershots preferred)

  Stir the liquids together in a glass.  Dunk twinkies briefly.  Eat 

Fred Fuddpucker

  ** Fred Fuddpucker **       |  ** Freddy Thudpucker **
  1.5 oz. tequila             |  1 part tequila
  fill with orange juice      |  1 part Galliano
                              |  1 part orange juice
  stir in highball glass
  splash of galliano

Freight Train

  As taught to Barry by his Cousin Brian

  half shot Jack Daniels
  half shot Southern Comfort
  Half shot Grand Marnier

  over ice or up - limit 3 to retain vertical hold

French Coffee

  Same procedure as Spanish coffee substituting Grand Marnier
  for Kahlua and brandy.

French Connection
  5 oz. brandy
  2.5 oz. amaretto
  stir in highball glass

French Summer

  0.75 oz. Chambord
  3 oz. sparkling water
  slice lemon and orange
  add chambord to wine glass,
  then water. Garnish and stir.

Frigid Hairy Virgin

  2 parts light rum
  1 part triple sec
  2 parts pineapple juice

  blend with ice, serve in exotic glass.


  1 part Gin
  1 part Triple Sec       
  1 part Sour

  Mix in a highball glass over cracked ice.

Frozen Daiquiri

  ** Frozen Daiquiri **             | ** Frozen Daiquiri **
  5 parts light rum                 | 1.5 oz. rum
  1 part triple sec                 | 1 tablespoon triple sec
  3 parts sour mix                  | 1.5 oz. lime juice
                                    | 1 cup crushed ice
  Blend, serve in exotic glass      |
                                    | Blend at low speed for five seconds,
  Lemon wedge or orange slice       | then blend at high speed until firm.
                                    | Pour into champagne glass.
  Straw                             |

Frozen Margarita

  2 parts tequila
  1 part triple sec
  4 parts sour mix
  dash of Rose's

  blend, serve in exotic glass.
  optional salted rim
  big lime wedge

Frozen Matador

  ** Frozen Matador **           |  ** Frozen Matador **
  1.5 ounces Tequila             |   1 part tequila
  2 ounces pinapple juice        |   3 parts pinapple juice
  0.5 ounce lime juice           |   splash of grenadine
  1/3 cup crushed ice            |   blend, serve in exotic glass
                                 |   pineapple stick

  Blend at low sped 10-15 seconds, garnish with a fresh pineapple stick.

Frozen Mudslide

  2 oz. Kahlua                      2 cups Vanilla ice cream
  2 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream        2 cups ice, finely chopped
  1 oz. Vodka
  Put all ingredients (except ice) into a blender.  Turn blender on low for
  30 seconds then highest for remaining time.  After the mixture is WELL
  blended.  add the ice GRADUALLY through the little hole through the top.
  1-2 cubes at a time.  Use small cubes.  Do not use the big glacier-like
  pieces or it won't come out right.  Once the ice is all in, let it run
  for another minute or so.  Pour into your favorite goblet, wine glass
  whatever.  If you like, lace the inside of it with a splash of chocolate
  syrup if you like.

Frozen Pineapple Daiquiri

  1.5 oz light rum            Combine rum, pineapple, lime juice
  4 pineapple chunks          sugar, and crushed ice in blender.
  1 tablespoon lime juice     Blend at slow speed.
  0.5 teaspoon sugar
  1 cup crushed ice

Frozen Tequila Screwdriver

  1.5 ounces Tequila
  3 ounces iced orange juice
  1/3 cup crushed ice
  Blend as in others, garnish with orange slice.
  And please use fresh lime juice -- Koolaide just won't do!

Fruit Margarita

  2 parts tequila
  1 part triple sec
  4 parts sour mix
  fresh fruit

  blend, serve in exotic glass

Fuzzy Dick

  1 part Kahlua
  1 part Grand Marnier

  Fill with coffee.  Top with whip cream.  Serve in coffee glass.
  Don't forget to specify if that's "straight up" or "on the rocks".

Fuzzy Iranian

  Drop one shot of Peach Schnapps into a Milwaukee's Best

Fuzzy Navel

  ** Fuzzy Navel **         | ** Fuzzy Navel **
  1.5 oz. peach schnapps    |  2 parts Raki           Mix in blender with
  fill with orange juice    |  1 part Orange juice    crushed ice.  Strain.
                            |  2 oz. Peach puree      Serve in highball
  stir in highball glass    |                         glass w/peach slice.

Fuzzy Screw

  0.75 oz. vodka over ice in highball glass
  0.75 oz. peach schnapps
  fill with orange juice
  stir in highball glass


  1 part Southern Comfort
  1 part Tequila

  Serve in lowball glass.

Gene Splice

  1 oz. Triple Sec
  1 oz  Vodka
  1 oz. Raspberry Schnapps
  2 oz  Pinapple juice
  1 oz  Lime juice
  Mix in highball glass with crushed ice.  Garish with lime ring.


  Served in a 23oz.  glass, and has vodka, cherry brandy, amaretto, rum , and  
  Creme de Almond.  Along with pinapple juice and sour mix to top it off

Gentle Ben

  1 oz. vodka
  1 oz. gin
  1 oz. tequila
  shake, strain into highball glass
  fill with orange juice
  cherry and orange slice

Georgia Sunset
  For a wonderful new twist on an old favorite, substitute
  Tropicana-Twisters Orange Peach for orange juice in a tequilla

Get Laid
  1 oz. vodka
  0.75 oz. raspberry schnapps
  fill with pineapple juice
  stir in highball glass
  splash of cranberry juice


  1 part Bailey's
  1 part Kahlua
  1 part Vodka

Gibson Cocktail

  3 oz. gin
  dry vermouth:
        regular 0.75 oz.
        dry 0.5 oz.
        extra dry 0.25 oz.
        in 'n' out swirl

  stir, strain into cocktail glass


  ** Gimlet **                      | ** Gimlet Cocktail **
  3 oz. gin                         | 1 oz. lime juice
  0.75 oz. Rose's                   | 1 teaspoon powdered sugar
                                    | 1.5 oz. gin
  stir, strain into cocktail glass  | cocktail glass
  lime wedge                        |

Gin and Sin

  1 oz. gin
  1 oz. sour mix
  splash of orange juice
  splash of grenadine
  shake, strain into cocktail glass

Gin and Tonic

  1.5 oz. gin
  fill with tonic
  serve in highball glass
  lemon wedge

Gin Alexander

  2 oz. gin
  2 oz. white creme de cacao
  2 oz. light cream
  shake, strain into highball glass

Gin and Fresca

  1 part Gin         
  1 part Fresca   

 Serve in lowball glass w/ice.

Gin Buck

  1.5 oz. gin
  juice of half a lemon

  Pour into glass and fill with ginger ale.

Gin Fizz
  2 oz. gin
  1 teaspoon powdered sugar
  juice of half a lemon

  Pour into highball glass and fill with carbonated water.

Gin Highball

  2 oz. gin
  Pour into highball glass and fill with ginger ale.

Gin Rickey

  1.5 oz. gin
  juice of half a lime

  Pour into highball glass and fill with carbonated water.

Gin Sour

  2 oz. gin
  juice of half a lemon
  half teaspoon powdered sugar
  sour glass

Gin Thing

  1.5 oz. gin
  juice of half a lime

  Pour into highball glass and fill with ginger ale.

Ginza Strip

  2 oz Sake
  2 dashes Sweet Vermouth
  Dash Angostura Bitters

  Fill mixing glass with ice.  Add the ingredients, stirring with a bar
  spoon.  Strain into a chilled, stemmed cocktail glass.  Garnish with
  maraschino cherry.

Girl Scout Cookie

  2 oz. kahlua
  1 oz. peppermint schnapps
  2 oz. light cream
  shake, strain into highball glass

Goblin Bowl

  These are a tradition at my yearly Halloween party. They should be
  served from a Scorpion Bowl, available from Sang-Kung in New York City.
  (A Large ceramic bowl with a volcano in the center that can be filled
  with 151 and lit.)
  1   Part Dubonet
  1   Part Calvados (Applejack is the american version; it's not as good.)
  0.5 Parts Raspberry Liquor (Chambord is ok, St-Jean spirits is better.)
  2.5 Parts Fresh Cider. (unfiltered)
  Angustora Bitters
  *small* amount of lemon juice. (It's not supposed to be a sour drink.)


  ** Godfather **                  |  ** Godfather **
   1 part Scotch                   |   5 oz. scotch
   1 part Amaretto                 |   2.5 oz. amaretto
  Stir in lowball glass.           |  Stir in lowball glass.


  ** Godmother **                  | ** Godmother **
                                   |   5 oz. vodka
   1 part Vodka                    |   2.5 oz. amaretto
   1 part Amaretto                 |  Stir in lowball glass.

Golden Cadillac

  2 oz. galliano
  2 oz. white creme de cacao
  2 oz. light cream
  shake, strain into highball glass

Golden Margarita

  ** Golden Margarita **           | ** Golden Margarita **   Fill glass
      1 part Tequila               | 1 part Tequila           w/sweet&sour
      1 part Lime Juice            | 1 part Lime juice        mix, shake,
      0.25 part Grand Mariner      | 1 part Grand Marnier     strain over
  Mix. In highball glass w/rocks.  | 1 part Triple Sec        ice.

Good Coffee

  2 oz. Double Espresso, fresh (of course).
  1 oz. Everclear


  2 oz. green creme de menthe
  2 oz. white creme de cacao
  2 oz. light cream
  shake, strain into highball glass

Great Pumpkin Punch

  1 part Apple Cider
  2 parts Ginger Ale
  1 part Rum
  Serve in a hollowed-out pumpkin with little chunks of floating pumpkin.

Green Dragon
  1.5 oz. gin
  1 oz. green creme de menthe
  0.5 oz. kummel
  0.5 oz. lemon juice
  several dashes peach or orange bitters

  mix with cracked ice, strain into a chilled cocktail glass

Green Fantasy

  1 oz. vodka
  1 oz. dry vermouth
  1 oz. melon liqueur
  kiwi slices
  serve in chilled balloon glass
  mix with crushed ice until drink is frapp‚ed

Green Island
  1.5 oz. vodka
  3 oz. pineapple juice
  juice of 1 lime
  0.5 tsp. sugar syrup
  0.5 oz green creme de menthe
  pineapple spear

  mix with cracked ice, strain into chilled Hurricane glass, layer
  creme de menthe on top

Green Lagoon

  1 oz. gin
  1 oz. green creme de menthe
  3 oz. pineapple juice
  mix with cracked ice strain into a chilled cocktail glass

Green Stinger

  1 part green creme de menthe
  1 part clear brandy

  serve in lowball glass


  1.5 oz. vodka
  fill with grapefruit juice
  stir in highball glass

H'allo Police

  Russian Vodka
  Fresh Lemon Juice

  Make the proportions 1:3 to 1:4 vodka to lemon juice, and serve as cold
  physically possible.


  2 oz Sake
  1 dash Dry Vermouth

  Fill mixing glass with ice, sake and vermouth, and stir with a bar spoon.
  Strain into glass, and garnish with pearl onion.

Hairy Bitch

  2 parts light rum
  1 part triple sec
  2 parts pineapple juice

  blend with ice, serve in exotic glass

Hairy Buffalo
  Take two oranges, marishino cherries, apple limes, and lemons.  Slice
  fruit, except cherries.  Soak all fruit in Everclear overnight.  Pour
  fruit and Everclear into Hawaiian Punch.

Hairy Navel

  See Fuzzy Screw

Hairy Slut

  2 parts light rum
  1 part triple sec
  2 parts pineapple juice

  serve over ice in exotic glass

Hairy Virgin

  2 parts rum
  1 part Triple Sec
  2 parts orange/pineapple juice
  serve over ice with a cherry
  (if no cherry, it is called a HAIRY SLUT)
  (if you blend the ice in, it is a FRIGID HAIRY VIRGIN)
  (if no cherry and blended, then it is a HAIRY BITCH)

Half and Half

  0.5 Harp Larger
  0.5 Guinness
  Fill glass as you would the Black & Tan.

Happy Hawaiian

  1.5 oz. Kahlua
  1.5 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream
  Fill with pineapple juice.  Serve in lowball glass.


  1 oz. Blue Curacao
  1 oz. Kahluha
  1 oz. Vodka
  3 oz. lemonade
  In a highball glass mix first three alcohols.  Top off with lemonade.

Harvey Wallbanger

  1.5 oz. vodka
  fill with orange juice
  Stir in highball glass.  Splash of galliano.

Hat Trick

  0.5 oz. dark rum        
  0.5 oz. sweet vermouth
  0.5 oz. light rum
  Combine everything in a shaker half-filled w/ ice cubes. Shake well then
  strain into another glass.

Havana Cocktail

  0.75 oz. light rum
  1.5 oz. pineapple juice
  dash of Rose's
  shake, strain into cocktail glass

Hawaiian Cocktail

  2 oz. gin
  0.5 oz. triple sec
  splash of pineapple
  shake, strain into cocktail glass

Hawaiian Sea Breeze

  See Bay Breeze

Head Banger

  1 part Southern comfort
  1 part Jack Daniels

Headless Horseman

  1.5 oz. vodka
  dash of bitters
  fill with ginger ale
  Serve in highball glass with an orange slice.

Hodge Podge

  OJ, 1 can Sprite, pineapple juice, Everclear, and 1 packet of Pat
  O'Briens cyclone mix.


  1 oz grain alcohol
  1 oz red Gatorade
  1 tsp karo syrup + 2 drops red food coloring (optional)
  Combine in a lowball glass.
  (The idea there is to wait till the celebrant has consumed most of
  such a drink before recounting the urban legend about the disappearance
  of Jimmy Hoffa, particularly the one in which he was reputedly cut into
  a requisite number of 1" cubes and scattered over the Everglades from
  a private plane.)

