Long Live The Motherfuckin' Kings



     In 1992, something incredible happened~something I shall never forget nor ever cease to feel grateful for. A group of pot-smoking madmen (who also just happen to be GREAT musicians) formed the band known as STRUNG OUT. Ahhh, 1992...what a year.

They immediately took southern California by blitzkrieg, releasing an independent 7" and having much success. So much in fact, that they decided to begin development of a full-lentgh album.


At some point soon afterward, they were noticed by Fat Mike and signed to FAT WRECK CHORDS. Then, in May of 1994, FAT released that first full-length, called ANOTHER DAY IN PARADISE. Fuck YES! With 13 songs that never stop rawkin your ass off, it was (and still is) an outstanding album.


While I would have been satisfied there, they refused to disappoint anyone and began to work on their second release. SUBURBAN TEENAGE WASTELAND BLUES came out in April of 1996, and found a place in my heart. 14 songs this time, and even more amazing than their first if you want my opinion.


Yes, it could have stopped there, but as you probably know, it didn't. In July of 1998, they released yet another album, called TWISTED BY DESIGN. 14 more songs worth of sonic ass-kickin', this is now likely my favorite of all their stuff, although it's all so good that I hate to pick favorites.


While all of this was taking place, they also happened to release a few 7"s. If you haven't heard their split 7" with Jughead's Revenge, their Somnombulance 7", their Crossroads And Illusions 7" (or CD-EP w/ 2 bonus songs), or anything else they've put out, I RECCOMEND buying them! You can download mp3s of basically all their songs at The Unofficial Strung Out Homepage if you'd like a preview of their music.


In addition to dealing with band related shite, the band members somehow find the time to run a video co. called MOTOXXX, and Jim & Jordan are also in the band PULLEY with L.A. DODGERS pitcher Scott Radinsky (among others). They are an Epitaph band, and I think that, if nothing else, they're worth a listen. (BTW, "Mr. Orbital" Michael Johansen is currently working on a PULLEY page, so go to his site and look for it soon)


I could probably go on and on for eternity stating reasons why I like them, etc, but I'll spare you any unnecessary shit if at all possible. Just give them a listen if you haven't already, and I'm betting the wad thatcha won't be let down.

You can write to STRUNG OUT at this address:
PO Box 4963
West Hills, Ca USA 91308

NOW, I'd just like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to all the band members, and to all the people who made it all possible. For lack of a better description of my feelings on the subject (or the space/time for one), I'll just say this: You all have provided us with a great service and have enriched the quality of my day-to-day life. YOU ALL RAWK.

SHIT. If you haven't heard by now, then here's the deal with what's going on as far as a change in the STRUNG OUT line up...
I can't belive it still, but now I know they're no longer rumors. JIM CHERRY is, for whatever reason, no longer going to be playing bass for the band. So far, I'm hearing that Craig Riker from JUGHEAD'S REVENGE will be taking his place as soon as Jughead's gets through with their current tour. For more information on this subject and others, go to The Unofficial Strung Out Homepage.

Well, once again things have changed in the Strung Out line up. It seems now Craig Riker won't be playing bass, and someone else will. I won't even pretend to know what's going on here. As always, go to The Unofficial Strung Out Homepage for information.

12/24/98: Here's an update for all you Strung Out fans. Last night I got an email from Jordan reassuring me that the band is in no way even considering not playing any more. That's right, Strung Out is here to stay, despite the loss of Jim and regardless of any shitty rumors that may be floating around. Pulley is taking off to Europe Jan. 5th for the month, then Jordan will be headed back to the U.S to tour with Strung Out.....If you're viewing this from Europe, please go out and support Pulley. Let Jim know that we appreciate him and all he's done in Strung Out as well as Pulley.

I've heard that Jordan has officially left Pulley now. Once again, I haven't heard anything I consider 100% official, so I'll just direct you to The Unofficial Strung Out Homepage, where you can get the latest info for now. Also, there is a New Official Pulley Website on the www. But.... no Jordan?

And, regarding Jim's break from the band, if you like to hear things straight from the proverbial horses mouth rather than through, well... the proverbial grapevine I guess, here's an excerpt from an interview with Jordan done in December by Hannu Sallinen. To read the entire interview, go check it out (and more) at the greatest site on the internet, The Unofficial Strung Out Webpage. As I mentioned, Jordan told me this too, but maybe you'll be more convinced if you read it in his own words...

Q: Now back to Strung Out. The latest news is that Jim Cherry is not a member in the band anymore. Personally it doesn't surprise me, but what do you say to fans who are saying that Strung Out will definitely go down now?
A: To fans that say Strung Out will go down I have news: there's no way in hell we are going down. I think some people for some reason have this idea that jim wrote all of our songs or something. Well that's not true at all jim only wrote 5 songs on our latest cd and the rest was written by rob and jake along with help from me and of course jason's lyrics. But we are gonna be doing exactly what we've been doing and thats making music that we feel is great. So far its worked out good so theres no reason that things won't continue in the same fashion. We will prove those doubting people wrong.

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