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Drug Addiction, Politics and Affordable Housing.

Can handle any drug problems?

Can we get the city to keep its promise of affordable housing?
After we finally got the city of San Jose to agree to giving us affordable housing in April, and keep our shelter open until then after two weeks of news coverage by every TV station in the Bay area, the local newspaper, lots of radio stations and The the city gave in, and not only let us operate a shelter, the shelter closed, in April. Keeping drug addicts from taking over the shelter was our new challenge, and if the past is any guide, the city will try to reneg on its promise and we'll have to fight to get it.

Drug Addiction

Drug addiction warps people's brains so much, drugs become their God. Whether its crack, heroin, or crank, it destroys people's sence of decency. They're even more psychotic than CEOs! They see everything in terms of getting the next fix. They see people just as objects they can control, whether it's people they can con or people who they can steal from. The main problem with jail for them is that it's harder to get drugs behind bars. Eventually their face becomes dead, empty and souless. It's impossible to reason with drug addicts, so we have to kick them out before they destroy the group. My concern is that the leaders will not realize how serious the threat from drugs is. After the fight we had with the city, we might forget how bad the problem is.


I'm very surprised how well we're dealing with drug and alcohol users while our shelter is at the church. People who come in loaded are told to leave. There are lots of TV news crews here, because the city is threatening a $2500/day fine, so it's doubly important now! The city backed down, gave us a shelter to move into, and agreed to put us in permenment affordable housing by April Fools Day.

The New Shelter

Now that we're out of the glare of TV cameras, the leaders have become very lax on drug abusers. They have decided to set up things democratically, very one has a vote, even the most warped addicts.

Democracy and Drug Addiction

Some things just don't mix! There are three groups in the shelter.
1) Drug Abusers.
2) People who know how dangerous drug are.
3) People who think understanding by itself, is all that is need to end people's drug problems.

There are people here in group 2 who feel nervous about the situation here, but there are enough people in groups 1 and 3 to be dangerous. The addicts have mad life uncomfortable, the addicts are kicking people around so much, they started to drive decent people out. Once they were the majority, they kicked out anyone who would stand up to them. We decided to admit only families, but there were mothers who had drug habits coming in. By the end of May, it was still our major problem.

April 5,1998

The city is trying to reneg on its promises. no housing yet (even though they've had 4 months to find it).
They have given the shelter a 30 day extension.

The Easter Protest

Two newscrews - Channel 7 & 8 were there. As always, we were on our best behaviour. During the march we stopped at a building that was declared public access by the courts. (It contains some city offices as well as The Fairmont Hotel.) In front of the TV cameras, a rather burly security guard shoves us! I'm not certain if any of the newscrews go that picture but, it would be great to have them make fools of themselves in front of 100,000 people!


After some very heated arguments with city officials, they have agreed on putting the residents up in hotels for 1 month, again on a temporary basis. Are they stalling for time until the primaries (early June)? They certainly are making this as tough as possible, so we don't have enough energy for organizing.


Living in hotels, we have a good chance to get the drug addicts out. Sometimes they'd cash their rent checks for drugs, and additionally the hotel managers are keeping their eyes out, for trouble, evicting those who are using. We're supposed to be moving into permenent housing in June, and we really need to weed out the addicts before then.

Late May

The drug problem has gotten so bad that myself and all 3 other housemates who belonged to the homeless alliance have left.

It's a tragedy that we managed to get housing and now we're no one decent can live there, just because we weren't willing to evict the alcoholics and drug addicts among us!

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