Honolulu Cocktail

  1/4 teaspoon orange juice
  1/4 teaspoon pineapple juice
  1/4 teaspoon lemon juice
  1/2 teaspoon powdered sugar
  1.5 oz. gin

  cocktail glass

Honolulu Hammer

  1.5 oz. vodka
  0.5 oz. amaretto
  splash of pineapple juice
  splash of grenadine
  shake, strain into cocktail glass


  one shot of each gin and vodka, one-half a beer,
  and one half orange juice.  -This is a customer custom request...only
  been ordered twice around here.

Hot Chocolate

  6 oz. milk
  Hershey syrup
  1 oz. rum

  serve in coffee mug

Hot Chocolate Almond
  2 oz. Butterscotch Schnapps
  0.5 oz. Amaretto
  5 oz. hot chocolate

  serve in mug with whipped cream

Hot Irish Nut

  1 part Baileys
  1 part Frangelico
  (1 part amaretto optional)

  serve in coffee mug

Hula-Hula Cocktail

  1.5 oz. gin
  0.75 oz. orange juice
  0.25 teaspoon powdered sugar

  cocktail glass

Huntsman Cocktail

  1.5 oz. vodka
  0.5 oz. rum
  juice of half a lime

  cocktail glass


  ** Hurricane **                 | ** Hurricane (alternate) **
                                  |   Add:  1 oz. light rum
       1 10-ounce highball glass  |   Sub:  2 tsp. lime juice for lemon
       1 ounce lemon juice        | Shake with ice. Strain into glass.
       4 ounces dark rum          +--------------------------------------
       4 ounces red passion fruit cocktail mix or hawaiian punch
       crushed ice
       orange slice and cherry garnish
  Into a cocktail shaker, pour lemon juice, rum and cocktail mix.  Shake
  vigorously for one to two minutes.  Pack crushed ice into cocktail
  glass and pour drink mixture over the crushed ice.  Garnish with orange
  slice and cherry.
  ** Hurricane (alternate #2) **
  1 oz     Dark Rum
  1 oz     Light Rum
  1 tblsp  Passion Fruit Syrup
  2 tsp    Lime Juice
  Shake with ice and strain into cocktail glass.

Hush Puppy

                                                          Lower shooter
  1 shot Jack Daniels      0.5 shot Root beer schnapps    glass into beer
  2 shots Coke (cola)      0.5 shot Sambuca               mug containing
                                                          JD and o.j.

  Combine in beer mug.     Combine in shooter glass.      Quaff.

Iced Coffee Fillip

  0.5 oz. Kahlua
  cooled strong coffee
  Mix, serve chilled in a glass.

Irish Coffee

  ** Irish Coffee #1 **       |  ** Quick Irish Coffee **
  1 oz. irish whiskey         |   To a cup of coffee add Kahula
  1 tsp. sugar                |   to taste.  Add ReadiWhip to top.
  hot coffee                  |____________________________________
  1 oz. cream
  Warm a glass in hot water.  Pour out the water and add sugar, whiskey,
  and cream.  Be sure to add the cream last so that it floats on top.
  ** Irish Coffee #2 **           |  ** Iris Coffee #3 **
  1 cup of coffee (6 oz.)         |  In a large mug place:
  1 oz. blended whiskey           |     1 shot Old Bushmills
  1 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream      |     1 shot Irish Cream
                                  |     0.5 shot Irish Mist
                                  |     2 tsp. sugar (dark brown)

  Fill with strong brewed coffee.  Top with whipped cream and a
  sprinkle of shaved ice.
  ** Irish Coffee for Two **
  2 heatproof clear wineglasses or clear mugs
  4 sugar cubes
  3 oz. Grand Marnier
  4 oz.  Irish whiskey
  Hot, fresh black coffee
  Whipped cream
  Divide the orange liqueur and the sugar among the wineglasses and
  warm in a microwave.  (If you don't have a microwave, fill the
  glasses with hot water before proceeding, then drain the water and
  add the liqueur and sugar.)  Light the liqueur -- this is best done
  in a dim, romantic setting where the flickering blue flames will
  have the most dramatic effect.  While the flames are dancing, pour
  coffee to within about 1-.5" of the top of the wine glasses; this
  will extinguish the fire.  Divide the whiskey between the two servings
  and top with whipped cream.  Savor with someone special.
  ** Irish Winter Coffee **
  In a coffee mug mix:
  2 shots of Bailey's
  1 shot of Kaluha
  and fill the rest of the way with Coffee.
  Top with whipped cream.

Iron Butterfly

  1 part Kahlua
  1 part vodka
  1 part Bailey's Irish Cream

  serve in lowball glass

Israeli Coffee

  Same procedure as Spanish coffee substituting Sabra for Kahlua and brandy.

Italian Coffee

  ** Italian Coffee #1 **       | ** Italian Coffee #2 **
                                |   6 Tbsp. coffee        5 cups  water
    1.5 oz. amaretto            |   1 Tbsp. cinnamon      dash of cloves
    1.5 tsp. coffee ice-cream   | Brew coffee, then add to each cup:
    coffee                      |   2 Tbsp. Mocha mix (a sweet half/half)
    pinch of ground coriander   |   2 Tbsp. Creme de Cocoa
                                |   1 Tbsp. Kahlua
  Serve in a mug.               |   0.5 Tbsp. Bailey's Irish Cream
                                |   1 cup   Vanilla extract
                                |   0.25 Tbsp. Sugar
                                |   1 Tbsp. Brandy (optional)

Italian Surfer
  ** Italian Surfer **            | **Italian Surfer w/a Russian Attitude**
       Shot of Malibu             |   1 part Vodka
       Shot of Amaretto           |   1 part Malibu
       Pineapple Juice            |   1 part Amaretto
       Splash of Cranberry Juice  |   4 part Pineapple Juice
                                  |   Splash of Cranberry Juice


  ** Jackhammer **               | ** Jackhammer **
  1.5 oz. vodka                  |  1 part Jack Daniels
  fill with pineapple juice      |  1 part Peppermint Schnapps
  stir in highball glass


  1 part Jack Daniels
  fill with Coke to the top

Jamaica Me Crazy

  In a tall glass pour:
  0.5 ounce amber rum
  0.5 ounce tia maria
  fill glass with ice
  add pineapple juice
  Stir and enjoy.  Add pineapple chunks for the extra touch.

Jamaican Coffee

  1 oz. brandy
  1 oz. light rum
  Mix in a glass. Fill the glass with hot coffee.  Sprinkle with nutmeg.

Jamaican Yoyo

  1 part rum
  1 part Tia Maria

  Serve in lowball glass.

James Bond Martini

  1.5 oz. gin
  1.5 oz. vodka
  dry vermouth:
        regular         0.75 oz.
        dry             0.5 oz.
        extra dry       0.25 oz.
        in 'n' out      swirl
  shake, strain into cocktail glass


  1 oz. cinnamon schnapps
  0.5 oz. Tabasco

  serve in shot glass

Jello Shots

  4 part Jello (any flavor)
  1 part grain alcohol
  Let set in fridge and serve.
  Party Instructions:
  4 individual packets of knox unflavored gelatin
  3 3 oz. boxes of Jello (can be any brand and any flavor.  Lime flavored
                          Jello brand gelatin works best)
  190 proof grain alcohol* **
  Pour the knox gelatin and the jello in a large bowl.  Add a mixture of
  water and grain alcohol as long as it totals 4 cups.  Add the water and
  alcohol separately.  Place in a dish and refrigerate.  The Jello should
  be ready in a couple of hours.  Cut into cubes and swallow.  You can
  make the Jello as strong as you want, but I suggest that you don't make
  it any stronger than 50% grain alcohol to 50% water.
  * Vodka can be substituted for the grain alcohol.  You can actually use
  just about any alcohol for both ways of making spiked jello.
  ** When using grain alcohol, make sure the alcohol is from a legitimate
   distiller, and not from some guy that makes the stuff in a car
   radiator.  I have found so far, four legitimate brands, Clear
   Springs, Everclear, Crystal Clear, and Graves XXX brand.

Jelly Bean

  ** Jellybean **            | ** Jelly Bean **
  3 oz. brandy               |  1 part Grenadine
  1 oz. anisette             |  1 part Sambuca
  dash of grenadine          |  1 part Galliano
  stir in highball glass

Jolly Rancher
  1 part Sweet and Sour
  1 part Midori
  Splash of sweet and sour

Judge Jr. Cocktail

  0.75 oz. rum
  0.75 oz. gin
  0.25 teaspoon grenadine
  0.25 teaspoon powdered sugar
  juice of one quarter of a lemon

  cocktail glass


  2 oz Sake
  1 oz Rose's Lime Juice
  1 oz Sweet and Sour Mix
  0.5 oz Triple Sec

  Blend well, pour into salt-rimmed glass. Garnish with lime slice.

Kahlua Sombrero

  1 oz. Kahlua
  fill with cream


  ** Kamikaze **                   | ** Kamikaze **
  2 oz. vodka                      |  1 part Vodka
  1 oz. triple sec                 |  1 part Lime juice
  splash of Rose's                 |  dash of Triple sec
                                   |  splash of grenadine
  shake, strain into lowball glass |

Kangaroo Cocktail

  1.5 oz. vodka
  0.75 oz. dry vermouth

  cocktail glass


  This one is called the Kevorkian because it is an assisted suicide ;)

  1 oz   PGA (EverClear)
  0.5 oz  Jaagermeister
  Fill rest of glass with Jolt Cola

  Final arrangements may be made at the bar......

Killer Kool-Aid

  ** Killer "Kool-aid" **   | ** Killer Koolaid **       | ** KK #3 **
       ice                  |  1.5 oz. vodka             | Southern Comfort
       0.75 oz. vodka       |  0.5 oz. peach schnapps    | Melon liqueur
       0.75 oz. melon liquer|  0.5 oz. amaretto          | Amaretto
       0.5 oz. ammaretto    |  3 oz. cranberry juice     | Scotch
       cranberry juice      | Fill highball glass w/ice. | Sloe gin
                            | Layer ingredients.  Do not | Orange juice
  Shake and enjoy.          | stir.                      | ice


  fill with white wine
  splash of creme de cassis
  serve in wine glass or highball glass

Kir Felix

  sparkling water
  splash of creme de cassis
  twist of lime

  serve in lowball glass

Kir Royale

  fill with champagne
  splash of creme de cassis
  serve in champagne glass or highball glass

Kiss In The Dark

  0.75 oz. gin
  0.75 oz. cherry brandy
  0.75 oz. dry vermouth
  stir, strain into cocktail glass

Klingon Battlejuice

  1 1/3 oz. vodka
  2/3 oz. lemon juice
  1-2 dashes ascobic acid (vitamin C)

  stir thoroughly in a glass, down it in one gulp
  True Klingons drink it in 1 litre cups with 400 cl vodka and 200 cl lemon
  juice.  Evil voices tell that this explains their defeat at Khitomer.

Klondike Strike

  2 oz White Brandy
  Orange juice

  Pour Brandy in a tall glass over ice. Fill the rest of the way with the
  juice. Garnish with an orange slice.


  1 oz. Southern Comfort
  1 oz. apricot brandy
  1 oz. sloe gin
  splash of orange juice
  shake, strain into lowball glass


  1 oz. peppermint schnapps
  1 oz. clam juice

  garnish with an onion wedge

Kosak's Milk
  2/3 oz. vodka
  2/3 oz. coffee liqueur

  fill with milk, stir

La Jolla

  1.5 oz. brandy
  1.5 oz. banana liqueur
  dash of Rose's
  splash of orange juice
  shake, strain into lowball glass

Lager and Lime
  10 oz. lager
  splash of Rose's
  serve in beer mug with a lime wedge.


  13    pineapple pieces
  1 cl blue curacao
  pineapple flavored sparkling wine

  In water glass (250ml) add pineapple and blue curacao. Fill with wine.

Laser Beam

  Equal parts of the following: Amaretto, Galliano, Jack Daniels,
  Peppermint Schnapps.  Serve over crushed ice.

LateNite Coffee

  Pot of coffee             
  whipping cream
  Wild Turkey 101         
  brown sugar
  Brew your favorite coffee.  Whip some whipping cream.  Add half shot of
  bourbon to each cup of coffee.  Add a pinch of brown sugar and stir.  Top
  with fresh whipped cream.

Leap Frog

  1.5 oz. gin
  dash of lemon juice
  fill with ginger ale
  serve in highball glass

Leg Spreader

   2 shots Chambord (raspberry liquor)
   0.5 shot Everclear (grain alcohol)
   Soda pop           (cola or other)
  In a 16 ounce tumbler add Chambord and Everclear.  Fill cup with ice.
  Fill rest of cup with cola or other soda pop.

Lemmings Leap

  3 Vodka
  2.5 Mailbu
  2 Gin
  Top up with orange juice
  So, it has 7.5 nips, are you a coward or something?  Leap before you look.

Lemon Drop

  Chill 1 shot of Stoli over crushed ice.
  Sprinkle sugar on a lemon wedge.
  Down the vodka and sink your teeth into the lemon! Yum!

  1.5 oz vodka
  Lemon juice

  Serve in lowball glass.


  0.25 oz. amaretto
  0.25 oz. Drambuie
  0.25 oz. Tia Maria
  5 oz. hot coffee

  serve in mug with whip cream


  ** Linux **                                 | ** Upgraded Linux **
           mix over ice                       |
      1 1/3 oz. Vodka Koskenkorva (Finlandia) | Add:
      juice of half a lime                    |  1 1/3 oz. Batida de Coco
           fill with coca-cola                | or:
           add the lime rind                  |  1 1/3 oz. Contreau
           add a straw for networking         |

Liquid Cocaine
  Equal parts of the following: Crown Royal, Wild Turkey, Amaretto,
  Absolute vodka.  Add all to tall (hurricane glass).  Fill rest of glass
  with half cranberry juice and half pineapple juice.

