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A Very Personal Gift!

The Musical 'People' Magazine

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"Sharon Stone"
Sharon, Meg, Cindy...
Music Personalized For You!
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We invite you to listen to our music written specifically for your favorite personalities. Sharon Stone, Cindy Crawford, Meg Ryan, Rush Limbaugh, Sinatra, Norman Rockwell, and so on. Listen to a different sound bite each week. You never know, the next sound bite could be about the one you love.

We Invite You To Listen To The Music Of Jae Gee.

Cindy Crawford

by Jeff Gustafson. Copyright 1998.

I read the magazines and look at the pictures

frequent the movie house and watch the screen

Turn on the radio and listen to the interviews

pop on the television so I can see.

Cindy Crawford your smile knocks me over

your face is like no other

your hair, your eyes, your lips, your thighs.

I see the stars on the face of the tabloids,

the pictures of the girls on the lipstick ads.

Everywhere I turn there are eyes looking at me,

they're all so beautiful but one things for sure

Cindy Crawford your smile knocks me over

your face is like no other

your hair, your eyes, your lips, your thighs.

Cindy, do bop do bah do wah, Cindy, do wah, do wah, do wah.

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The Musical 'People' Magazine