Little Devil Cocktail

  juice of a quarter of a lemon
  1.5 oz. triple sec
  0.75 oz. rum
  0.75 oz. gin

  cocktail glass

Loch Ness Monster

  1.5 oz  scotch
  1 tsp peppermint schnapps
  3 oz. club soda

  Combine over ice, shake, strain into glass.  Add 3 oz cold club soda
  and stir.

Long Beach Ice Tea

  ** Long Beach Ice Tea **        |  ** Long Beach Ice Tea #2 **
  0.5 oz. vodka                   |  1.5 oz gin
  0.5 oz. light rum               |  1.5 oz vodka
  0.5 oz. triple sec              |  1.5 oz light rum
  0.5 oz. gin                     |  1   oz Triple Sec
  0.5 oz. melon liqueur           |
  1.5 oz. cranberry juice         | Fill rest of glass with even parts
  mix in highball glass over ice  | of Sweet and Sour and cranberry juice

Long Island Ice Tea

  ** Long Island Iced Berry Tea ** | ** Long Island Iced Tea #5 **
  Tall Glass                       |  1 part vodka       1 part spiced rum
  1 part blackberry brandy         |  1 part gin         1 part triple sec
  1 part amaretto                  |  4 part sour mix    1 part ice tea mix
  1 part slo gin                   |  1 part coke
  0.5 part 151 rum                 |Shake together with ice first 6 ingred.
  pineapple juice and shake        |Strain into tall glass containing tea
                                   |and coke.  Add crushed ice.
  ** Long Island Iced Tea **     |  ** Long Island Ice Tea #2 **
  0.5 oz. vodka                  |   1.5 oz. vodka
  0.5 to 1 oz. triple sec        |   1.5 oz. light rum
  0.5 oz. light rum              |   1.5 oz. triple sec
  0.5 oz. gin                    |   0.75 oz. gin
  0.5 oz. tequila                |   0.5 oz. melon liqueur
  1 oz. sour mix                 |   0.5 oz. sour mix
  splash of o.j. or grenedine    |
                                 |   Mix in highball glass over
  shake, strain into soda glass  |   ice.
  splash of coke to color        |
  straw                          |
  lemon wedge                    |
  ** Long Island Iced Tea #3 **
  1 part gin       1 part tequila         1 part orange juice
  1 part vodka     1 part triple sec      1 wedge of lemon
  1 part white rum 1 part lemon juice     coke to color
  Add Coke until the color's right, and serve over plenty of ice.
  A wedge of lemon is optional.
  ** Long Island Iced Tea #4 **
  In a hi-ball glass (that's a 16oz. tumbler) with ice:
  1 part each Gin, Vodka, White Rum
  1 part lemon juice (not that imitation sweet & sour froth)
    more or less to taste
  1 part cola (for color)
  Fill with soda water (NOT TONIC) or 7up/Sprite
  some sugar to taste
  If it doesn't taste like lemoned ice tea....

Look Out Below

  1.5 oz. 151 rum
  dash of Rose's
  dash of grenadine
  shake, strain into lowball glass


  0.5 oz. vodka
  0.5 oz. triple sec
  0.5 oz. light rum
  0.5 oz. amaretto
  0.5 oz. peach schnapps
  1 oz. sour mix
  splash of pineapple juice
  shake, strain into exotic glass
  splash of grenadine

Lynchburg Lemonade(Jack Daniel's)

  1 part Jack Daniel's
  1 part sweet & sour mix
  1 part Triple sec
  4 parts Sprite or lemonade

  Add ice and stir.  Garnish with lemon slices and cherries.

  1.5 oz. vodka
  half fill with cranberry juice
  half fill with orange juice

  stir in highball glass

Mai Tai

  ** Mai Tai **                 | ** Mai Tai #2 **
  2 oz. light rum               | 2.5 oz Rum            1.5 oz Triple sec
  2 oz. sour mix                | 1.5 oz Creme de Almond
  0.5 oz. orgeat almond syrup   | 1.0 oz Sour mix       1.0 oz Orange juice
  1 oz. curacao orange liqueur  | 1.0 oz Pineapple juice
  dash of Rose's                | 1.5 oz Grenadine      splash of Club soda
  splash of grenadine           |
                                | Stir well (foamy).  Serve.
  shake, strain into exotic     |
  glass.  Serve with a straw.   |
** Mai Tai #3 **     | ** Mai Tai #4 **         |** Mai Tai #5 **
                     | 1 part Orange Curacao    |   1     lime
2 oz. light rum      | 1 part lime juice        |   0.5 oz orange curaco
2 oz. dark rum       | 1 part sugar syrup       |   0.25 oz rock candy syrup
4 oz. pineapple juice| 1 part Almond liquor     |   0.25 oz Orgreat syrup
0.75 oz. sweet & sour| 1 tsp. grenadine         |   1 oz dark Jam. rum
float 151 on top     | 2 part light rum         |   1 oz Martinique rum
                     | 2 part dark rum          |Cut lime in half; squeez
Serve in highball    |Mix well.  Add ice.       |over ice in mai tai
glass.               |Garnish with orange slice |glass.  Add above and
                     |and cherry.  Optional:    |shaved ice.  Shake.
                     |add bruised spearmint leaf|Garnish with lime shell.

Maiden's Blush

** Maiden's Blush **                | ** Maiden's Blush Cocktail **
  1.5 oz. gin                       | 1.5 oz gin
  0.5 oz. triple sec                | 0.25 teaspoon lemon juice
  0.5 oz. sour mix                  | 1 teaspoon triple sec
  splash of grenadine               | 1 teaspoon grenadine
                                    | cocktail glass
shake, strain into cocktail glass   |

Maiden's Prayer
  1.5 oz. gin
  0.5 oz. triple sec
  1 oz. lemon juice

  cocktail glass

Major Bailey

  Muddle 1 tsp.  confectioners sugar, 4 dashes fresh lime juice and
  6 mint leaves in a tall goblet.  Fill with shaved ice, then add
  1 jigger of gin.  Stir until the glass is frosted.

  1.5 oz. light rum
  1 oz. dark rum
  dash of galliano
  dash of Rose's
  dash of coke
  dash of grenadine
  shake, strain into lowball glass


  1 part Vodka
  1 part Jack Daniels
  1 part Southern Comfort
  1 part Sloe Gin
  Stir.  Serve in a highball glass.


  1.5 oz. blended whiskey
  0.5 oz. dry vermouth
  0.5 oz. sweet vermouth
  dash of Rose's
  shake, strain into cocktail glass


  ** Manhattan **                          | ** Manhattan **
  3 oz. rye whiskey or bourbon             | 2 oz. blended whiskey
  sweet and dry vermouth:                  | 0.75 oz. sweet vermouth
          regular         0.75 oz., 0 oz.  | 3 dashes Angostura bitters
          dry             0 oz., 0.75 oz.  | 1 cherry
          perfect         0.5 oz., 0.5 oz. |
                                           | In a mixing glass half-filled
  Stir, strain into cocktail glass.        |with ice cubes, combine bitters
                                           |whiskey, and vermouth.  Stir.
  Cherry and/or orange slice.              |Strain into cocktail glass.
                                           |Garnish with cherry.


** Margarita - Frozen #1 **     | ** Margarita - Frozen #2 **
     2 parts tequila            |     1.5 oz. Tequila
     1 part triple sec          |     0.5 oz. Triple Sec or Curacao
     4 parts sour mix           |     0.5 oz. lime juice
     dash of Rose's             |     0.5  c. crushed ice
Blend.  Serve in exotic glass.  |
Optional salted rim.  Big lime  | Put in blender.  Blend at low speed.
wedge. Straw.                   | Serve in salted glass.
** Margarita - Pink Cadillac **
     2 parts lime juice, 1 part cranberry juice, 1 part sugar,
     2 parts tequila, 1 part triple sec.
** Margarita - Strawberry **    |  ** Margarita - Fruit **
2 parts tequila                 |     2 parts tequila
1 part triple sec               |     1 part  Triple sec
4 parts sour mix                |     4 parts sour mix
0.5 cup fresh strawberries      |     fresh fruit
Blend, serve in exotic glass.   | Blend.  Serve in exotic glass.
Straw.                          | Straw.
** Margarita - World's Best **
    2 parts Herradura Gold
    1 part Cointreau
    1 part freshly-squeezed Lime Juice
         Shaken, not stirred!
** Margarita #1 **
3 parts tequila, 3 parts lime juice and 1 part orange liquer.  Put
everything in a strong blender with roughly an equal amount of ice and
liquify.  If your blender can't crush ice, add some water and put the
mixture in the freezer, stirring occasionally until slushy.  Or, just
serve on the rocks.
Original Margarita:
   3 parts tequila, 2 parts Cointreau, and 1 part fresh LEMON juice.
Making salted glasses:
Get some Kosher salt.  Pour out a ring of salt on a cutting board; make
it bigger in diameter than your glasses by a bit, and maybe 1/4 inch
deep.  Moisten the rim of your glass using a lime wedge.  Moisten a
sponge.  Press the rim of the glass into the sponge and rotate; this will
moisten the top 1/4 inch of the glass uniformly).  Dip the glass in the
salt, rotating gently to uniformly cover the rim with salt.  Carefully
set the glass down, and let it dry for at least 2 minutes.  Then pour the
drink carefully into the center of the glass.
** Margarita #2 **                      | ** Margarita #3 **
In a blender mix:                       |  25 oz. Sweet & Sour
     1 can limeade (frozen)             |  24 oz. Tequila
     0.75 - 1 can full of tequila       |   6 oz. Triple sec
     0.5 bottle of a DARK beer          |   3 oz. Lime juice (fresh)
     Some Rose's lime juice to taste    |   1 can Limeaid (Frozen)
Blend it all together, ignore the color.|   Water to make 1 US gallon.
Put in mug with salt rim and serve.     |
** Margarita #4 **
  1 large lime (hand squeezed to release oil of peel)
  0.5 oz simple syrup (equal parts, sugar dissolved in hot water)
  1.5 oz. Tequila (Heradura is good)
  0.75 oz. Triple sec (Cointreau is best)
In shaker filled with hard ice squeeze lime.  Add simple syrup.  Add
Tequila.  Add triple sec.  Or, for a warmer, more full taste, substitute
Grand Marnier.  Shake briskly to chill the mixture and strain into a
chilled cocktail shell that has been lightly rimmed with grained salt
(Kosher) Moisten the rim with fresh lime when salting).  Add a squeeze of
fresh lime and enjoy.
** Margarita #5 **                 | ** Margarita #6 **
1 Blender full of Ice              |  1 Blender full of ice
1 can limeade mix (Kroger is best) |  1 can limeaid mix (Minute Maid)
1 Can Jose Cuervo Gold tequilla    |  1 can Jose Cuervo Gold tequila
                                   |  0.5 can Grand Mariner
Blend. Serve in salt-rimmed glass. |  1/3 can Jarabale Sugar Water (mex.)
** Margarita #7 **
1.  Fill shaker with broken cubed ice.
2.  Squeeze TWO fresh lime wedges into shaker.
3.  Add 2 oz. Cuervo 1800.
4.  Add 0.5 oz. of Jose Cuervo White
5.  Add 1.25 oz. of Roses Lime Juice
6.  Add 0.5 oz. of Bols Triple Sec
7.  Add "a splash" of Bols Orange Curaco
8.  Cover shaker tightly!  Shake vigorously.
9.  Flip shaker in midair twice (three times if you're a pro).
10. Rim glass with Lime Peel (outside only!).  Salt rim (outside only).
    Add fresh ice.
11. Strain mixture over ice.
12. Squeeze in 1 lime wedge and toss rind over left shoulder.
** Margarita #8 **
     0.5 pineapple
     0.25 bottle Hansen's Natural Pinapple-Coconut juice
     Meyer's Rum (or other tasty DARK rum)
Core and cut the pinapple into large chunks.  Fill a blender a little
more than 0.5 full with ice.  Pour in juice and rum (I reccomend making
these strong).  Add pinapple.  Blend until smooth.


  3 oz  Beefeaters gin
  1 oz  dry French vermouth
  Lemon peel
  Put the gin in the freezer and the vermouth in the fridge overnight.
  Also chill the shaker and frost the glasses.  (Stemmed martini glasses
  by strong preference!)
  Combine gin, vermouth and several ice cubes in the shaker.  Add lemon
  peel, twisting so that the lemon oils are released into the drink.
  Shake vigorously and strain into glasses.  Garnish with additional lemon
  twists, rubbing them around the rim of the glasses first.  2 servings.
** Martini - Standard **         | ** Martini - Esoterica **
3 oz. gin                        |   2/3 - 4/5 part dry gin
dry vermouth:                    |   1/3 - 1/5 part french vermouth
        regular         .75 oz.  |         .5 tsp. Pernod
        dry             .5 oz.   |
        extra dry       .25 oz.  | Shake with ice.  Strain.  Serve.
        in 'n' out      swirl    |
Stir.  Strain into cocktail      |
glass.  Optional: an olive.      |
** Martini Esoterica **
    2/3 - 4/5 Dry Gin
    1/3 - 1/5 French Vermouth
         Add Pernod to taste (0.5 tsp) shake with ice, strain and serve.

  1.5 oz. Irish Mist

  serve in beer mug

  (This is the most bizarre recipe for mead I have ever seen   -ss)

Mellon Daquiri

  Half a cantoulope, cut up.
  1.5 oz white rum.
  1 oz midori (or less)
  sugar to taste. (more required than the previous drink)

  Blend with very cold ice, garnish with one of those cheezy umbrellas.

Mellow Yellow

  1 part Southern Comfort
  1 part Galliano

  Serve in lowball glass.

Melon Cocktail
  1.5 oz. gin
  0.75 oz. melon liqueur
  0.5 oz. triple sec
  0.5 oz. lemon juice
  mix with cracked ice
  strain into a chilled cocktail glass

Melon Fever

  2 oz. melon liqueur
  0.5 oz. triple sec
  2 oz. cream
  serve in lowball glass

Melon Patch

  1 oz. melon liqueur
  0.5 oz. triple sec
  0.5 oz. vodka

  stir in highball glass
  fill with club soda
  orange slice

Melon Ball

** Melonball **          | ** Melon Ball **
1 oz. vodka              |  1 part Vodka
0.5 oz. melon liqueur    |  1 part Midori
fill with orange juice   |  3 oz. pinapple juice
stir in highball glass

Merry Bloody Forest

  Equal parts: Raspberry Kool-Aid, orange juice, vodka
  In tall glass add Oj and vodka.  Mix well.  Add Kool-Aid.  Drink.

Mexican Coffee

** Mexican Coffee **              |** Mexican Coffee - Caribbean Coast **
1 oz. kahlua                      | 0.75 oz. Kahlua
0.5 oz. tequila                   | 0.75 oz. Rum
very hot coffee                   | 4 oz. Coffee   Can substitute a
whipped cream                     |   1 tsp Sugar   large scoop of
pinch of nutmeg                   | Whipping cream / gourmet ice cream.
Mix the liquids in a glass.  Top  | Mix liquids (+sugar).  Top with
with the whipped cream and nutmeg.| whipped cream.

Mexican Grasshopper

  2 oz. green creme de menthe
  2 oz. Kahlua
  2 oz. light cream
  shake, strain into highball glass


** Mexicana **                      | ** Mexicana #2 **
  1.5 oz. tequila                   | 1.5 oz. tequila
  1 oz. sour mix                    | 1 oz. lemon juice
  splash of pineapple               | 1 tablespoon pineapple juice
  dash of grenadine                 | 1 teaspoon grenadine
  shake, strain into lowball glass  | Cocktail glass.


  1.5 oz. tequila
  dash of Rose's (or juice 1 lime)
  fill with coke
  Serve in highball glass with ice.

Miami Beach

  1.5 oz scotch
  1.5 oz dry vermouth
  1 oz grapefruit juice
  Combine over ice, stir, strain into glass.

Miami Cocktail

  1.5 oz. light rum
  0.5 oz. white creme de menthe
  dash of Rose's
  shake, strain into cocktail glass

Miami Ice

** Miami Ice #1 **                | ** Miami Ice #2 **
     0.5 oz. vodka                |  Mix Pina Colada with Rum Runner.
     0.5 oz. peach schnapps       |  (A Rum Runner has: blackberry
     0.5 oz. gin                  |   brandy, banana liquer, and
     0.5 oz. rum                  |   151 rum.)
     2 oz. sweet and sour mix     |
     orange juice to fill         |_____________________________________
Mix and serve over cracked ice in a half caraffe.  Garnish with a sprig
of mint and an orange slice.

Miami Meloni
  1 oz. melon liqueur
  1 oz. light rum
  1 oz. cream

  mix with cracked ice
  strain into chilled cocktail glass

Midori Cocktail

  3/4 fill with champagne
  1/4 fill with midori
  serve in champagne glass

Midori Colada

  1 part light rum
  2 parts midori
  2 parts cream of coconut
  4 parts pineapple juice
  blend, serve in exotic glass

Midori Sour

  3 oz. melon liqueur
  1.5 oz. sweet and sour mix

  stir well, serve in lowball glass


  half-fill with champagne
  half-fill with orange juice
  serve in champagne glass

Mint Chip

  1 part Peppermint Schnapps
  1 part Kahlua

  Serve in lowball glass.

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

  1 shot vodka
  0.5 shot creme de cacao (white rather than the dark stuff)
  0.5 shot Rumpleminze schnapps
  0.25 shot creme de menthe (white rather than the stuff with green dye)
  0.5 shot Bailey's Irish Creme (provides body)
  0.25 shot Kahlua (helps with the texture)
  ice (for texture to suit)
  blend in a blender until very fine.  Drink/eat as quickly as your sinus
  will permit (it chills that part of your forehead that cannot handle
  too-cold drinks).

Mint Julep

** Mint Julep #1 **           | ** Mint Julep #2 **
                              |  8 medium-size mint leaves
1 teaspoon sugar              |  1.5 Tbsp sugar syrup
splash of club soda or water  |      (1C sugar+ .5C water, warm and stir
                              |       until dissolved)
swirl                         |  1.5 oz Bourbon whiskey
                              |  1/4 tsp Angostura bitters
2.5 oz. bourbon               |In blender, blend on high for a few
fill with club soda or water  |seconds, until leaves are reduced.
                              |Strain into silver tumbler packed with
Serve in old-fashioned glass  |shaved ice; add more bourbon to saturate
with a couple mint sprigs.    |the ice; garnish with a sprig of mint.
** Kentucky Mint Julep **
Chill silver mugs or goblets or heavy cut-crystal tumblers on ice in the
freezer.  Dissolve sugar (allow 1 lump per glass) in a little water.
Fill each mug with finely crushed ice, add enough bourbon to cover the
ice, and stir until the outside of the mug is heavily frosted.  Then stir
in the sugar syrup to taste.  Tuck 5 or 6 sprigs of fresh mint into the
ice so they protrude above the rim.  Use a straw or just bury your nose
in the fresh mint.
** Georgia Mint Julep **
Substitute equal amounts of cognac and peach brandy for the bourbon.
** Louisiana Mint Julep **   Substitute rum for bourbon.

Mission Accomplished

  2 oz. vodka
  1 oz. triple sec
  splash of Rose's
  splash of grenadine
  shake, strain into lowball glass

Mississippi Mud

  1.5 oz. Southern Comfort
  1.5 oz. kahlua
  2 scoops vanilla ice cream
  blend, serve in soda glass

Mocha Brandy

  1 cup milk
  3 heaping tsp Nestle Quik
  1/4 cup strong coffee
  1.5 oz (jigger) brandy
  whipped cream
  Heat milk and stir in Quik.  Combine hot chocolate, coffee and brandy.
  Stir in desired sugar and top with whipped cream.

Mocha Mint

  3/4 oz. coffee brandy
  3/4 oz. white creme de cacao
  3/4 oz. white creme de menthe
  shake, strain into lowball glass

Molotiv Cocktails

  1 qt.   vanilla icecream
  2 cups  double strength coffee
  1 qt.   vodka
  0.5 oz. Bicardi's 151 rum (ignite it on top)

  Mix ingredients in blender (must to in at least two batches to fit all
  ingredients).  Sprinkle top of each portion with a little ground
  cinnamon or nutmeg.

Monte Carlo Imperial

  1.5 oz. gin
  0.5 oz. white creme de menthe
  dash of lemon juice
  fill with champagne
  serve in highball glass

More Sunshine

  2/3 oz. gin
  2/3 oz. cassis (black currant liqueur)
  Fill with orange juice               


  1 oz. gin
  0.5 oz. dark rum
  1 tablespoon pineapple juice
  1 tablespoon lime juice
  0.5 teaspoon powdered sugar
  sugar-rimmed old-fashioned glass

Moscow Mule

  1 shot vodka
  Juice of half a lime
  Ginger Beer

  Add enough Ginger Beer (or Ale) to the vodka and Lime Juice to
  make 10 oz. Serve over ice.

  0.5 bitters
  0.5 stout
  Fill glass as you would a Black & Tan.

Mount Fuji

  2 oz Sake
  2 oz Sweet and Sour Mix
  0.5 oz. Triple Sec

  Fill blender 1/3 with ice and blend. Pour into a stemmed bowl glass and
  garnish with lemon slice and cherry.

Ms. Jazz Razz-a-ma-Tazz Special

  Best quality vanilla ice cream (Haagen Daz)
  Ice (crushed is best)
  Place a few scoops of the vanilla ice cream into the blender along with a
  couple of "gluggs" of vodka and a couple of "gluggs" of Chambord.  Whir
  until smooth.  Add a handful of ice.  and blend until thick.  Serve in a
  soda fountain glass with a straw (optional: add 1/4 cup black

Mud Slide
  ** Mud Slide **            | ** Mudslide **
2 oz. vodka                  |  1 part Tequila
2 oz. kahlua                 |  1 part Kahlua
2 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream   |  1 part Bailey's
shake, strain into highball glass


  4 oz. Tequila
  1.5 oz. 7-up

  Serve in highball glass.

  1 2/3 oz. gin
    1/3 oz. cherry liqueur
    2/3 oz. lemon juice
    2/3 oz. strawberry syrup
    1/2 oz. grenadine
  2 tsp. pineapple juice
  stir thoroughly
  3 or 4 ice cubes
  5 pineapple pieces
  fill with soda water, serve

Nadir Blue

  1 2/3 oz. gin
    1/3 oz. cherry liqueur
    2/3 oz. lemon juice
    2/3 oz. strawberry syrup
    1/2 oz. grenadine
  2 tsp. pineapple juice

  stir thoroughly
  3 or 4 ice cubes
  5 pineapple pieces
  fill with soda water
  pour 2/3 oz. blue curacao into middle, serve


  2 oz White Brandy
  Cranberry Juice
  Grapefruit Juice

  Pour Brandy over ice in a tall glass. Fill the rest of the way with equ
  portions of cranberry juice and grapefruit juice and stir. Garnish with
  slice of lime.

Navy Grog

  1 oz. light rum
  1 oz. dark rum
  1 oz. bacardi 151
  1 oz. orange juice
  2 oz. pineapple juice
  1 oz. guava juice (koala guava drinks are fine)
  1 oz. lime juice
  1 very potent lime

  Mix all the ingredients up, the alcohols first and then the juices.

Neutron Bomb

  1 - Serve in any clear stemed glass.  (It's a visual drink)
  2 - Carefully pour in Kalua.          (This forms the ground)
  3 - Fill 2/3rds with a clear thick fruit schnapps  (the sky)
  4 - Layer with heavey cream           (The clouds)
  5 - Add a little grenadine            (the mushroom cloud)

New Orleans Buck

  1.5 oz. light rum
  1 oz. orange juice
  3 oz. sour mix
  shake, strain into collins glass
  1 oz. club soda


   Equal Parts: Campari, sweet varmouth, and gin.  Add thick slice of
   orange; squeezed.  Pour over ice.  Stirred.

  1.5 oz. vodka
  0.5 oz. white creme de cacao
  dash of Rose's
  shake, strain into cocktail glass


  Lime wedge
  1 oz. Jamaica rum
  1 oz. coffee liquer
  Hot black coffee
  Whipped cream
  Powdered allspice

  Run cut side of lime around rim of large goblet or heat- proof wineglass.    
  Invert glass and swirl in sugar to frost rim.  Add rum and liquer.  Pour in  
  coffee to within about 1 in. of rim; stir.  Taste for sweetness; add sugar, if
  desired. Pile on whipped cream.  Lightly sprinkle allspice all over.

Northeast Suicide

  1 can concentrated orange juice
  1 1-liter bottle of rum (80 prf)

  Basically, make OJ w/rum rather tham water, but here you're only thinning
  it out half as much.  The strength of the OJ content both balnces out
  the rum and confuses the hell out of your stomach.

Nuclear Fission

  1 shot Everclear
  1 shot of one of the following
    a) Pepermint Schnapps
    b) Bourbon
    c) Saki
    d) Plum Wine
    e) Uzo or Raki
    f) another shot of Everclear
WARNING: This drink can be fatal if taken in succession.

Nuclear Waste

  ** Nuclear Waste **  | ** Nuclear Waste **
  1.5 oz. vodka        |  1.5 oz. Midori
  1 oz. melon liqueur  |  1   oz. vodka
  1 oz. triple sec     |
  dash of Rose's       | Add to shot glass and vertical
  serve in shot glass  | flashlight. Glows.


  2 oz. vodka
  2 oz. Kahlua
  2 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream
  2 oz. amaretto

  shake, strain into highball glass

Nutty Irish Man
In Irish Coffee Mugs:
  Hot, prepared Coffee (fill about 3/4 of mug)
  1 shot Frangelica
  1 shot Bailey's Irish Creme
  Large dollup freshly made whipping cream.


  3 oz. triple sec
  1.5 oz. sambuca
  1.5 oz. grenadine

  stir in lowball glass, then add ice

Old Coordinates

  2-3 oz. Dark rum
  1 English Breakfast tea bag
  Add to covered mason-jar-type container.  Let sit in frig for 24 hrs.
  Remove tea bag.  Store in cool place.  You will move after drinking this.


  1 teaspoon sugar
  splash of club soda or water
  3-5 drops bitters
  2.5 oz. bourbon
  fill with club soda or water
  serve in old-fashioned glass
  lemon twist

Olympic Cocktail
  3/4 oz. brandy
  3/4 oz. triple sec
  3/4 oz. orange juice

  shake, strain into cocktail glass

Orange Blossom

  1.5 oz. gin
  fill with orange juice
  stir in highball glass

Orange Buck

  1.5 oz. gin
  1 oz. orange juice
  dash of Rose's
  shake, strain into highball glass
  fill with ginger ale

Orange Crush

  3 parts Triple sec
  1 part Cranberry Juice

  Serve in lowball glass.

Orange Julius

  In a blender, combine : Orange juice, Amaretto, Rum, crushed ice,
  whipped cream (use liberally), Grenadine.  The foam is deadly.


** Orgasm #1 (screaming) **        | ** Orgasm #2 **
2 oz. vodka   (screamer)           |  2 oz. Grand Mariner
2 oz. amaretto                     |  2 oz. Kahlua
2 oz. kahlua                       |  2 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream
2 oz. light cream                  |
shake, strain into highball glass  | Same proceedure.
Remove vodka for regular orgasm.   |
** Orgasm #3 **                    | ** Orgasm #4 **
     0.5 shot mint schnapps        |   2 oz. Amaretto
     0.5 shot Bailey's Irish Cream |   2 oz. Kahlua
                                   |   2 oz. light cream or milk
     layer the drink               | Serve in lowball glass.
** Orgasm #5 **                    | ** Orgasm #6 **
        2oz Drambuie               |       1 part Tequila
        2oz Bailey's               |       1 part Baileys
        2oz Brandy                 |
shake, strain into highball glass. | No stir.  Drink.
** Orgasm #7 **                    | ** Orgasm #8 **
 1 part Baileys                    |  1 part Baileys
 1 part Kahlua                     |  1 part hot coffee
 1 part vodka                      |  1 part vodka
 splash of club soda               |


  1 oz. peach brandy
  1 oz. vodka
  1 oz. pineapple juice
  dash of Rose's
  shake, strain into lowball glass

Pan Galactic Gargle-Blaster

  Made in a stadium cup; modify to taste:

  1.5 shots of Bacardi 151 rum
  1/3 shot of Triple Sec
  0.5 Shot of blue curacao
  1 dash Angastura bitters (or other bitters)
  tiny amount of gin
  [optional: 1 dash grenadine]
Mixed with ginger ale, topped with stemmed maraschino cherries.
** Pan Galactic Gargleblaster #1 **| ** Pan Galactic Gargleblaster #2 **
     1 shot  Jack Daniels          |
     1 shot  Seagrams Seven        | Take a brandy sniffer and put in the
     3 shots Gin                   | freezer.  Wait until frozen (3-4 hrs
     4 shots Soda                  | or overnight).  Put vodka in freezer
     1 shot  Peppermint Schnapps   | to chill, you want it as cold as
     1 shot  Walker Red Label      | possible.  In a blender half-filled
     1 Pinch of  Cinnamon          | with ice (for each person) add:
     1 Olive (essential)           |    2 long shots of Everclear
     Crushed Ice                   |    1 shot White creme de menthe
                                   | Blend until ice is chipped, you
Add all of Ingredients in order,   | are looking for a consistency
Strain off ice and olive.  Add     | slightly chunkier than a daquiri.
olive if desired.  Drink Carefully.| Strain into brandy sniffer, add a
                                   | splash of lemon-lime soda.  Serve
                                   | with a slice of lemon.

Pap Smear

  1 beer (Pabst - 12 oz)
  1 shot Smirnoff 100 proof vodka
  drop Smirnoff 100 into beer and chug

Paradise Cocktail

  1 oz. apricot brandy
  0.75 oz. gin
  0.75 oz. orange juice
  shake, strain into cocktail glass


  Most versions will contain, over ice in a tall glass:

  1 shot tequila (or Vodka)
  0.5 shot white creme de cacao
  0.5 shot Kahlua

  Shake, strain into lowball glass.
  Fill glass to within 0.5" to 0.75" of rim and top with cream.

Parisian Blonde
  2 oz. dark rum
  2 oz. triple sec
  2 oz. light cream
  shake, strain into highball glass

Peach Bunny

  2 oz. peach brandy
  2 oz. white creme de cacao
  2 oz. light cream
  shake, strain into highball glass


  1 part Peach schnapps
  1 part Cranberry juice

  Serve in lowball glass.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie

  1 part Frangelica (Chip Cookie)
  1 part Tia Maria
  1 part Kahlua

Pearl Harbor

  ** Pearl Harbor **               | ** Pearl Harbor **
  1 oz. vodka                      |  1 part Vodka
  0.5 oz. midori                   |  1 part Midori
  fill with pineapple juice        |  1 part Orange juice
  stir in highball glass

  Peppermint Schnapps
  7 Up
  Mix half and half (my version, mix to your own tastes) over ice.
  The only problem is that the drink is too sweet if you let it sit long
  enough for the 7 up to be totally flat.


  6 oz. Dr. Pepper (soda)
  1 oz. Everclear

Peppermint Pattie

  1.5 oz. white creme de menthe
  1.5 oz. white creme de cacao
  shake, strain into lowball glass

Pepto Pete

  0.5 shot grain alcohol       Swirl in lowball glass with small
  0.5 shot Pepto Bismol        amount of ice.


  1 shot Tequila
  1 dash of Maggi Seasoning (liquid, from Mexico)
  1 dash of Tabasco

  It looks like used motor oil, and tastes even worse.

Phillip Island Firewater

   Equal parts of cointreau and drambuie (or glayva)

Pike's Peak

  0.5 oz. Peppermint Schnapps
  0.5 oz. Kahlua
  5 oz. hot coffee

  serve in mug with whip cream

Pimm's cup

  1.5 Oz. Pimm's No. 1
  1.5 Oz. white rum
  Three white grapes, slices lengthwise
  One slice lime
  One slice cucumber, or one lengthwise shave of cucumber peel
  Two small fresh peach wedges
  Sprig of mint, or 1 tsp. of spearmint tea
  Wink, sour mix, lemonade, or Sprite to fill 10 Oz. glass

  Don't leave anything out, especially the cucumber!
  One set of fruit is good for two drinks, if you live that long.

Pina Colada

  ** Pina Colada **             | ** Pina Colada **      |** Pina Colada **
                                |                        |
  1 part light rum              | 1.5 part Malibu        | 3 oz. rum
  1 part cream of coconut       | 1 part Pineapple juice | 3 Tbsp coconut
  2 parts pineapple juice       | 1 part milk            |        milk
                                |                        | 3 Tbsp crushed
  blend, serve in exotic glass  |Blend. Serve.           |        pineapple
                                |                        |
  cherry and/or pineapple slice |                        | Blend at high
                                |                        | speed, serve in
  straw                         |                        | collins glass.
  ** Pina Colada - Ultimate **

  6 oz pineapple juice (fresh squeezed)
  1.5 oz sweetened coconut milk, recepie below.
  2.5 oz Dark Rum (Myers)

  Blend as above, garnish with a red rose as described above. To make
  coconut milk: Scald some milk. Let it cool somewhat. In a blender, blend
  in as much fresh coconut meat as possible. Let the mixture cool in the
  fridge. Squeeze thru cheesecloth.

Pineapple Cocktail

  1.5 oz. light rum
  0.75 oz. pineapple juice
  splash of lemon juice
  shake, strain into cocktail glass

Pineapple Pizz

  2 oz. rum
  1 oz. pineapple juice
  half teaspoon powdered sugar

  Pour into a highball glass and fill with carbonated water.

Pink Lady

  1.5 oz. gin
  3 oz. sour mix
  1 oz. light cream
  splash of grenadine
  shake, strain into highball glass

Pink Pussycat

  1.5 oz. vodka
  fill with pineapple juice
  splash of grenadine
  stir in highball glass

Pink Squirrel

  ** Pink Squirrel **                | ** Pink Squirrel **
  2 oz. creme de noyaux              |  2 oz. creme de noyaux
  2 oz. white creme de cacao         |  2 oz. white creme de cacao
  2 oz. light cream                  |  2 oz. amaretto
  shake, strain into highball glass  |Shake, strain into highball glass.

Planter's Punch

  ** Planter's Punch **             | ** Planter's Punch #2 **
  1.5 oz. light rum                 | juice 1 lime
  1 oz. orange juice                | juice of half a lemon
  1 oz. grapefruit juice            | juice of half a orange
  1 oz. sour mix                    | 1 teaspoon pineapple juice
  splash of grenadine               | 2 oz. rum
  shake, strain into exotic glass   | Pour into collins glass filled with
                                    | ice, stir until glass is frosted,
  float some dark rum on top        | add 1 oz. rum, stir, and top with
  cherry and orange slice           | 2 dashes triple sec.
  straw                             |

Planters Cocktail

  1.5 oz. rum
  juice 1/4 lemon
  half teaspoon powdered sugar

  cocktail glass

Polar Attraction

  2 oz White Brandy

  Pour Brandy over ice in a tall glass. Fill the rest of the way with tonic
  and add a twist of lemon.

Polo Cocktail

  1 oz. gin
  1 tablespoon lemon juice
  1 tablespoon orange juice

  cocktail glass

Polynesian Cocktail

  1.5 oz. vodka
  0.75 oz. cherry brandy
  dash of Rose's
  shake, strain into cocktail glass

Pop The Cherry

  1.5 oz. cherry brandy
  fill with orange juice
  stir in highball glass
  cherry and orange slice


  4 oz. tequila
  1.5 oz. 7-up

  serve in highball glass

Prairie Chicken

  1 egg yolk
  1 shot gin

  Pour gin over yolk in a glass.  Add salt and pepper to taste.

Prairie Fire

  1 oz. tequila
  0.5 oz. Tabasco

  serve in shot glass


  1.5 oz. rye whiskey
  half-fill with ginger ale
  half-fill with club soda
  serve in highball glass

Princeton Cocktail

  1 oz. gin
  1 oz. dry vermouth
  juice of half a lime

  cocktail glass

Purple Jesus

  1 part ginger ale         
  1 part vodka
  1 part grape juice        
  1 part grain alcohol
  Serve over crushed ice in a highball glass.

Purple Passion

  ripe plums with pits removed
  1 oz Grande Passion Liquor
  2 oz Vodka
  sugar to taste (go easy on the sugar)
  Blend with very cold ice, serve in a huge wine glass, garnish as as
  follows: Cut a lemon in half, and make a small hole in the lemon.  Insert
  the stem of a white rose into the lemon and put the lemon in the bottom
  of the glass.  (The lemon acts as a stand for the rose, and adds flavor.

Pusser's Pain Killer

  1 oz. cococut cream                 Combine coconut cream, juices,
  4 oz. pineapple juice, chilled      rum and ice cubes in shaker
  1 oz. orange juice                  and shake vigorously.  Put
  3-4 oz. Pusser's rum                crushed ice in a chilled 14-oz
  5-6 ice cubes                       tall glass and strain.
  4 oz. crushed ice
  1 small Union Jack flag             Optional: ground nutmeg on top.

Queen of Scots

  1 tsp superfine sugar
  2 tsp water
  1 tsp lemon juice
  2 oz scotch
  half tsp green chartreuse
  half tsp blue curacao
  Combine sugar and water, stir until dissolved, then add lemon juice
  and scotch, and stir.  Pour into cocktail glass filled with ice and
  float green chartreuse and blue curacao, for plaid effect.

Quick Silver

  1 part Anisette
  1 part Triple sec
  1 part Tequila
  Serve in lowball glass.

  1 oz. coffee liquer
  1 oz. brandy
  1 oz. half-and-half
  3 roasted coffee beans
  Vigorously shake first 3 ingredients with cracked ice.
  Strain into cocktail glass.  Float coffee beans on top.

Raki and Water

  1 part Raki        
  1 part water    

  Serve at room temp. in lowball.

Raspberry Cappuccino

  2 oz. black raspberry liqueur
  5 oz. hot espresso

  serve in mug, sweeten to taste
  top with whipped cream and shaved chocolate


  2 oz. tequila
  2 oz. kahlua
  2 oz. cranberry juice
  stir in highball glass

Red Death

  ** Red Death #1 **                | ** Red Death #2 **
  1 16-ounce cup                    | 1 oz Southern Comfort
  3 shots Sloe Gin                  | 1 oz Triple Sec
  2 shots Triple Sec                | 1 oz Sloe Gin
  1 shot Vodka                      | 1 oz Vodka
  Orange Juice                      | 1 oz Amaretto
  crushed ice                       |
  Put crushed ice in the cup.  Pour alcohol over the ice and then add
  orange juice to taste.  Stir.

Red Devil

  0.5 oz. sloe gin
  0.5 oz. vodka
  0.5 oz southern comfort
  0.5 oz triple sec
  0.5 oz. banana liqueur
  2 tbsp lime juice
  2 oz. orange juice.
  fill mixing glass with ice; add all ingredients; shake well, pour
  into highball glass.

Red Hot

  ** Red Hot **              | ** Red Hot **
    1 part Damn Hot Schnapps |  1 shot Cinnamon schnapps
    1 part Tequilla          |  1-2 drops Tabasco Sauce
    Dash of Tabasco sauce    |
  ** Red Hot #3 **

    750 ml Cheap Vodka
    1/3 - 1/2 bottle Loran Cinnamon Extract

  Pour vodka into a pan on the stove, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, and warm
  until the sugar dissolves.  Add the Loran Cinnamon Extract.  (This stuff
  is use to make hard candy and is found in many drug stores.) Cover and
  cool.  Store in the freezer and serve ice cold.

Red Raider

  1 oz. bourbon
  0.5 oz. triple sec
  1 oz. sour mix
  dash of grenadine
  shake, strain into lowball glass

Red Russian
  1 oz. Strawberry Liqueur
  1 oz. vodka
  1 oz. cream

Rhode Island Ice Coffee

  1 oz. Kahlua
  1 oz. vodka
  0.5 oz. brandy
  2 oz. cream

  serve in lowball glass over ice

Rising Sun

  2 oz Sake
  0.5 oz Grenadine
  Orange Juice

  Fill chimney glass with ice and sake. Fill with orange juice and top it
  with grenadine. Garnish with lemon slide and cherry.

Road Runner

  ** Road Runner **              | ** Road Runner **
  2 parts vodka                  |  1 part Tia Maria
  1 part amaretto                |  1 part Grand Marnier
  1 part cream of coconut        |
  blend, serve in wine glass
  orange slice
  pinch of nutmeg

Roasted Toasted Almond

  2 oz. Grand Marnier          Shake, strain
  2 oz. Kahula                 into a high-
  2 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream   ball glass.

Rob Roy

  3 oz. scotch
  sweet and dry vermouth:
          regular         3/4 oz., 0 oz.
          dry             0 oz., 3/4 oz.
          perfect         .5 oz., .5 oz.
  Stir, strain into cocktail glass
  Cherry and/or orange slice

Robin's Nest

  1 oz. vodka
  0.5 oz. white creme de cacao
  1 oz. cranberry juice
  shake, strain into lowball glass

Rocket Fuel

  1 part rumpleminz and 1 part 151.  Chilled and served in shot glass.

Roman Coffee

  Same procedure as Spanish coffee substituting Galliano for Kahlua.

Roman Riot

  1 part Sambuca
  1 part Galliano
  1 part Amaretto

  Serve in lowball glass.

Romulan Ale

  1 jgr   Bacardi 151
  1 jgr   Blue Curaco

Romulan Dream

  2 cl. grand marnier
  2 cl. blue curacao
  2 cl. lemon juice
  Add all.  Stir.  Strain into highball glass.

Root Beer Float

  ** Root Beer Float **             | ** Root Beer Float **
                                    |  Fill pint glass with ice.
      0.75 shot Kahlua              |  1 to 1.5 oz. Vodka
      0.75 shot Galiano             |  1 to 1.5 oz. Kahlua or Cream d'Caoca
      1 shot cream                  |Fill 2 to 3 inches from top with cream
      Coke or Pepsi                 |and top off with Coke.  Transfer
                                    |between two glass for foamy effect.
  Make in tall glass filled w/ice.  |
                                    |Variations:  Add Baileys
                                    |             Add Amaretto
  (Also known as a Paralyser.)      | Omit vodka to get a Frosty Cake.


  1 part Vodka
  1 part Galliano
  1 part Coke
  1 part Beer

  Serve in highball glass.

Roselyn Cocktail

  1.5 oz. gin
  0.75 oz. dry vermouth
  half teaspoon grenadine

  cocktail glass

Ruhr Skipper

  2/3 oz. vodka
  2/3 oz. cherry liqueur
  2/3 oz. multi-vitamin juice (?)

  stir together

Rum Cola

  juice of half a lime
  2 oz. rum
  Pour into highball glass and fill with ice and cola

Rum Collins

  2 oz. rum
  juice of 1 lime
  1 teaspoon powdered sugar

  Pour into collins glass and fill with carbonated water.

Rum Fix

  juice of half a lemon
  1 teaspoon powdered sugar
  1 teaspoon water

  Stir into a highballs glass with ice, add 2 .5 oz. rum and stir.

Rum Highball

  2 oz. rum

  Pour into highball glass and fill with ginger ale.

Rum Punch

  1.5 oz. light rum
  one-third-fill with orange juice
  one-third-fill with pineapple juice
  one-third-fill with cranberry juice
  stir in highball glass

Rum Screwdriver

  1.5 oz. rum
  5 oz. orange juice

  highball glass

Running Kamikaze

  1 oz. lime juice
  1 oz. triple-sec
  1 oz. vodka
  3 drops Murine(Visine is ok.  Murine preferred)
  Shake and serve over ice in an old-fashioned glass.

Ruptured Duck

  2 oz. creme de noyaux
  2 oz. banana liqueur
  2 oz. light cream
  shake, strain into highball glass

Russian Banana

  2 oz. vodka
  2 oz. dark creme de cacao
  2 oz. banana liqueur
  2 oz. light cream
  shake, strain into highball glass

Russian Bear

  2 oz. vodka
  1 oz. white creme de cacao
  1 oz. light cream
  shake, strain into lowball glass

Russian Kamikaze

  2 oz. vodka             
  1 tsp. Chambord
  Add to shaker with ice.  Shake.  Strain.  Serve in lowball glass.

Russian Quaalude

  ** Russian Qualude **   | ** Russian Quaalude **|** Russian Quaalude**
                          |                       | 1oz. Stolinichia Vodka
   2 parts Vodka          | 1 shot Bailey's       | 1oz. Frangelico
   2 parts Frangelica     | 1 shot Frangelica     | 1oz. Bailey's
   1 part Milk            | 1 shot vodka          | 1oz. Kaluha
                          |                       | 50/50 Ultra-pasturized
  Serve in highball glass.| Serve in highball.    |   cream.     And ice.

Russian Turkey
  3 oz. vodka
  3 oz. cranberry juice
  stir in lowball glass

Rusty Nail
  5 oz. scotch
  2.5 oz. drambuie
  Stir in highball glass.  Garnish with a lemon twist.

Saint Moritz

  dash Cream
  Fill Cordial glass with Chambord, layer cream on top.

Salty Dog

  1.5 oz. vodka
  fill with grapefruit juice
  Stir in highball glass.  Salted rim.

San Sebastian

  1 oz. gin
  0.5 oz. light rum
  0.5 oz. triple sec
  splash of grapefruit juice
  dash of lemon juice
  shake, strain into cocktail glass

  2  cups cheap red wine (jug variety)
  2  cups Ginger Ale
  3  oz. Frozen Pink Lemonade
  1/4 cup brandy
  1/4 cup Triple Sec
  Juice from one orange
  Juice from one lime
  If you like you can add various fruits (oranges, limes, cherries, etc.)
  ** Sangria #2 **
  2 lemons          2 limes
  4 oranges         3 apples
  1 large container of frozen strawberries
    (this can be either the whole, unsweeted type, or the sugared halves.  I   
     prefer the latter.)
  1 bottle of cheap burgundy wine (don't waste your money on good stuff)
  orange juice (unspecified amount)
  brandy  (unspecified amount)
  Slice lemons, limes, oranges, and apples into thin slices,
  leaving the skin on.  Put them into a large pitcher. (You may need two
  pitchers) Dump defrosted strawberries on top of the rest of the fruit.
  Pour the wine into the pitcher, so that it covers the fruit.  Cover,
  and put in the fridge to marinate for a minimum of 4 hours.  After the
  fruit has marinated, stir in orange juice and brandy to taste,
  depending on how strong you wish the sangria to be.  If it is bitter,
  add sugar to taste.  I usually do, then again, I like everything sweet.
  Serve in large clear glasses with the fruit in the glass.
  People are expected to put their fingers in and eat the fruit as they
  drink the wine.  This is not a high society drink.  Several glasses and
  you will not care anyway.
  ** Sangria #3 **

  Makes: roughly 3 gallons
  15 L. inexpensive Spanish red wine (plonk)
  2.5 c. inexpensive brandy
  10 c.  fresh orange juice (use reconstituted frozen if you're
                             pinching pennies)
  juice of 10 lemons
  juice of 10 limes
  sugar to taste
  NOTES: you can make a small batch of this with alcohol free wine
         and no brandy for the designated drivers. It's not as tasty,
         but it's more fun than club soda.
         Speaking of club soda, you can stretch this (or dilute its
         kick) by adding sparkling mineral water or club soda.
         Serve it chilled, with slices of lemon, lime and orange
         floating in it.
  ** Sangria #4 **

  Take 1 orange and 1 lemon and wash well in hot water.  Slice the fruits
  with the skin (do not peel) into 3mm thick slices.  If the slices are
  big, halve them.  Heat 1/8 litre of water with 7g (I guess that's 7/10ths
  of a kg) of su until it begins to boil.  Remove from heat.  Add the
  slices of orange and lemo and 1/8 litre of freshly squeezed OJ to the
  water.  Leave the water and its contents in room temperature for about 3
  hours (saturation).  Then add 7/10th litre of good red wine and 12 or so
  ice cubes and serve.  For a nice addition add one ounce (30cc) anisette.

Santiago Cocktail

  half teaspoon powdered sugar
  quarter teaspoon grenadine
  juice of 1 lime
  1.5 oz. rum

  cocktail glass


  2 oz. amaretto
  2 oz. brandy
  2 oz. light cream
  shake, strain into highball glass

Saxon Cocktail

  juice of half a lime
  half teaspoon grenadine
  1.75 oz. rum

  cocktail glass


  1 tsp simple syrup
  1 dash Angostura bitters
  2 dashes Peychaud bitters
  1.25 oz rye or bourbon whiskey
  3 dashes absinthe
  lemon peel
  In a cocktail shaker combine the first 4 ingredients.  Put the absinthe
  in a chilled old fashioned glass and throughly coat the inside of the
  glass by twirling the absinthe.  Discard the excess absinthe.  With a
  cocktail spoon stir the ingredients that are in the shaker.  DO NOT
  SHAKE!  Strain the mixture into the chilled, coated glass and garnish it
  with a twist of lemon peel.
>From _Le Bonne Cuisine: Cooking New Orleans Style_.

Scarlett O'Hara

  1.5 oz. Southern Comfort
  fill with cranberry juice
  serve in highball glass


  ( See Harpic.  Substitute dark stout (Guiness) for lemonade.)


  1 part Baileys
  1 part Vodka
  Serve on the rocks in a lowball glass.


  See Saronno


  ** Scorpion (individual) **    | ** Scorpion for 4 **
  2 oz light Puerto Rican rum    | 6 oz light Peurto Rican rum
  1 oz brandy                    | 1 oz brandy
  1.5 oz lemon juice             | 4 oz lemon juice
  2 oz orange juice              | 6 oz orange juice
  0.5 oz orgeat syrup            | 1.5 oz orgreat syrup
    or 0.5 oz. amaretto          |
  Blend with a scoop of shaved   | Blend with shaved ice and cubes.  Serve
  ice and add ice cubes.         | in scorpion bowl with 4 long straws.
   ** Scorpion **                | ** Scorpion #2 **
   6 parts light rum  (or 2 pts) | 1 oz Brandy         3 oz pineapple juice
   1 part brandy                 | 1 oz Rum            dash of grenadine
   4 parts sour mix              |
   6 parts orange juice          | Fill glass (whiskey sour type)
                                 | with pineapple juice.  Dash of
   blend, serve in exotic glass  | grenadine.  Top with dark rum.

Scotch & Soda
  1.5 oz. scotch
  fill with club soda
  serve in lowball glass
  lemon twist

Scotch Sour

  2 oz Scotch
  1.5 Tbs lemon juice
  0.75 tsp superfine sugar
  Combine over ice, shake, strain into glass and garnish with a slice of
  of lemon and cherry.  [A whiskey sour with scotch whiskey instead.]

Screaming Orgasm

  ** Screaming Orgasm #1 **  | ** S.O. #2 **     | ** S.O. #3 **
                             |                   |
    Bartender's chair        |  1 part Bailey's  | 1 pt Baileys
    equal parts: bourbon,    |  1 part Schnapps  | 1 pt Cointreau
       rum, vodka            |  1 part Vodka     | 1 pt Galliano (yellow)
  Open mouth and lean back,  |  Serve in a lowball glass.
  swallow until you can't.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  1.5 oz. vodka
  fill with orange juice
  stir in highball glass

Sea Breeze

  1.5 oz. vodka
  fill with grapefruit juice
  stir in highball glass
  splash of cranberry juice

Seven and Seven

  1.5 oz. Seagram's no. 7 whiskey
  fill with 7up
  serve in highball glass

Sewer Rat

  ** Sewer Rat **                         |  ** Sewer Rat **
        1 part Vodka (Absolut blue lable) |    1 oz. vodka
        2 parts Peach Schnapps            |    1 oz. peach schnapps
        2 parts Kahlua                    |    1 oz. kahlua
        5 parts Orange Juice              |    2 oz. orange juice
  Add them in order                       |  Stir in highball glass.
  ** DO NOT STIR **                       |
  No Ice


  1 part Kalhua
  1 part Grand Marnier

  Serve in lowball glass.

Sex In A Bubblegum Factory

  1 shot creme de bananes
  1 shot blue curacao
  1 shot apricot brandy
  1 shot rum
  fill with sprite or 7-up and mix

Sex Machine

  1 part Kahlua
  1 part Bailey's Irish Cream
  1 part Milk

  Serve in lowball glass.

Sex On The Beach

  ** Sex On The Beach **             | ** Sex On The Beach **
  1 oz. vodka                        |  1 part Peach Schnapps
  0.75 oz. peach schnapps            |  1 part Tequila
  half-fill with cranberry juice     |  1 part Triple Sec
  half-fill with grapefruit juice    |
      (or pineapple juice)           |  Stir in a highball glass.
  stir in highball glass             |
  Alternate #1:                      | Alternate #2:
   1 part Creme de Casis or Chambord |  Mix 1 can of Chiquita Tropical
   1 part melon liquer               |  Blend frozen concentrate with
   1 part Pineapple juice            |  alcohol in blender with ice.

   (With a friend) +1 part vodka
   (Rape under the boardwalk) add more alcohol
 Alternate #3: Mix equal parts of    | Alternate #4: Equal parts of
 vodka, peach schnapps, and amaretto | vodka, raspberry liquer, and
 Fill the rest of the way with equal | melon liquer.  Serve over ice or
 parts of orange juice and cranberry | blended.
 juice. (Or sub Tuaca for amaretto)  |


  ** Shandy **        | ** Shady **
  10 oz. lager        | half beer
  splash of 7up       | half lemonade
  Serve in beer mug   | Serve in beer mug w/lime wedge.
  lime wedge          |

  1 part Tequila
  1 part Vodka
  a dash of Tabasco sauce

  Serve in lowball glass.

Shirley Temple

  fill with 7up or ginger ale
  splash of grenadine
  serve in highball glass

Shoot the Root
  beer (the cheaper the better)          12 oz. cup
  rootbeer shnapps                       shot glass
  With a shot glass' height of beer in the cup drop shot glass full of
  schnapps in cup of beer.  Drink.

Shot From Hell

  1 part Jaegermister
  2 part Rumpilminze
  Serve in a shot glass.

Shotgun (See Kamikaze)

  1 part Citrus Vodka (Absolut Citroen or Tanqueray Sterling Citrus)
  1 part Gran Marnier
  1 part Rose's Sweet Lime Juice
  Serve on the rocks in a snifter.

Sicilian Kiss

  1 part Amaretto
  1 part Galliano
  1 part Bailey's


  0.75 oz. brandy
  0.75 oz. triple sec
  0.75 oz. sour mix
  shake, strain into cocktail glass

Silver Bullet

  1 shot peppermint schnapps
  1 shot decent vodka (icy cold Stoli works best)

  Serve in shot glass.

Singapore Sling

  0.75 oz. gin
  0.75 oz. cherry brandy
  3 oz. sour mix
  shake, strain into collins glass
  1 oz. club soda
  cherry and orange slice

Sit On My Face

  1 shot Bailey's Irish Cream
  1 shot Frangelica
  1 shot Kahlua
  Layer Kahlua, then Frangelica, then Bailey's.


  1 oz. Blue Curacao
  1 oz. Kahluha
  1 oz. Vodka
  2 oz. dark stout (Guiness)

  In a highball glass mix first three alcohols.  Top off glass with

Skylab Fallout
  1 pt. white rum
  1 pt. vodka
  1 pt. gin
  1 pt. tequila
  0.5 pt. blue curacao (or triple sec w/blue food color)
  some pineapple juice for flavor/color

  1 highball glass
  The drink should be a turquoisish color. Very strong drink.

Sledge Hammer

  1 cl. lemon juice (top)
  1 cl. Obstsuppe (a multi-fruit-flavoured liqueur)
  1 cl. blue curacao
  1 cl. grand marnier
  1 cl. strawberry syrup (bottom)

  To cocktail glass, add strawberry syrup.  Layer (over spoon) grand
  marnier, blue curacao, obstsuppe, and lemon juice.


  1 part Galliano
  1 part Kahlua
  1 part Tequila

  Serve in lowball glass.

Sliced Lemon

  2oz Gatorade               Variation #1: Substitute Slice soda
  1oz Jack Daniels                         for Gatorade and Evian Water.
  3oz Cheap Beer
  2oz Country Time Lemonade
  1oz Evian Water
  7oz Peach Schnappes
  Shake well and enjoy.

Slimy Sunrise

  1 oz grain alcohol
  1 oz orange Gatorade
  Combine in a lowball glass, with or without shaved ice.

Slippery Nipple

  ** Slippery Nipple #1 **                     | ** Slippery Nipple #2 **
                                               | 1 part Irish cream
     0.5 shot glass Sambuca                    | 1 part peppermint schnapps
     1/3 shot glass Irish Cream floated on top |___________________________
     1 drop of Grenadine--floats to bottom (the "Nipple")
  Serve in a shot glass.
  ** Slippery Nipple #3 **           |  ** Slippery Nipple #4 **
      1 shot Butterscotch Schnapps   |  0.5 shot Kahlua
      a jigger of Bailey's           |  0.5 shot Bailey's Irish Cream
                                     |  0.5 shot Vodka
      Fill shot glass with schnapps  |
      and add Bailey's on top.       |  Use a large shot glass.

Sloe Comfortable Screw Between the Sheets

  Sloe Gin, Southern Comfort, Vodka, OJ, Triple Sec

Sloe Gin Fizz

  ** Sloe Gin Fizz **               | ** Sloe Gin Fizz #2 **
  3/4 oz. gin                       |  1 part Sloe Gin
  3/4 oz. sloe gin                  |  1 part Lemon juice
  3 oz. sour mix                    |  2 parts carbonated water
  shake, strain into collins glass  |
  1 oz. club soda
  cherry and orange slice

Sloppy Joe's Cocktail

  juice 1 lime
  1/4 teaspoon triple sec
  1/4 teaspoon grenadine
  3/4 oz. rum
  3/4 oz. dry vermouth

  cocktail glass

Slow Comfortable Screw

  0.75 oz. vodka
  0.5 oz. sloe gin
  0.5 oz. Southern Comfort
  fill with orange juice
  serve in highball glass

Slow Comfortable Screw Up Against The Wall

  0.5 oz. vodka
  0.5 oz. sloe gin
  0.5 oz. Southern Comfort
  fill with orange juice
  serve in highball glass
  splash of galliano

Slow Screw

  1 oz. vodka
  1 oz. sloe gin
  fill with orange juice
  serve in highball glass


  ** Smile **                      | ** Smile Cocktail **
                                   | 1 oz. gin
   1 part Midori                   | 1 oz. grenadine
   1 part Apple Brandy             | half teaspoon lemon juice
  Serve in lowball glass.          | cocktail glass

Smith and Kerns

  1 shot Kahlua
  Coke or Pepsi
 Served over ice in highball glass.

Smith and Wesson
  0.5 shot Kahlua
  0.5 shot vodka
  Coke or Pepsi
  Served over ice in highball glass.

Smurf Juice

  1 part white wine
  1 part ginger ale or 1 part vodka
  enough Blue Curacao to give the color you want.
  It's a nice wine cooler.

Smurf Piss

  2 parts Berry Blue Kool-Aid        2 parts Mountain Dew soda
  1 part Everclear                   ice

Snake Bite

  ** Snake Bite **      | ** Snake Bite **          | ** Snake Bite **
                        |                           |
   3 parts Jack Daniels |  1 part Jack Daniels      |  1 part Yukon Jack
   1 part Cointreau     |  1 part Tequila           |  1 part Lime juice
   1 part Lime Cordial  |  1 part Southern Comfort  |

Snap The Boosters

  2 parts Vodka
  2 parts Whiskey
  6 parts Black rum
  1 part  Strawberry jam
  1 teaspoon Baking soda
  Add all in blender.  Add 5 icecubes.  Blend.

Snotty Toddy (aka Sugar Booger)
  1 part Midori
  1 part Bacardi's 151 rum
  1 part Orange juice
  Definitely meant as a shooter.


  0.5 oz. cinnamon schnapps
  0.5 oz. Kahlua
  5 oz. hot coffee

  serve in mug with whipped cream


  1.5 oz. gin
  0.5 oz. dry vermouth
  0.5 oz. triple sec

  cocktail glass


  3 oz. kahlua
  3 oz. light cream
  shake, strain into highball glass

Sourtoe Cocktail

  ** Sourtoe Cocktail **              |** Sourtoe Cocktail - Traditional **
  1 Beverage of choice.               | 1 Beer glass full of champagne
  1 Amputated pickled toe (of choice) | 1 Amputated pickled big toe
  Serve with toe in drink.  "You can drink it fast, you can drink it slow.
  But the lips have gotta touch the toe."

South Of The Border

  1 oz. tequila
  0.75 oz. coffee brandy
  dash of Rose's
  shake, strain into lowball glass
  lime wedge

Spanish Coffee

  1 lemon wedge
  1 Tbsp brandy
  1.5 oz of Kahlua (jigger)
  whipped cream

  glass or mug
  Rub lemon around the rim of the glass, then dip into a dish of sugar.
  In front of and alcohol burner or sterno, rotate the glass over the flame
  to carmelize the sugar.  Place spoon on glass to prevent cracking.
  Warm brandy in a pan or a chafing dish.  Pour into glass and ignite.
  Add jigger of Kahlua and ignite.
  Pour in hot coffee, leaving about 1.5".
  Add whipped cream, level to the top of the glass.

Spanish Town Cocktail

  2 oz. rum
  1 teaspoon triple sec

  cocktail glass

Spiritual Enlightenment

  1 part Creme de menthe
  1 part Creme de cacao
  1 part Grand Mariner
  Stir in a lowball glass.

Spy Catcher

  1 oz. Canadian whisky   
  0.5 oz. Sambuca
  Pour both into a shot glass, drink it straight back.

Stanley Cocktail

  4 oz gin
  0.25 oz. rum
  1 teaspoon grenadine
  juice of a quarter of lemon

  cocktail glass


  1 part Tia Maria
  1 part Cointreau
  1 part Galliano
  Serve in a lowball glass.


  1 shot Brandy
  1 shot Creme de Menthe (clear)

  Shake with ice, strain into glass. Serve with a sprig of mint.


  1 can of beer
  1 shot of strawberry schnapps

  Put beet in mug, drop in shot of schnapps, down it.
  (Same way one does a Boiler-maker)

Strawberry Bomb

  1 capful of Everclear              Variations:  Substitute other flavors
  1 shot Strawberry Scahnapps                     of schnapps.

Strawberry Daquiris
  ** Strawberry Daiquiri #1 **
  1) Pour 1 cup (8 oz) of light rum into blender.  As most blenders have
     markings on the side it is easier if you do this first.

  2) Add 1 package (2" by 4" by 6") Frozen Strawberries
     Add 1 can Frozen Minute-Maid LimeAid (for a Lime Daquiris)
     Add 1 can Frozen Minute-Maid LemonAid (for a Lemon Daquiris)

  3) Blend until smooth

  4) Add ice (I use cubes but if your blender is weak you can pre-crush it)
     and continue blending and adding ice until either blender is full
     (4 or 5 cups) or mix is so thick that ice won't blend in anymore.
  At the 1:4 liquor:total_volume ratio I use, this would be 1.5 oz of
  liquor in a 6 oz serving.

  A purist might suggest making a Strawberry Daquiri with 1 Carton
  Frozen Strawberries and 1/3 Carton Frozen LemonAid ...
  You can also substitute 2/3 Tequilla & 1/3 Triple Sec if you want Margaritas.

  ** Strawberry Daiquiri #2 **

  6oz frozen strawberries
  1-3oz Bacardi Light Rum
  1oz Rose's Lime Juice
  Optional 1 egg white
  Optional 1-2 tsp sugar
  The egg white makes it really fluffy, and your drink might be so thick
  you have to eat it instead of drink it :-).  The sugar might be
  necessary if your strawberries are unsweetened and not particularly
  flavorful.  Experiment, and see what you can make.
  ** Strawberry Daquiris #3 **
  Take a blender put in one cup light rum, 1/4 cup lime juice, one pound
  bag of frozen strawberries (yes you can use fresh), 1/4 cup sugar (or to
  taste, if you use strawberries packed in syrup forget the sugar) Now put
  the lid on.  Turn it on high speed and start dropping ice through the
  hole.  Do this until the blender is full.
  This is the slush type if you don't want it so frozen don't use frozen
  strawberries.  You can make these stronger or weaker as desired, just
  keep the lime to rum ratio.

Strawberry Stripper

  1.5 oz. strawberry schnapps
  1 oz. Triple Sec
  fill with orange juice
  Pour strawberry schnapps into o.j. and then Triple Sec - do not stir

Sunset Horizon

  2/3 oz. gin
  2/3 oz. cherry liqueur
  1 2/3 oz. multi-vitamin juice

  stir together in water glass
  fill with orange or peach flavored wine


  ** Swampwater **                | ** Swamp Water #2 **
    1 part  Green Chartreuse      |  Equal parts of the following: O.J.,
    3 part  Pinapple juice        |  Beery Blue Kool-Aid, Southern Comfort.

Sweet Patootie

  2 oz. gin
  1 oz. triple sec
  1 oz. orange juice
  shake, strain into lowball glass

Sweet Sensation

  1.5 oz. Southern Comfort
  fill with 7up
  stir in highball glass
  cherry and/or orange slice

Swimming Pool

  ** Swimming Pool #1 **
  1 shot blue Curacao, vodka, gin, white rum, and any other clear
  adulterants you so choose to add, topped up with 7-up over ice.  Add a
  little plastic shark filled with red grenadine syrup and you have a Shark
  ** Swimming Pool #2 **

  1 scoop crushed ice
  0.25 oz. sweet cream
  0.75 oz. coconut cream
  2 oz. pineapple juice
  0.75 oz. vodka
  1.5 oz. light rum

  mix well into exotic glass
  float 0.25 oz. blue curacao on top


  1 part Tequila
  1 part Kahlua
  1 part Ouzo

  Serve in lowball glass.


  ** T.N.T. **                  | ** T.N.T. #2 **
   4 parts Tequila              |  1.5 oz. blended whiskey
   1 part  Tabasco              |  1 oz. anisette

Tahiti Club

  2 oz. light rum
  dash of Rose's
  dash of lemon juice
  dash of pineapple juice
  dash of grenadine
  shake, strain into lowball glass
  lemon slice

Tall Ship

  1 part Kahlua
  1 part Bailey's Irish Cream
  1 part Drambuie
  Serve in lowball glass.


  1 part Tangueray
  1 part Jack Daniels

  Serve in lowball glass.

Tasty Orgasm

  1.5 oz. peppermint schnapps
  1.5 oz. Bailey's Irish Cream

  serve in shot glass

Tennessee Mud

  ** Tennessee Mud **           | ** Tennessee Mud #2 **
   0.5 oz. amaretto             |  1 part Jack Daniel's
   0.5 oz. whiskey              |  3 part Kahlua
   5 oz. hot coffee             |  3 part Bailey's Irish Cream
   serve in mug with whip cream |

Tequila Collins

  juice of half a lemon
  1 teaspoon powdered sugar
  2 oz. tequila
  pour into champagne glass

Tequila Matador

  1.5 oz. tequila
  3 oz. pineapple juice
  dash of Rose's (juice of half a lime)
  shake, strain into lowball glass

Tequila Pink
  1.5 oz. tequila
  1 oz. dry vermouth
  1 dash grenadine

  cocktail glass

Tequila Slammer

  1.5 oz. tequila       
  0.5 oz. 7-up
  Pour both into shot glass, cover w/ a napkin. While holding napkin
  tightly on glass, slam shot glass onto table, remove napkin, slam

Tequila Sour
  juice of half a lemon
  1 teaspoon sugar
  2 oz. tequila

  sour glass

Tequila Sunrise

  ** Tequila Sunrise **     | ** Tequila Sunrise #2 **
  1.5 oz. tequila           | 2 oz. tequila
  fill with orange juice    | 4 oz. orange juice
                            | 0.75 oz. grenadine
  stir in highball glass    |
                            | highball glass
  splash of grenadine       |


  1.5 oz. tequila
  0.75 oz. dry vermouth

  cocktail glass

Test Tube Baby

  1 part Vodka
  1 part Amaretto

  Serve in lowball glass.

Tetanus Shot
  1 part Schnapps
  1 part Cherry Brandy
  1 part Bailey's

  Serve in lowball glass.

The Big Chill

  1 oz. dark rum
  1 oz. Kahlua
  4 ozs. coffee, chilled
  1 oz. cream
  0.5 teaspoon sugar
  1 scoop vanilla ice cream
  Shake all ingredients but ice cream with cracked ice.
  Strain into tall glass or 12-oz. goblet.  Top with ice cream.  Serve with    
  straws and long-handled spoon.

The Union Jack

  1.5 oz. gin
  0.75 oz. sloe gin
  dash of grenadine

  serve in lowball glass

Three Stripes Cocktail

  1 oz. gin
  0.5 oz. dry vermouth
  1 tablespoon orange juice

  cocktail glass

Tight Snatch

  1 oz. light rum
  0.75 oz. peach schnapps
  fill with pineapple juice
  stir in highball glass

Tilt The Kilt
  1 tsp superfine sugar
  2 tsp water
  1 tsp lemon juice
  2 oz scotch
  1 tsp triple sec
  Combine sugar and water, stir until dissolved, then add lemon juice
  and scotch, and stir.  Pour into cocktail glass filled with ice and
  float the triple sec on top.

Toasted Almond

  2 oz. amaretto
  2 oz. kahlua
  2 oz. light cream
  shake, strain into highball glass

Tokyo Tea

  ** Tokyo Tea **                            |  ** Tokyo Tea **
                                             |    0.5 oz. vodka
  1 shot Smirnov Vodka                       |    0.5 oz. triple sec
  1 shot Bicardi Light Rum                   |    0.5 oz light rum
  1 shot Bandelero Triple Sec                |    0.5 oz gin
  0.5 shot Tanqueray Gin                     |    0.5 oz. melon liqueur
  1.5 shot Midori Liquer                     |      1 oz. sour mix
  1.5 shot Mr & Mrs T's Sweet and Sour mix   |Shake, strain into lowball glass
  Mix together in a highball glass over ice and serve.  If you're very
  careful with the proportions, the drink won't taste strong at all.
  If you want to increase the quantities to make a batch, just keep the
  proportions the same (i.e., 1V:1R:1TS:.5G:1.5M:1.5SS).

Tom Collins

  ** Tom Collins **                  | ** Tom Collins **
  1.5 oz. gin                        | 2 oz. gin
  3 oz. sour mix                     | 1 teaspoon powdered sugar
                                     | juice of half a lemon
  shake, strain into collins glass   |
                                     | Pour into collins glass and fill
  1 oz. club soda                    | with carbonated water.
  cherry and orange slice            |

Tootsie Roll

  ** Tootsie Roll **              | ** Tootsie Roll **
  3 oz. sabra chocolate liqueur   |  1 part Dark creme de cacao
  3 oz. orange juice              |  1 part Orange juice
  stir in highball glass          | (Opt: add 1 part kahula)

Top Banana

  2 oz. vodka
  2 oz. banana liqueur
  2 oz. orange juice
  shake, strain into highball glass

Toxic Waste

  1 part Triple Sec
  1 part Blue Curacao
  6 parts tart orange juice
  serve in a tall glass over dry ice

Triple Irish Coffee

  Irish Whisky (Jamesons or Bushmills)
  Bailey's Irish Creme
  Irish Mist
  Coffee     (mix to taste and desired poteency)
  Whipped Cream and a Cherry  (to top off the whole wonderful works)
  Omit the coffee and garnish and chill to make a triple Irish shooter
  (then call a taxi)

Tropical Storm

  2 parts light rum
  1 part banana liqueur
  4 parts orange juice
  splash of pineapple juice
  splash of grenadine
  1 sliced banana
  blend, serve in exotic glass
  cherry and orange slice

TV Tower

  1 cl. sherry, medium dry (top)
  1 cl. blue curacao
  1 cl. grenadine (bottom)

  Pour grenadine in a cocktail glass.  Layer (with a spoon) blue curacao
  and then sherry.


  ** Twister **                     | ** Twister **
  1.5 oz. vodka                     | 2 oz. vodka
  3 oz. sour mix                    | juice 1/3 lime
  dash of Rose's                    |
                                    | Pour into collins glass and fill
  shake, strain into collins glass  | with lemon soda.
  1 oz. club soda                   |
  lime wedge                        |

Up the Duff

  1 part Coffee Liqueur
  1 part Creme de Cacao
  1 part brandy
  ice cream

Velvet Hammer

  2 oz. vodka
  2 oz. white creme de cacao
  2 oz. light cream
  shake, strain into highball glass

Venusian Flame Water

  2/3 oz. grenadine
  fill with pineapple flavored wine

Vile Green Stuff

  ** Vile Green Stuff **       | ** Vile Green Stuff **
  1 part Midori                | 1 fifth Blue Hawaiin Maui Schnapps
  1 part Peach Schnapps        | 1 fifth Light rum
  2 Part Seltzer water         | 1 gallon Orange juice
  2 part Orange juice          |

Vincow Somba
   1 part Vodka
   1 part Pineapple Juice
   1 part Triple Sec

Violent Fuck

   0.5 shot Everclear
   0.5 shot Jolt Cola soda


  1 oz. gin
  0.5 oz. white creme de menthe
  1 oz. forbidden fruit
  shake, strain into cocktail glass

Viva Villa

  juice 1 lime
  1 teaspoon sugar
  1.5 oz. tequila
  Pour into salt-rimmed old-fashioned glass


    1/3 oz. raspberry syrup
    1/3 oz. grenadine
    1/3 oz. cassis (black currant liqueur)
    1 oz. vodka

  stir thoroughly

Vodka and Tonic

  1.5 oz. vodka
  fill with tonic
  serve in highball glass
  lemon wedge

Vodka Collins

  juice .5 lime
  1 teaspoon powdered sugar
  2 oz. vodka
  Pour into collins glass and fill with carbonated water.

Vodka Collins #2

  juice .5 lime
  0.5 teaspoon powdered sugar
  1 teaspoon grenadine
  2 oz. vodka

Vodka Gimlet

  ** Vodka Gimlet **                | ** Vodka Gimlet Cocktail **
  3 oz. vodka                       | 1.5 oz. vodka
  0.75 oz. Rose's                   | 1 teaspoon powdered sugar
                                    | 1 oz. lemon juice
  stir, strain into cocktail glass  | cocktail glass
  lime wedge                        |

Vodka Martini

  3 oz. vodka
  dry vermouth:
          regular        3/4 oz.
          dry            1/2 oz.
          extra dry      1/4 oz.
          in 'n' out      swirl
  stir, strain into cocktail glass

Vodka Seven

  1.5 oz. vodka        Shake, strain into a collins
  3 oz. sour mix       glass. Finish with:
  dash of lime juice   1 oz. club soda.  A lime wedge.

  See Twister

Vodka Sour

  juice of half a lime
  0.5 teaspoon powdered sugar
  2 oz. vodka

  pour into sour glass

Vodka Stinger

  2 oz. vodka
  2 oz. white creme de menthe
  shake, strain into cocktail glass

Vulcan Mind Probe

  ** Vulcan Mind Probe **          | ** Vulcan Mind Probe #2 **
  1 part Ouzo (or Sambuca)         |  1 part Wild Turkey
  1 part rum (Bacardi 151)         |  1 part Ouzo
                                   |  1 part 151
  Mix in a shot glass.  Shoot it.
  ** Vulcan Mind Probe #3 **
  1 shot of coffee liquor
  1 shot of vodka or rum floated on top of the coffee
  a couple of drops of Bailey's to give it that brain effect


  1 part vodka
  1 part butterscotch schnapps
  1 part orange juice
  crushed ice
  shake, strain, and serve in shotglasses.

Waikiki Beachcomber
  3/4 oz. gin
  3/4 oz. triple sec
  3/4 oz. pineapple juice
  shake, strain into lowball glass

Wallick Cocktail

  1.5 oz. dry vermouth
  1.5 oz. gin
  1 teaspoon triple sec

  cocktail glass

Wallis Blue Cocktail
  1 oz. triple sec
  1 oz. gin
  juice 1 lime

  Pour into sugar-rimmed old-fashioned glass with ice.

Ward Eight
  1.5 oz. blended whiskey
  3 oz. sour mix
  0.5 oz. grenadine
  shake, strain into highball glass
  orange slice

Warm Fuzzy
  1 part peach schnapps
  1 part Blue Curacao
  Mix in your favorite sized glass.

Warp Factor X

  (x depends on how much EC you use)
     0.5 fifth of Orange Curacao (or other orange liqeur)
     2 liters Orange Soda (Minute Maid is recommened)
     Everclear (substituting vodka for EC results in a "Full Impulse")

  1 shot watermelon juice
  1 shot Kamikaze
  Proceedure: take the two shot glasses, place one of them (the watermelon,
  I think ) between your thumb and first finger and the other between your
  first finger and second, wedged in higher up. So then when you tip your
  hand the top one pours into the bottom and the bottom into your mouth.


  4 parts Midori
  1 part Cranberry juice

  Serve in lowball glass.


  1 part Jack Daniels
  1 part Drambuie

  Serve in lowball glass.

What The Hell
  1 oz. gin
  1 oz. dry vermouth
  1 oz. apricot brandy
  dash of lemon juice
  shake, strain into lowball glass

Whiskey Sour

  1.5 oz. blended whiskey
  3 oz. sour mix
  shake, strain into lowball glass or serve straight in sour glass
  cherry and/or orange slice

White Lady

  1.5 oz. gin
  3 oz. sour mix
  1 oz. light cream
  shake, strain into highball glass

White Mountain

  2 oz Sake
  2 oz Pina Colada Mix
  2 oz Half and Half

  Fill blender 1/4 full of ice. Add ingredients. Blend for 5 seconds. Pour
  into fiesta grande glass. Garnish with orange slice and cherry.

White Russian

  ** White Russian **               | ** White Russian **
  2 oz. vodka                       |  4 parts vodka   (Optional:         )
  2 oz. kahlua                      |  1 part kahlua   ( Substitute French)
  2 oz. light cream                 |  1 part milk     ( vanilla ice cream)
                                                       ( for milk or cream)
  shake, strain into highball glass

  3-5 tbsp. of peach schnapps
  1 tbsp. of gin
  serve in lowball over ice

Wild Brew Yonder
   1 oz. vodka             Combine vodka and blue curacao in a chilled
   2 tsp blue curacao      highball glass.  Stir.  Top with cold beer.
   6-8 oz. Beer, cold

Wild Coffee

                                      Directions:  Add .5 shot to each
     1 pot of fresh brewed coffee     cup of coffee.  Whip cream until
     Wild Turkey 101                  stiff and top each cup.
     fresh whipping cream

Will Rogers

  1.5 oz. gin
  1 tablespoon orange juice
  0.5 oz. dry vermouth
  1 dash triple sec

  cocktail glass


  ** Windex **                 | ** Windex **
   1 part Vodka                |  1 part Vodka
   1 part Triple sec           |  1 part White gin
   1 part Blue Curacao         |  1 part Blue curacao
   1 part Lime juice           |  1 part Sweet and Sour mix
  Serve in lowball glass.      |

Wine Cooler
  3/4 fill with wine (white or red)
  1/4 fill with ginger ale
  optional splash of fruit juice
  serve in wine glass or highball glass

Wine Spritzer
  3/4 fill with wine (white or red)
  1/4 fill with club soda
  serve in wine glass or highball glass

  3/4 oz. vodka
  3/4 oz. peach schnapps
  fill with cranberry juice
  stir in highball glass

Wrigley's Doublemint Blowjob

  1 oz. Kahlua
  0.5 oz. peppermint schnapps     100 proof
  milk or cream
  stir or whip - (must be p.s. 100 proof)

X.Y.Z. Cocktail

  1 tablespoon lemon juice
  0.5 oz. triple sec
  1 oz. rum

  cocktail glass

Yellow Bird
  1 part light rum
  1 part banana liqueur
  1 part orange juice
  1 part pineapple juice
  1 part Rose's

  blend, serve in exotic glass
  orange wedge

Yellow Fever
  1.5 oz. vodka
  5 oz. lemonade
  lemon wedge

  serve in highball glass

     1 fifth Vodka or Whiskey
     1+ cups of sugar (to taste)
     4 lemons
     2 limes
     bag of ice
     plastic milk jug
     "the communal towel"
  Cut up the lemons and limes, squeezing the juice into the milk jug, and
  adding the peeling, too.  Add Vodka and sugar (about 2 cups).  Add
  ice.  Wrap with towel and put cover on jug.  Shake for fifteen minutes.
  Pass it around, DO NOT POUR INTO GLASSES; this is a religious experience.


  ** Zipper **                    | ** Zipper **
   1 part 15% Cream               |  1 part Bailey's
   1 part Triple Sec              |  1 part Grand Marnier
   1 part Tequila                 |  1 part Anisette

   Serve in lowball glass.


  ** Zombie **                      | ** Zombie **
  1 oz. light rum                   | 1.25 Rum     (light)
  2 oz. dark rum                    | 0.5 Myers Rum (dark)
  1 oz. pineapple juice             | 1     orange juice
  1 oz. sour mix                    | 1     Sweet & Sour
  dash of Rose's                    | 0.25 Grenadine
  Shake, strain into exotic glass.  |
  Float some 151 rum on top. Straw. |
  ** Zombie **
  1 shot light rum              half a lime juiced
  1 shot dark rum               1 orange juiced
  1 shot Myers dark rum         1/4 almond syrup or amaretto
  0.5 shot triple sec           1 pineapple (fresh)
  0.5 lemon juiced              1/4 coconut milk

57 Chevy
   1 part Southern Comfort
   1 part Grand Marnier
   1 part Vodka
   1 part Pineapple juice

  Serve in a highball glass.


  1 part Bailey's
  1 part Amaretto
  1 part Kahlua